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Earth Consciousness Board


Hand-painted energy board to connect to Earth consciousness and spirits of nature kingdom.  To be used with the 13-stone companion kit.  This board contains four Pleiadian Healing Symbols and sacred geometry that engage its power.  Use the crystals and visualizations to connect with Gaia, the crystalline grid, nature spirits, the Sidhe, Agarthans, Lemurians, and Pleiadians.  Use a pendulum to direct communication.

This is an important time energetically on the planet to connect into your heart, and to the heart of Earth/Gaia and her consciousness.  This board is hand-painted and has a designated location for 13 crystals (which are purchased separately – see Earth Consciousness Board Stone Kit) that when used with the assigned visualization will assist you in connecting to and communicating with Gaia, and the spirits of the nature kingdom, as well as the inner earth civilizations of higher dimensional beings that closely work with the Earth – the Sidhe, the Lemurians, and the Agarthans, as well as the cosmic Pleiadians.  There are 4 Pleiadian Healing Symbols on the board that add to its power and they represent – Balanced Eternal Flow, The Golden Seed of Divinity, Elemental Consciousness, and the Pleiadian Portal.  The board creates a powerful energy field that will help you align with the heart of Gaia, and the divine 5D energies that are saturating the planet and the crystalline grid.  You can also use a pendulum to intuitively guide you in communication.


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