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A Message and Meditation from Mary Magdalene

by Nancy Robbins

Expanding Your Heart’s Light for Ascension

(with suggested crystals and essential oils to aid your process)

About Mary Magdalene: 

Mary Magdalene is also known as Lady Magda, or Mariam.  She trained with the Egyptian Mystery School of Isis in the healing arts, as did Mother Mary, who also mentored her.  She is lady master of the 14th divine ray – the Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace.  She carries the Flame of Hope and the Magdalene Flame

The Magdalene Flame is a silvery-blue flame containing the pure energies of Source, which carries and restores the Power of Purity, Innocence, and Love.  This is very useful to use with the Violet Flame of Freedom, Transformation and Transmutation.  In the ascension process the Violet Flame transmutes energy and the Magdalene flame restores pure energy.

She works with her twin flame Sananda Kumara, also known as Jesus Christ, in bringing Divine Love and Christ consciousness to the world.  She represents the Divine Feminine as Sananda/Jesus represents the Divine Masculine in Christ consciousness, and together they create divine harmony that radiates Divine Love to the world.  This is the ultimate mission of the Sisterhood of the Rose – bringing this divine union to the world.  She is a member of the Sisterhood of the Rose – that represents the Divine Feminine, which was begun in Atlantis ages ago.

Her message:  It is time to move up into a higher level of love within your heart, and your higher potential.  Mary asks that you bring your awareness to the sacred space within your heart that contains your soul essence – your spark of divine energy.  This divine energy is from Source and is Divine Love – a balance of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy brought into harmony.  Feel this harmonious light rise in the dimensions of your heart illuminating the path to higher Love.

To accomplish this, you need to soften your heart by releasing anxieties and fears which weigh it down and holds back your progress on your ascension path.  Consciously release old traumas, wounds, worries, fears, negative emotions, and thoughts.  Take a stand.  Refuse to accept fears and worries that the outer world tries to serve up to you.  Move into your heart and discover your own truth.  Your heart is a great barometer for truth.  Fill your heart and mind with positive affirmations of the life your soul wants to create.  Allow joy, love, compassion, forgiveness, hope, faith, and trust to fill your heart with its buoyant light to lift you up into higher frequencies.  These higher frequencies will activate hidden talents and skills, bring you greater spiritual support, reveal your life purpose to you, expand your awareness, bring you greater healing, and bring you peace, inner strength, and a more joyful life. 

As you raise your frequency consciously you move into your Higher Heart chakra which will give you more clarity on your soul truth and connection with Divine Love – a mighty force in the universe.  Your other higher spiritual chakras will also activate.  As you allow your heart to open, so too do you need to open your mind to higher consciousness and awareness.  The heart and mind operate together and both need to open with trust to receive the higher frequencies of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom.  This requires a conscious choice of action, and an inner strength and belief in your own power to stand strong, along with an acceptance of your own divine qualities.  When you open your heart and mind to receive higher wisdom and access Divine Love you grow and evolve, and you ascend.  Do not hide or separate yourself away from the world in fear!  You are needed now to participate in the transformation and the creation of the New Earth.  You have chosen to live at this time, no doubt for this very reason. Trust in love energy and build your own power based on the truth found in your heart!  In our age of misinformation, it is vitally important.

To help with this process, there is a meditation offered from Mary Magdalene that will guide you in expanding your divine spark light and radiating your Light to connect to the divine spark of heaven and earth.  There are also listed nine essential oils and fourteen crystals (described in more detail in a consecutive article) that will vibrationally assist this process.  These crystals and oils have the properties to assist in clearing, heart healing, and connecting to higher dimensions.  They will help you to heal, open, and expand your heart and mind.

 MEDITATION: “Expanding Your Heart’s Light to connect to higher frequencies”

Allow yourself to sit in relaxed position where you will not be disturbed.  Imagine you have a knob that turns your emotional noise down to zero, and you also turn a knob for your mental chatter down to zero, so that you can settle into stillness and quiet.

Focus your attention on your heart.  Imagine that you are inside the divine spark within your heart.  Feel the energy of your divine spark and its qualities.  How would you describe it?  Expand this light energy and see it gradually fill all of your chakras with its light until it completely encompasses your body in an egg of divine spark light.  Feel the divine spark “light up” your entire body and energy field.  How does this feel?

 Expand your divine spark light now to connect to the heart of the Earth – to connect with the divine spark in Gaia’s heart.  Take some time to visualize and feel this divine spark connection.  You can even imagine that the feminine figure of Gaia approaches you and you take hands allowing the divine sparks in each of your hearts to connect.  How would you describe this connection?

 Expand your divine spark light now beyond the Earth into the cosmos to connect to Adonis, the Cosmic Heart of the universe.  Take some time to visualize and feel this divine spark connection.  You can imagine that the masculine presence of Adonis approaches you and you take hands allowing the divine sparks in each of your hearts to connect.  You may also find that the Cosmic Heart feels like a space with a particular quality of Light.  However you connect, feel into the connection.  How would you describe this connection?

