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The Diamond Ray and Diamond White Light Emissaries

by Nancy Robbins

Here is an excerpt on the Diamond Ray from my Divine Rays card deck, and an excerpt from my Spirits of the Nature Kingdom card deck, on the etheric elementals I call the Diamond White Light Emissaries that bring the energy of the Diamond Ray to Earth.  The Diamond Ray is a great ray to infuse yourself with and especially the Earth.  Nature spirits delight in this ray, and I find its sparkling rainbow energy to be very uplifting too.  This ray of Rainbow Fire is a powerful ray for healing that brings transcendence.  Explore its power for yourself!

 18th Divine Ray – The Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service

Healing Transcendence with Rainbow Fire

 Color: A rainbow ray of all colors in the spectrum of rays, including black – the void that holds all possibilities, gold (masculine), and silver (feminine). 

Keywords: Transcendence


Description: The Diamond Ray is pure Source energy of Mother/Father God that is made up of all the color energy rays of the spectrum.  It is Rainbow Fire – a ray of transcendence.  It contains divine knowledge and exceptional healing power and so can be invoked for sound and color therapy and for healing purposes.  It fills you with pure divine light that expands your awareness bringing greater wisdom and understanding of your truth.  It transforms you into your Light Body, and so aids ascension.  It powers transition, transformation, transcendence, and resurrection.  Nature spirits and nature in general immediately respond with joy and relief with this ray.  It has a magical, glittery effect on their hearts and is immediately recognizable to them.

Ascended Masters: Mahatma – Cosmic Logos

Archangels: Azrael & Magdalena – Lady Mercy

Elohim: Purity & Astrea

Corresponding Chakras:  Galactic chakra

Cosmic Influence: Alpha Centauri, Andromeda, Lyra, Mercury, Moon, Neptune, Pleiades, Sun, Venus, Earth – Gaia, Sidhe, Agartha.


Connecting Crystal & Message: Herkimer Diamond Quartz – Stone of Spiritual Light. 

Herkimer Diamond Quartz was assigned to both this Gold Ray (since it had the diamond ray within it), the Diamond Ray, and the Crystalline Ray.  The spirit of the crystal took a feminine fairy-like form in an iridescent gown that sparkled like a star.  The energy of this crystal increases your own luminosity, and connects you to Divine Source.  It is a light bridge that connects you to higher dimensions, higher wisdom, and provides protection by bathing you in its light.  It aids your inner exploration and astral travel.  Herkimer Diamond opens the Brow, Crown, and higher spiritual chakras and provides purifying and healing energy.

Like the Herkimer Diamond which strengthens your inner light by infusing you with divine light and connecting you to higher realms – the Diamond Ray strengthens your inner power and connects you to higher wisdom and your higher potential, aiding its manifestation. 

 Other Crystals: Clear Quartz, Danburite, Diamond, Kunzite

 Affirmation:I call upon the Rainbow Fire of the Diamond Ray to transform me with your divine Light and renew me.”
 Diamond Ray Visualization:

You climb the grand staircase to the Diamond Temple.  Awaiting you at the top level are Elohim Purity and Astrea.  On your right is Astrea who passes her sword of blue flame around you to clear any old stagnant energy from your energy field – so that you can receive higher frequencies.  Purity, on your left, illuminates you with the White Ray of Purity and Ascension, that raises your vibration to prepare you for entering the Diamond Temple of a much higher frequency.  The fourth White Ray elevates to the tenth Pearlescent Ray, that elevates to the eighteenth Diamond Ray, which elevates again further to the 26th Crystalline Ray.

You walk into the Diamond Temple – a tall round temple of white marble with floor to ceiling glass windows.  From the ceiling hangs a massive diamond crystal with many diamonds of diminishing sizes in outer circles from the center diamond.  Streams of sunlight illuminate the diamonds casting hundreds of rainbows about the temple pillars and floor.  It is breathtaking and gloriously beautiful to behold.  The Rainbow Fire of the Diamond Ray streams down through the diamond crystals to infuse you with its brilliant sparkling beauty and uplift your heart.

 You see Archangels Azrael and Magdalena – Lady Mercy, emerging from the dancing rainbow light.  Azrael has been monitoring your transitions in life as you move along on the ascension path.  He is here to help you understand the various stages of transition.  Ask him any questions that you may have and receive the impressions of his answers. 

Magdalena has come to help you release any old energies so that you can receive the new.  She casts you with the silver-blue Magdalene Flame from Source that purifies your heart to hold only Love.  She then casts the pearl-white Resurrection Flame to heal with the power of forgiveness from your heart and to fill your being with Light. 

They stand in support with you as you stand under the crystal ceiling and fill yourself with the Diamond Ray of Rainbow Fire.  Feel the magnificent colors in the ray bring you whatever you need to achieve balance and inner harmony.  The Diamond Ray fills your heart and entire being with its dazzling, sparkling light.  You are so light filled you nearly feel as if you are levitating up into the diamond crystal ceiling.  Your heart is filled with beauty, joy, and sparkling crystal light.


Divine Diamond Light workers

 Element:  Ether

     This fairy-angelic being is gender neutral with a beautiful face (although the one I saw had a more feminine quality).  It can shapeshift from a tiny globe of light to the size of a massive angel depending on the task.  It trills shimmering iridescent pastel colors that give the illusion of wings with a rainbow effect.  Its purpose is to propel divine Diamond Light, or Rainbow Fire – into the galaxy and blend it with the lower energies.  An emissary radiates the intelligence and life force within light that actively transforms. It brings in information from the higher dimensions to clarify visions, illuminate the mind, transform DNA and consciousness, and infuse your light-body with its radiance.  Its information is decoded in the Brow Chakras by the pineal gland for the mind, and by the pituitary gland to rejuvenate the body. 

MESSAGE: “Diamond Light is a form of fire, that speaks to your mind, body, etheric energy field, and your soul.  I uniquely transmit data to your DNA for activation of dormant DNA, dismantling old, outdated DNA.  In this way your light-body is expanded and regenerated.  The diamond light grid surrounding your divine spark in your heart is anchored with the Earth and universal networks to bring you greater access to your power, wisdom, skills, and unconditional love, as it propels you on your path of ascension.  I can shapeshift my size to best connect to a being – small creatures prefer small orbs that do not frighten them, plants and trees like fairy size to large angels, and with humans it differs.”









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