by Nancy Robbins
The earth and its inhabitants have been receiving great downloads of higher frequencies over the past few years that have been accelerating. With these rapid changes and transformation that we are going through during this evolutionary shift we are being required to process and release old energy – old emotional wounds, karma, old beliefs, fears, and limitations, so that we can receive higher consciousness and ascend.
Ascension is consciously evolving into higher levels of light and love. It requires being in your heart energy which is multidimensional, and being your authentic self. Since it is a raising of consciousness, it is important to consider where you focus your thoughts, and to allow yourself to “unplug” and be in stillness, so you can hear your own inner voice. In stillness you can delve into your heart and soul and learn about your authenticity, gifts, and purpose. This clarity will guide your ascension along with your radiant heart energy.
So, I feel dreams are important indicators to our task of releasing old energy, healing old emotional wounds, and processing downloads of higher consciousness, and learning about our hidden authentic self. Dreams help us gain awareness where it is needed in all this mental and emotional processing. It is time to pay attention to our dreams, and allow them to help us ascend.
What is a dream?
A dream is a series of thoughts, emotions, and images that take place in a person’s mind during sleep. Whatever we go through during the day gets recorded in our mind and replays when we are asleep which we call a dream. Dreams are usually involuntary, from the first-person perspective, may be illogical, include other people that the dreamer interacts with, and provokes strong emotions. There are different kinds of dreams:
- Lucid dreams – the person is actively aware they are dreaming.
- Vivid dreams – involves realistic dream content.
- Bad dreams/nightmares – contain bothersome and distressing content. If they are particularly scary and threatening, they will wake you up.
- Recurring dreams – have the same imagery repeating in multiple dreams over time.
When do we dream?
Most people dream during the two hours of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is usually several hours before waking when the brain is active.
Why do we dream?
Dreaming is a bit mysterious, but one thing I feel certain of – dreams are bringing issues or emotions to our attention and awareness. With recurring nightmares, once the dreamer has understood the symbolism and message, the nightmares cease. Whether it is a dream or a nightmare, it pays to take a moment when waking and immediately try to recall the details of the dream and its possible symbolism. Perhaps keep a dream journal. There could be a message here of an unresolved issue or emotion that requires your understanding. Here are a few theories as to the purpose of dreams:
- Building memory: It helps process emotions and experiences from the day, aiding memory consolidation that strengthens memory and informational recall.
- Processing emotion: REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is usually several hours before you wake when the brain is active. It is the only time when our brain is completely devoid of the anxiety-triggering molecule noradrenaline. At the same time, key emotions and memory-related structures of the brain are reactivated during REM sleep as we dream which allows us to re-process upsetting memories in a safe, calm environment
- Address issues: Dreams can help us process painful emotions, unresolved issues, and solve problems. The ability to engage with and rehearse feelings in different imagined contexts may be part of the brain’s method for managing emotions.
- Mental housekeeping: Periods of dreaming could be the brain’s way of “straightening up,” clearing away partial, erroneous, or unnecessary information and unimportant memories, and storing important memories and things you’ve learned. Sleep helps you store memories and retain new information.
- Instant replay: Dream content may be a form of distorted instant replay in which recent events are reviewed and analyzed.
- Getting ready for a threat: The amygdala (the part of the brain associated with the survival instinct of fight-or-flight response) is active during dreaming. Your brain is getting you ready to deal with a perceived threat. The brainstem sends out nerve signals during REM sleep that relax your muscles, so hopefully you don’t punch someone in your sleep!
- Creative inspiration: In REM sleep memories and knowledge can be fused in novel abstract ways, opening the door for creativity, and problem-solving during sleep. The abstract and random mixing of images in the mind together with emotion can bring a new perspective and creative inspiration. It is even possible that your Higher Self or higher guides are downloading you with new ideas, higher information, problem-solving solutions, and creativity. Many an artist and inventor got their inspiration from dreams and recalled them when they woke in the morning!
- Incidental brain activity: This view holds that dreaming is just a by-product of sleep that has no essential purpose or meaning.
Signs of spiritual awakening and ascension in dreams:
- Recurring symbols or themes
- Dreams with strong emotional impact
- Feeling a sense of connection to something larger than yourself
- Experiencing flying or floating (astral projection)
- Encountering spirit guides or ancestors
- Seeing mystical landscapes
- Prophetic dreams
- Dreams that feel more alive and personal
- Dreams of climbing higher triumphantly: Ascending in a dream often symbolizes growth on a personal level – whether it be emotional, spiritual, or psychological growth. It could represent overcoming challenges, reaching new heights of success, or achieving greater self-awareness. On the other hand, an ascending dream might also indicate feelings of anxiety about facing new challenges or achieving success. The fear of falling during the ascent reflects your fears of failing to maintain balance and control in your waking life.
- Individuals climbing mountains in their dreams often wake feeling motivated, recognizing the ascent as a metaphor for tackling life’s challenges. If you can reach the top of a mountain or soar through the sky, this could signify a surge of self-confidence and optimism about the future. This type of dream suggests that you believe in your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve great things.
- If you find yourself climbing stairs or ladders in your dream, this could symbolize your progress on a spiritual journey towards self-discovery and inner peace.
- Dreams of ascending flights of stairs might correlate with reaching new levels in career or self-improvement pursuits.
- Elevators moving upwards in dreams might symbolize rapid transitions or escalations in the dreamer’s life.
- Balancing Act: Ascending dreams often involve navigating between levels or dimensions, which may symbolize finding balance and harmony within oneself. You could be experiencing inner turmoil or struggling with conflicting emotions and beliefs.
Programming a Dream
Before you go to sleep you can program a dream with intention, perhaps even putting it in writing. Think of a general intention (not too detailed, leave that to the dream) or problem you would like to solve, and intend experience to be developed in a dream. Place the intention that once you have that dream that you wake up. Try to grasp the details of the dream before you are fully awake, and then record the dream in a dream journal. You can also place the intention that any higher consciousness downloads that you have received during the day be processed and received by your conscious mind in the morning.
Now is the time to open our awareness with all our senses during our waking hours and dreaming state, to help our spiritual growth and well-being on our path of ascension.