 Now that you have connected your divine spark with the divine spark of Earth and the Cosmos, return your focus to your egg-shaped energy field filled with your divine spark light.  What new awareness have you received?  Take this time to receive any messages from your body, your Higher Self, the Earth (Gaia), or the divine messages from Spirit and the cosmos (Adonis with the Cosmic Heart).   Do you feel the greater love connection within you from Gaia, Adonis, your Higher Self, and/or the Creator?

 You have expanded the light of your divine spark to open your heart and mind to greater awareness.  You have created a divine spark network from deep into the Earth to the cosmos and everything in between – a vast resource of love and wisdom!  Return to this meditation often to add to your experiences in this heart and mind expansion.  Experiment with the different essential oils and crystals to help you with this process.  Some oils or crystals may be particularly powerful for you in this process.  This would be a great signal to continue to work with those particular oils/crystals for further development.  Remember to continue the clearing and healing of your heart and mind so they are not closed with lower thoughts and emotions, and are able to relax into this process.  Call upon Mary Magdalene for any support in this process that you need.


Nine essential oils for healing and opening the heart and mind:

Mary often used essential oils as healing balms and for consecration.  Here are nine essential oils that will help to nurture and heal your heart, so that your heart and mind will soften and open to receive higher frequencies:

Rose, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Bergamot, Neroli, Rose Geranium, Frankincense, Rosewood.


  1. ROSE OIL A high vibrational oil. The Rose carries sacred geometry and represents the Divine Feminine.

        Key properties of rose essential oil:

  • Heart opening and emotional balance
  • Unconditional love and compassion
  • Eases grief and emotional wounds
  • Reduces stress
  • Encourages self-compassion
  • Promotes harmony


  1. JASMINE ESSENTIAL OIL Jasmine oil has a sweet intense fragrance that is associated with love and sensuality, making it perfect for heart chakra work.

       Key properties of jasmine oil:

  • Nurturing and soothing
  • Encourages self-love and confidence
  • Enhances sensuality and libido
  • Eases tension in relationships
  • Helps with forgiveness and acceptance
  1. YLANG YLANG OIL Ylang Ylang is a deep and floral oil that has been widely used for heart chakra balancing, particularly when it comes to emotional balance and wellbeing.

        Key properties of ylang ylang essential oil:

  • Promotes emotional release and wellbeing
  • Encourages self-love and acceptance
  • Reduces tension and anxiety
  • Enhances intimacy
  • Promotes inner-child healing
  • Supports trauma healing


  • 4. LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL Lavender oil is well known for its calming and relaxing effects, but it can also be used for heart chakra healing.

        Key properties of lavender essential oil:

  • Emotional calmness & promotes inner peace and balance
  • Eases emotional wounds and negative emotions
  • Facilitates healing
  • Encourages forgiveness and understanding
  • Promotes loving open-minded communication
  1. BERGAMOT ESSENTIAL OIL  – Bergamot oil has an uplifting citrusy and floral scent. It is often used to help bring the heart chakra into balance.

       Key properties of bergamot oil:

  • Promotes self-love and self-acceptance
  • Enhances emotional expression
  • Facilitates emotional release
  • Encourages optimism and hope
  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Promotes deeper connection
  1. NEROLI ESSENTIAL OIL – Neroli oil is another citrusy essential oil that is great for heart chakra balancing.

       Key properties of neroli oil:

  • Promotes emotional calmness
  • Helps emotional release
  • Eases grief and emotional wounds
  • Enhances spiritual connection
  • Uplifts mood and joy
  • Promotes forgiveness and compassion
  1. ROSE GERANIUM ESSENTIAL OIL – Geranium oil is a beautiful floral essential oil that is often used to promote emotional stability when it comes to heart chakra healing.

       Key properties of geranium oil:

  • Emotional balance
  • Nurturing and comforting
  • Encourages unconditional love
  • Helps emotional release
  • Promotes forgiveness and healing
  • Promotes joy and happiness
  1. FRANKINCENSE ESSENTIAL OIL – Finally, Frankincense oil has a woody scent and is a holy oil that aids in spiritual connection and communication. 

       Key properties of frankincense oil:

  • Emotional grounding
  • Encourages self-reflection
  • Helps forgiveness and release
  • Promotes empathy
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Heightens spiritual connection and awareness
  1. ROSEWOOD ESSENTIAL OIL – Uplifts you into higher skills, divine love, and spiritual connection.

       Key properties of rosewood oil:

  • Calming, bringing feelings of peace and gentleness, & aids meditation. Reduces stress.
  • Enhances spiritual connection
  • Enhances intuitive skills
  • Increases joy, unconditional love, compassion, and self-esteem
  • Eases grief and emotional wounds
  • Heart opening and expands the heart

 14 Crystals for healing, opening, and expanding the heart and mind:

Besides the vibrational assistance of Essential Oils, these crystal vibrations will also be great allies in assisting you to release the wounds, anxieties, and fears that are closing your heart and mind, and allow them to relax and open to the gifts of higher vibrations, so that you can tap into your higher skills and potential. 

Here are 14 crystals that will help you: Danburite, Herkimer Diamond Quartz, Hiddenite, Kunzite, Moonstone, Morganite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Rosophia, Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, Selenite, Shiva Lingam, White Azeztulite. 

See the separate article in the blog section that details these crystals.


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