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The Full Pink Moon of April

by Nancy Robbins

The Full Pink Moon is the first full moon of Spring, which will be on Sun. April 13th this year.  It will be a full moon in Libra.  The Pink Moon is named from the herb Pink Moss or Phlox Subulata – a wildflower which blooms in early springtime in North America. 

For Christians, the Pink Moon or Paschal Moon, is used to set the date of Easter, which is the first Sunday after the Full Pink Moon.

In Judaism, the Pink Moon is known as the Passover Moon.  The Passover is an important holiday in Judaism, to mark their freedom from Egypt.  The Pink Moon marks the start of this holiday.

For Muslims, the Pink Moon occurs during the holy month of Ramadan.

For Hindus – the Pink Moon or April Full Moon often coincides with the birth of Lord Hanuman – an important figure in Hindu mythology and religion.

For Buddhists – the Pink Moon marks Bak Poya, an important national holiday in Sri Lanka that is used to commemorate Buddha’s second visit to the country.

A Time of Powerful Transformation and Empowerment

 The Full Moon occurs when the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the Earth and the face of the moon is fully illuminated.  It is a time of transformation, when emotions and power are at their full strength.  It is an excellent time for meditation, psychic work, positive magic, healing, crystal scrying (especially if the crystal is flooded with moonlight prior) and a time for gratitude for all that has been fulfilled.  The full moon is associated with the water element and the cardinal direction West that governs being in the flow of power, the emotions, psychic abilities, insight, and purification.  In the seasons, the new moon is associated with Spring, the full moon with Summer, the Waning Moon with Autumn, and the Dark Moon with Winter.

Divine Feminine Energy – the Mother Goddess

The full moon is a time of transformation, when emotions and power are at their full strength.  The full moon is a symbol of abundance, illumination, and intuition. It represents the peak of the lunar cycle and is often associated with divine feminine mother goddess energy – of nurturing and intuitive qualities, psychic awareness, blossoming growth, power, completion, and enlightenment. 



In Wicca, the Full Moon is associated with the Mother of the Triple Goddess – Maiden, Mother, Crone.  It is time to give birth to the completion of your creation that you have been nurturing – the seed that was planted in the maiden phase of energy has come to fruition.  The Mother is actualized potential, ripeness, and bloom of a seed moving into the full sway of summertime.  She is growth, maturity, compassion, understanding – the earth mother – caring, forgiving, receptive, and open to change.  She invites you to master the giving and receiving of love.

Some of the Mother goddesses of nurturing power and growth are Demeter, Ceres, Danu, Isis, and Selene.

Selene – Selene is the ancient Greek goddess of the moon. She illuminates the night sky with her radiance and is often depicted riding a silver chariot pulled by white horses. Selene symbolizes the mystical, enchanting, and ethereal qualities associated with the moon’s presence.  Roman counterpart is Luna.

Here are two visualizations to connect to your inner divine feminine energy:
Visualization:  Meet the Moon Goddess Selene

 You step into your backyard and look up into the night sky and gaze at the full moon.  You open your senses to the moonlight as it casts its light upon you.  You close your eyes and feel the soft feminine touch of the white light on your skin.  It feels like the gentle caress of a mother’s touch that awakens your heart with comforting love.  You sense a presence and open your eyes to discover a glowing moon goddess standing before you.  She introduces herself as Selene, and she is holding a white orb – like a full moon – in her hands.  She hands you the orb.  As you hold the glowing orb, you sense its light reveals a gift of awareness within you that was hidden within you.  This new awareness will enhance your own inner power and wisdom that will further guide you on your path.  What new awareness have you received about yourself?  You feel the powerful Divine Feminine energy held within the orb as it shimmers in your hands.  This high vibrational energy enhances your psychic senses and inner wisdom, and infuses you with the healing power of divine love.  The orb’s energy dissipates within you as your body absorbs the white light.  You now contain the full moon energy within you and can radiate this divine feminine energy like a moon goddess.  In what way can you continue to radiate this divine energy?  Thank Selene for her gift to you, and reflect on how you feel, now that you have been transformed into a goddess.

Visualization:  Moonlit Lake Visualization

 Imagine that you are standing on the shore of a lake at night.  You gaze at the water lapping onto the shore that sparkles in the light of a radiant full moon.  Looking out across the lake you see the light also illuminates a distant river that is cascading down from a high cliff into a glorious waterfall.  You step into the gentle waves on the shore feeling the lake’s cool refreshing water that soothes and melts away any hidden heat or anger within you.  It has a silky, pleasurable, sensuous feel to it that is relaxing.


     You gaze dreamily at the shimmering lake water, and let yourself merge with it.  You imagine that you are the lake gazing up at the moon.   You hear the rushing sound of the waterfall that cascades down from the high mountains.  Its powerful flow clears the debris of old stagnant, stuck thoughts and emotions in its path as it bursts through any blocks that act as a dam to its flow.  You feel the power and gentleness of your fluid body as your gentle waves catch the reflection of the moon.

     You shift your thoughts to imagine that you are now floating on the lake free of worry.  The flow of the water buoyantly carries you aloft to your destiny as the soft feminine moonlight guides the way.  You have no need of clinging to the shore of the past in fear.  You feel any troubling thoughts drift away as the moon smiles down upon you.  A moonbeam extends down to grace you with a motherly kiss.  The moon is a reminder of change and transformation that you seek, and like the moon, your own transformation will have many phases.  You just need to be patient and trust.  Like the colors on an artist’s palette, you have the creativity to change your form of expression – you can be a river, ocean, rain, steam, snow, ice, fog, or sleet.  You trust your creativity to color your journey as you flow towards your destiny. 

     You once again are standing on the shore as you regard the face of the moon that lovingly gazes upon you, and you feel her consciousness touch you and fill your heart with moonlit dreams.

Full moon activities
To awaken your psychic skills:
  • You can gaze into a bowl filled with water, or lake and perceive images. Imagine the moonlight reveals what is hidden in the water (your inner self, deep emotions, and subconscious mind).
  • Place a quartz crystal in the moonlight for several hours or overnight with the intention of enhanced clairvoyance to your third eye, and activation of your psychic skills. Then you can place that crystal over your third eye and open your senses to your visions and clairvoyance. 
  • You can also recharge any of your crystals with moonlight – leave them overnight.
 Here are some crystals that are great to use during the full moon: 

Moonstone – Stone of Feminine energy – this stone contains feminine energy that empowers intuitive and psychic abilities, and aids self-discovery, dreams, insight, and creativity.

Rainbow Moonstone – Stone of Light – embodies Divine Feminine energy and illuminates your truth and your soul’s skills and abilities that may be hidden within.  It strengthens and protects your aura.

Selenite – Stone of Light – helps you connect with higher dimensional energies.

Amethyst – Stone of Transformation – that brings spiritual purification, protection and healing by transmuting negative energy to a higher vibration.   

Smoky Quartz – If you are feeling that your emotions are too high (moon madness), you can work with Smoky Quartz to help clear and balance your energy.                                 


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