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Accessing the Strengths of our Divine Feminine and Masculine Aspects

Each of us, regardless of our gender, has a feminine and masculine aspect, or energetic qualities, that are part of our energetic system, like two sides of a coin.  They are each essential and fundamental for the existence of the other.  They are opposites – like the sun and the moon, light and dark, day and night, sending energy out or receiving energy, expansion and contraction.

We get pressured by our family life, society, and culture on how to think, behave, and feel about these dual aspects.  In general, society honors and elevates masculine energies with the qualities of reasoning, strength, and action, while diminishing and undervaluing the feminine qualities that are emotional, nurturing, and passive.  Despite the efforts and positive effects of feminism and campaigns for social justice, equal valuing of these dual aspects is not yet a reality.  Social insistence on how these aspects are allowed to be expressed, has added further hardship and confusion to the potential of the full spectrum of expression of masculine and feminine energy.  Each soul must have the freedom to discover their best expression and balance of these energies.  When you are aware of the strengths that both provide, and keep them from shifting into excess or deficit, you create inner balance and                                                                              harmony.

Energetic Imbalance

Imbalance occurs when you focus or value one type of sacred energy over the other.  By gaining awareness of each energy, we can begin to create mindfulness and live an authentic life regardless of external pressures or societal norms.  Play to your strengths, strengths are only so in moderation.  Without balance, they become counterproductive.  The goal is not a perfect balance, nor to possess all positive qualities of each aspect, but to show up as the best version of yourself by honoring the gifts that both energies provide you.  By honoring your gifts, our respect for our own bodies will grow, and consequently our respect for the body of Mother Earth.

There are times in life when you may need to have a plan, and other times when you need to just “go with the flow” intuitively.  Honor where you are and work towards first finding an understanding why you react, think, and behave the way you do, and then make applicable changes to move into more balance.  Find your natural predominant aspect and work to enhance the lesser aspect to create greater balance.

Your inner balance affects the outer world – the noosphere or consciousness of the planet – and brings greater harmony to the earth.  Now is the time to go within and attune to the higher frequencies downloading on the planet.  Align yourself with these higher vibrations.  In this way we raise our frequency on our ascension path, and align our energies with our Mother Earth.

Rekindling of Divine Feminine Energy and the Sisterhood of the Rose

We find today’s world is a result of repressed divine feminine energy.  The universe is nudging us towards Divine Feminine energy to guide us into the Aquarian Age, to stop us from destroying our planet, and to guide us in the creation of the New Earth.  The Great Central Sun, Venus, and Sirius, have been infusing the planet with high vibrational energy, especially since 2012, to raise the frequencies on the planet to aid evolution.  This influx of Divine Feminine energy has also re-activated the Sisterhood of the Rose, comprised of many spirit guides, angels and star beings, whose mission since the days of Atlantis, has been to balance Divine Masculine and Feminine energies to create a harmonious balance.  It is the hope that we join them in bringing this harmony into our collective consciousness to bring peace and healing to humanity and the Earth.

By knowing the strengths of each of your dual aspects, you can be empowered by their united qualities.  You can utilize your feminine energy to connect to an intuitive idea and creativity, and use your masculine energy to actively manifest it.  And now, all men and women alike are called to empower the Divine Feminine within.

Finger Test: A quick way to identify whether your masculine or feminine side is more predominant is to take a look at your hand.  How do the lengths of your index finger and ring finger compare?  If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, your feminine side is more predominant.  If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, than your masculine side is more predominant.

Divine Energy

Divine Masculine or Feminine energy is the highest potential, or spiritual ideal of each of that aspect.  It is the most inspiring and truest expression of that aspect that is manifested through thoughts, actions, and feelings.  The energy also becomes divine when it is in balance and does not tip the scales to excess or deficit which produces an unhealthy effect.

What is Divine Feminine energy?

Divine Feminine energy is the life force of heart and soul wisdom, harmony, nurturance, love, compassion, intuition, patience, creativity.  It is a goddess consciousness and awareness that is loving, harmonious, and peaceful.  It is associated with the earth and moon, flowing energy, receptiveness, inward reflection, and intuitive wisdom.  “Her” power is fueled by emotions, and the wisdom of the heart.  Her nature is to love, guide, and honor and nurture you.  You just need to be open to receive it.  She is creative, playful, loves to be in nature, and births new ideas, children, and artistic creations.  When you connect to this wise and caring aspect of yourself, you will feel more peaceful, nourished, and supported.

What is Divine Masculine energy?

Divine Masculine energy is an outward, active force of growth that is associated with the sun and its power that fuels growth.  It is responsibility, strength, “walking and talking” your truth with focus and clarity, generosity, and being supportive and protective.  “He” is our guardian protector who is fearless, courageous, and loyal.  It is his responsibility to logically organize a plan and take action based on divine feminine intuitive wisdom, with outer divine masculine logic.  When in balance, the masculine protector does not harm, and can act wisely.  His gentle strength brings harmony and peace, where there was conflict and separation.  He knows his power but does not abuse or misuse it.  He is a leader who is courageous to speak his truth, and stand up for what is right.  He is confident and manifests with clear intention and aligned action with the inner intuitive wisdom.

