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Dryads and Tree Devas – Spiritual Allies

by Nancy Robbins

Dryads and Tree Devas are Earth elementals, or spirits of the Nature Kingdom.  We are like trees in that we both channel higher energy and anchor it into the Earth.  Like Trees, we have a spiritual nature and a Higher Self.  The “Higher Self” of the Tree is the Tree Deva.  

About Devas in general – The Sanskit word “Deva” means “Shining Ones”, as the devas are related to the Angelic Kingdom.  Devas are the architects and intelligences that create and maintain the blueprints and architectural patterns for all forms, and processes in the solar, planetary, and interplanetary realms in accordance with the natural law of this physical dimension. Nothing can exist in this world of form without the direct supervision of a Deva and their plan behind it. 

However, devas, and consequently elementals, are under obligation to “materialize” whatever they pick up from the thoughts and feelings of mankind, and are often tortured by this.  The goal of mankind was to create “heaven on earth”, but as humanity’s thoughts and feelings fell to lower consciousness, they were compelled to manifest against their preference, often resulting in the extreme weather and environmental conditions we are experiencing.  The devas and elementals, by the will of Gaia, are working to purify the air, water and land to restore the health of the planet, although they are overwhelmed with the task.  We can work with them to solve Earth’s pollution and imbalances due to human abuse, ignorance, and arrogance, as well as improving human health in the body itself. 

Devas are beautiful and magnificent beings that, like the Angelic realm, have an hierarchical system.  A deva that oversees a “team” of devas is known as the Over-lighting Deva.  The evolution of Devas is speeding up in synchronization with the evolution of the human family.  As humans learn to work more closely with devas, they will learn how to heal, manifest, and enhance their etheric bodies, as the devas hold the patterns that underlie all living and growing things on the planet.

Tree Spirits

Dryads are earth spirits that dwell in trees, much like a soul resides within a human body.  They can be seen as a human face within the tree, and as they evolve, their full figure may become more pronounced with a crown of light.  They have the ability to move short distances from the tree that they are connected to for the tree’s life.  A dryad directs the growth of a tree energetically by weaving a power web that precedes the growth of branches and roots, and helps the tree grow harmoniously into its environment.  A dryad works with the deva of their tree, the Pan of the landscape, the elementals involved in the different phases of growth of the tree, and the fairies that guide the seasonal cycles.  A dryad not only maintains the health and welfare of a tree, but acts like a healing communication sentinel that gathers wisdom and information of an area, and reports it to a tree network that archives Earth experiences. 

Message from a Tree Deva: “If you would like to connect to truth and wisdom, connect to a dryad, as we archive all Earth experiences and see truth.  Like humans, we channel divine energy between heaven and earth.  If you commune with us, we can help you transmute old negative energy and uplift you.  We respond to your love, and if you ask to receive our wisdom, we will share the higher wisdom from the divine cosmos and the soul of the Earth, as well as our own higher self.  We wish to live in harmony together so that trees and humankind can live in radiant health and harmony, for enhanced welfare of the planet.”

 Dryads can help us in many ways – and it is time to commune with a Tree Dryad, perhaps one in your backyard.  You can ask them to assist you in releasing lower energies into the earth to be transmuted.  You can raise your energy frequency by visualizing moving up within the tree.  You can also connect to Earth intelligence, and receive truth, a higher perspective, and higher wisdom.  Trees can help you connect to Truth as they archive all Earth experiences and are witnesses to our activity here – for better or for worse.

The Higher Self of a Tree

A Tree Deva is the Over-lighting Deva, or “Higher Self” of the tree dryad.  It brings the divine blueprint of a specific tree into form, and guards the source of spiritual qualities out of which all types of that specific species of tree has developed.  For example – the Deva of the Oak tree holds the energetic blueprint for all oak trees.

Message from a Tree Deva: “I bring in the divine blueprint for a tree.  Similarly, it is important that humans honor their divine blueprint, and manifest it in their earthly form.  By balancing your divine and earthly aspects, you positively affect all around you and your evolution.”


 It is time to awaken your awareness to how you are manifesting your own higher plan.  Do you know what your higher plan is about?  Your Higher Self can communicate your higher plan to you when you connect in stillness and meditation.  The goal of this evolutionary shift is to BE your higher self while you are incarnated on Earth – to create and manifest the divine on earth.  Take a look at the blueprint your Higher Self possesses to enhance your own creations and evolution.  By connecting to your own Higher Self, and the Tree Devas, you may be surprised with new revelations and knowledge, as well as connect into the magical healing energy of the nature kingdom!



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