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Divine Ray Meditation Roll-ons – The 12- Pack


Now you can get all 12 of the Divine Ray Meditation Roll-ons in one kit, with meditation cards for 50% off the price of each roll-on!!!  Each roll-on has the channeled ingredients from Spirit of essential oils, crystal and flower essences in fractionated coconut oil.  Each card has information on that divine ray and a meditation to help you connect with that ray.



The 12 divine rays of the 27 are:

  • 5th Green Ray of Truth & Healing
  • 7th Violet Ray of Freedom & Transformation
  • 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Lightbody
  • 11th Peach Ray of Divine Love
  • 12th Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness
  • 14th Silver Ray of the New Dawn of Peace
  • 17th Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment (rejuvenation & ascension)
  • 18th Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service (healing transcendence with Rainbow Fire)
  • 19th Mint-Green Ray of the New Earth
  • 20th Aqua Light Ray of New Earth Consciousness
  • 21st Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony
  • 27th White-Blue Ray of Oneness


Weight 1.4 lbs
Dimensions 10.25 × 7.5 × 2 in


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