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A Good Time to Work with the Green Ray of Healing

Archangel Raphael and Archeia Mareia (Mother Mary/Lady Virtue)

The fifth divine ray is the Green Ray of Healing, Science and Truth.  It radiates balance, abundance, and harmony.  This ray has an emerald green color with golden influences.  It is associated with the Brow Chakra and vision, as Brow chakra energies support the abilities of imagination and clairvoyance that we can visualize and manifest truth and healing with.  Brow chakra energies stimulate our discerning perception, investigative and inquiring mind, imagination to create solutions, and use of scientific principles.  Gaia, the intelligence of Earth, also radiates the Green ray for growth, and in her continued mission to find balance and harmony with her residents.  By connecting to Earth intelligence, you can move into balance and harmony with the Earth.  

Each of the three kingdoms – Human, Angelic and Nature – have masters that direct the use of the Green Ray.  You can connect with any of them in meditation to direct the use of the Green Ray in your life.

Human:  The Chohan is Master Hilarion.

Nature: The Elohim are Cyclopea and Virginia.

Angelic:  Archangel Raphael and Archeia Mareia (also known as Mother Mary or Lady Virtue)

Master Hilarion: Master Hilarion was once the high priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis, and he transported the Flame of Truth together with temple artifacts to Greece a short time before the sinking of the continent.  The Flame became the focal point for the Oracles of Delphi, messengers of Truth who served under the direction of Pallas Athena for hundreds of years, until black priests penetrated the Delphic Order and perverted the Truth that had been brought forth, causing the service to be withdrawn.  He also had a past life as the apostle Paul, and one as St. Hilarion.  Hilarion helps you focus your third-eye vision and to attain self-truth and self-knowledge in order to have unconditional love for yourself and others.  He supports you be instilling faith, inspiration, and healing to bring you to a vision of wholeness.

Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia:  Through the Brow chakra they radiate the truth of the Divine Plan with the emerald green flame.  This is the goal and focus of the spiraling caduceus, which when raised and anchored in focus in the forehead, is the symbol of winged victory and his return to wholeness.  They infuse the elementals to uphold the truth in the Divine Purpose.  Cyclopea uses the emerald green flame to instill healing and reveal truth with his all-seeing eye (his symbol is the eye within a green triangle).  The eye is the eye of God watching over his divine plan.  Virginia uses the green flame for healing and vision.

Archangel Raphael and Archeia Mareia:  Archangel Raphael, also known as the ‘Mystic Illuminator’, is a healer for humans and animals alike who works with the Green Ray.  The love energy from the heart is potent healing energy.  Love and gratitude maintain health and build a strong immunity enhancing your health.  Love is active giving, a masculine energy; and gratitude is passive receiving, a feminine energy.  Together they bring balance and healing.

Archeia Mareia radiates Divine Love – a potent healing force, and Divine Feminine energy that radiates nurturing compassion and grace.

Here are the messages from Archange Raphael and Archeia Mareia:

Archangel Raphael: “The truth of what is important to your soul is found in the heart.  It is often masked by what society, ad companies, your family and friends, or your country suggest is your truth.  Only you can clear through the illusory answers to discover what is authentically yours – what your soul essence is about, what is of value to you that your missions through your lifetimes have been based on.  The ‘Great Pause’ during this pandemic affords you the still time to discover this truth.  When you life your life according to the values of your soul – your Higher Self – your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects flow in health, and consequently humanity, and the planet moves into greater well-being as well.”

Archeia Mareia: “The Green Ray is about balance and harmony.  Earth resonates the Green Ray.  Gaia nurtures growth, provides vital life energy like a nurturing mother, and continually strives for balance.  Humans are made of Earth, and so as you move towards being your Higher Self, you move into balance and inner harmony.  You then also move into harmony with the Earth, and this is fundamental in contributing to the well-being of the planet.  As all grow to love and respect themselves, they will love and respect the Earth, and change their destructive ways into harmonious and mutually beneficial choices.  The New Earth will then be created – one of love, peace, harmony, beauty, and grace.  Use the love energy within your heart to nurture and manifest the vision of the New Earth.”


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