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12 Stones to Help You With Self-Discovery

Stones are part of nature’s magic that reflect earth intelligence and the power to aid healing and expand awareness.  This is a time when the Earth is receiving downloads of light that are quickly raising our vibration and nudging us forward into transformation.  Stones can be great allies on this journey that can help us transform and “go with the flow” of evolution.  In order to transform, we must first see more detail of who we really are – hence the need to journey within and discover more of our skills and abilities, values and goals on our life mission.  Then, we take that information and see how we fit in the bigger picture.  Our role as co-creators is one that is not just as an Earth citizen, but a galactic one!  It’s time we move into our higher potential and become our Higher Self.

Here are twelve stones that you can connect to from your heart, to receive your own profound information that will help you on your ascension journey!

AMAZONITE – Stone of Truth and Harmony.  Helps you discover and communicate your truth and manifest it with your words.  It also helps you to see other people’s point of view to achieve harmony.


BLUE CHALCEDONY – Stone of Serenity.  This stone’s watery soothing vibration helps calm the emotional body bringing balance and centeredness.  It helps reveal inner knowledge and enhances communication by helping you to speak your deepest knowledge with ease.  It also enhances telepathy.

BLUE KYANITE – Stone of Inner Bridges.  This high vibrational stone serves as a bridge of light energy and connection between two beings, or yourself and your Higher Self.  It initiates psychic ability and communication with higher beings helping you to receive higher guidance and information.

CHAROITE – Stone That Reveals Your Path of Service.  Its purple ray helps you cleanse and purify your etheric body releasing disharmonies and dispelling negativity and brings protection from psychic attack.  It can help you access past life memories and integrate the lessons of past lives.  It activates the latent inner knowledge that can lead to your path of service to the world by opening and                                               clearing the Brow and higher chakras.  It helps you heal so that you can move onto                                     your life path.

LABRADORITE – Stone of Inner Magic.  It awakens your awareness of your inner magical powers (your psychic and intuitive skills).  It enhances your inner vision and helps you move through unseen realms, entering the void to gain information and knowledge, while purifying one’s energies in the Light.  It helps ground spiritual energy into your body.  It is a protective stone deflecting                                                     unwanted negative energy and prevents energy leaks and strengthens one’s                                               aura.

LAPIS DIOPSIDE – Stone of Attunement to Higher Guidance.  This stone is a combination of Lapis Lazuli with Diopside and Calcite.  It is powerful for attuning to inner guidance, channeling, and mediumship.  It integrates your Higher Self into your daily life.

LAPIS LAZULI – Stone of Enlightenment.  This stone activates and enhances the Brow chakra bringing visionary awareness, psychic abilities, and new information.  It is a stone of truth and stimulates the Throat chakra.  It aids past life exploration especially with Atlantis, ancient Egypt, India and others, and regain lost esoteric knowledge from these civilizations.  It is a stone of self-knowledge and reflection.

MOONSTONE – Stone of Feminine Energy.  Moonstone is a stone of Divine Feminine energy.  It is a stone of mystery, self-discovery, intuition, insight, dreams, and the goddess.  It reflects light on our hidden truths.  It enhances feminine energy associated with psychic abilities, cleansing, balanced emotions, and new beginnings.  It helps you connect with the energy and power of the moon and to pay attention                                      to the cycles in our life, as the moon affects the ebb and flow of oceans.  It helps us                                    to have patience to take action at the appropriate time.

RAINBOW MOONSTONE – Stone of Light.  It embodies Divine Feminine energy and illuminates your truth that may be hidden within.  It’s like a divine white light shower that shines on your dreamworld to illuminate your soul’s skills and abilities.  It diffuses energy into your aura to strengthen protection – especially psychic protection.  It activates the Rainbow Body of Light (light body) bringing you goddess energy, inner peace and harmony.

SHIVA LINGAM – Stone of the Divine Spark.  This stone, shaped like the cosmic egg, is a sacred stone from India.  It connects you with the Divine Mind and your inner divine spark.  It increases vitality and enhances the energy system balancing male/female energy.  The egg symbolically encases the divine spark within.

SODALITE – Stone of Insight.  This stone aids access to the subconscious and intuitive abilities within, bringing enhanced insight and deepened intuition.  It enhances the mental powers of analysis, intuition, observation, and creativity.  It facilitates self-discipline, efficiency, organization, and structure in research.  It is a stone of deep journeying providing a light into the self, helping you “witness” and                                        assess your motivations, strengths, and weaknesses objectively.  It stimulates                                                psychic vision and translates archetypal patterns.  It evokes images from deep                                              within the subconscious, enabling one to perceive one’s core lessons in this                                                  lifetime and to understand where one is on the path to completing them.  It acts                                          as a guide on inner travels through meditation, dream time or shamanic                                                       journeying.

SUNSTONE – Stone of Empowerment.  This is a stone of personal power, freedom and expanded consciousness.  It has the qualities of Solar Light – openness, warmth, strength, mental clarity and the fire of leadership.  It carries the frequency of the Solar Ray representing enlightened leadership and the ability to use knowledge and wisdom for the highest good of all.  It helps you find inner conviction and the self-discipline to move forward rather than being                                             held back by fear and self-doubt.  this stone stimulates creativity and sexuality.                                             The male energy of this stone balances well with the feminine energy of                                                       Moonstone.




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