Let’s take a look at the associations of our Masculine and Feminine aspects:

Feminine Qualities Associated With:

  • left side of the body
  • right side of the brain
  • yin energy
  • incoming energy – receiving
  • contraction and going within
  • the earth and moon
  • the water and earth elements
  • stillness, passive
  • night, darkness
  • the senses and feelings
  • empathy
  • nurturing
  • fluidity, flexible
  • softness
  • receiving
  • openness
  • devotion
  • creativity, imagination
  • compassion
  • community
  • intuition, psychic abilities, heart/soul wisdom, wise
  • birthing life
  • understanding
  • magnetic
  • patience
  • listening (within to your inner voice and body intelligence, and to others)

Feminine energy helps us to be nurturing, fluid, artistic, intuitive, empathic, and full of faith.  You can surrender and release control of the outcome.  You are imaginative and inspired.  You are sensitive, compassionate and gentle.

In excess:  too much nurturing energy will lead you to be too sheltering toward others.  You may feel overly responsible for the well-being of others.  Too empathic (an energy sponge), so content that you don’t set new goals, co-dependent, feel like a victim, lack of emotional intelligence.

Deficient: emotionally unavailable, blocked creativity, unable to adjust to change, lack self-expression, have a rigid way of being.  Feel isolated and lonely which can lead to staying in unhealthy personal or professional relationships.

Masculine qualities associated with:

  • right side of the body
  • left side of the brain
  • yang energy
  • outgoing energy – giving
  • expansion and growth
  • the sun
  • the fire and air elements
  • action
  • day, brightness
  • logical mind, reason
  • leadership
  • adventure
  • setting boundaries
  • firmness
  • giving
  • loyalty
  • confidence
  • focus
  • survival
  • pride
  • honor
  • efficiency
  • power and strength
  • caretaker, protector
  • talking (and standing up for your truth)
  • electric

Masculine energy helps us to plan, be diligent, and take action on our paths, and provides stability.

In excess: dominating, too analytical or methodical, overactive ego, too critical, assertive, confrontational

Deficient: lack motivation, lack organization, lack accountability, irresponsible, low self-esteem.  No focus or boundaries, overly assertive.

Once you’ve identified your predominant side, you can bring balance and harmonize your dual aspects.  Here are some suggestions:

How to access more of your feminine energy?

  • Honor your feelings – Emotions are like water – you need to let them flow.  Experience them, and then let them go without suppression or judgment.  If you stagnate or stifle your emotions, you will begin to feel like you are drowning in a swamp.  One way to let it flow is to express your emotions – talk to someone, or write them down.  Emotions are a source of Goddess Wisdom, let them flow and empower you.
  • Allowing vulnerability, and asking for help – Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or neediness.  Do not be too proud to ask for help and let go of control.  It takes courage to reveal your vulnerability.
  • Open your intuitive awareness, psychic abilities, and sensuality – Intuition is “knowing without knowing how you know”, which are often messages from your heart and soul.  It is a sense that often contradicts logical reasoning.  It is sometimes called your “sixth sense”, because it transcends the physical five senses.  You must expand your feeling body awareness to receive intuitive impulses, as well as trust in your intuitive nature which may have been damaged, hurt, or criticized in the past.  Trust in your spiritual, healing, and psychic abilities.  Using all your six senses will allow you to be sensual and aware.  Make sure that you also allow yourself to sit in stillness to hear your inner voice and intuition.
  • Listen to your body – Nurture and honor your body by listening to your body’s impulses and innate wisdom.  Your body will signal you when you are out of balance, or have dis-ease.
  • Be positive, active and creative – Be a creative goddess – create beauty in your home and world.  Your home is a template for your soul.  Create sacred rituals in your daily life – a sacred ritual is an intentional statement to your Higher Self that you are connecting to your divine feminine energy.  Put the beauty of your soul in all you do.
  • Connect to Mother Earth – Connect into the intelligence and nurturing energy of Earth, and Earth’s crystalline grid that contains ley lines, sacred sites, and crystal energy.  Earth maintains harmony with the cosmos through the crystalline grid.
  • Nurture – “Mothering” is responsibly nurturing, loving and caring – a goddess quality.  Be a mother to yourself and others.  The source for this is found in your heart, as well as the heart of Earth and nature.  Be an earth mother goddess.  Also, nurture community and unity.

How to access more of your masculine energy?

  • Have a plan – “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin.  Being spontaneous is great, but without a clear plan in life, you’ll feel lost and aimless.  A plan gives you direction and focus both of which will build your masculine energy.  Planning also helps you to be efficient with your efforts.  Organize your thoughts logically.
  • Set boundaries – Set boundaries emotionally and physically to accomplish and focus on your goals.
  • Take action – Motivate yourself with active steps in manifesting your plan.  Actively pursue what you want.  Also, exercise to build up your physical strength.
  • Build your confidence – Find your confidence, have self-esteem and self-worth.  You are strong, and empowered, yet compassionate.
  • Take a risk – Masculine energy is like the pioneering spirit that courageously explored the new.  Be adventurous, expand out into the world to discover it, even if its just small steps at first.
  • Walk your talk – Take responsibility for your own words and actions.  Stand up for your truth (while respecting others), be your own protector, and defend the goodness in the world.  Like a knight of old, be loyal, honorable and trustworthy.  You manifest with your words.

By exploring your particular feminine and masculine energetic qualities, you can keep them in balance and utilize the strengths of both.  Your own divine feminine and masculine energies will support you on your path of spiritual development and ascension.

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