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Angel Ananchel – Living in the Flow of Grace

by Nancy Robbins

We are living in a time of rapid transformational changes.  It feels chaotic, unsettling, and sometimes depressing.  The best way to move into centered calmness to be able to manage these changes, is to move into the flow of grace, and into a state of grace with the universe.  Angel Ananchel is here to guide us.

ANGEL ANANCHEL – Angel of Grace

Angel Ananchel is an Angel of Grace.  She assists people to live in the grace of Divine Love and to also flow gracefully on their path with gratitude.  She encourages an open heart that allows Love to pour in abundantly.  Grace is being the beauty of your soul with ease in its joyful, free state.  Being in a “state of grace,” is when your soul’s energy intelligence flows in sync with the universe’s energy intelligence.  Being in a “state of grace” is when you are under the divine influence of being relaxed and awakened to the gifts of life and love.  You possess a free and relaxed mind, a joyful and compassionate heart, and a body full of vitality.  When you awaken to grace, you automatically become aware of what you love, and your love becomes your priority and hence your purpose. 

Affirmation: “I am immersed in loving pink energy, and I ask Angel Ananchel to place me in the flow of grace.”
Angel Ananchel’s “Meditation on Your State of Grace”

To prepare: Sit in a comfortable chair. Let yourself completely relax as you breathe deeply and evenly.  You can hear the steady rhythm of your heart and your breath – like the ebb and flow of the sea. Your mental chatter, and any emotional turmoil quiets, and your muscles relax releasing any inner tension.  From this quiet and still place, shift your focus to your heart that holds your divine spark – your soul essence.  You open your imagination and see Angel Ananchel before you.  She leads you onto a trail of white light that takes you to a door of white light.  Step through this threshold into your heart sanctuary chamber.  This room reflects the qualities of your soul essence, and is a safe space to be, and to communicate to higher spiritual guides and your Higher Self.  Is there any predominant color or range of colors in this room that expresses the qualities of your soul?  Any particular sounds, smells, or images?  Is it an indoor or outdoor room?  Are any beings present that have messages for you?

“Your heart is where your soul wisdom resides, and its heightened sense of awareness intuitively connects to the energy field of universal intelligence.  Your heart’s radiant light creates your energetic aura that expands and connects to this universal energy field, so your soul’s intelligence connects with universal intelligence.  Feel the radiance of your divine spark and the energy field – the aura – it creates in this chamber.  How would you describe it? 

Angel Ananchel levitates you upwards.  You are ascending to higher levels of your heart.  Like a hot air balloon, you drop the sandbags of heavy and dark emotion and old energy.  You feel purified and free.  As you rise higher your perspective expands, you let go of judgments and labels that have restricted your self-understanding so that your spirit is free to be its unique, joyful, and loving presence.  You have a better perspective, and can see more of the “bigger picture” from this higher perspective.  You have ascended to a comfortable level now and pause.  You visualize your auric field expanding to connect with the universal field, and then it merges with this universal field. Does your auric field connect harmoniously to the universal field?  What new information do you receive?

Feel your energy begin to synchronize with the airy flow of this universal field.  From this vantage point, you feel more connected to your soul, and have a greater understanding of your life purpose.  You are a hologram of this field – a part of the whole – and you sense the Oneness of all intelligences connected.  You are a drop in the ocean and the ocean, as well.  What would the ocean be without the beauty and power of all the drops? 

You feel that any guidance or support you need is supplied, ready and waiting for your requests.  This universal field is fluid, always changing and adapting according to the Divine Plan for evolution, and your energy field does the same.  This is the state of grace, where you feel relaxed as you go with the flow of the universe in trust, love, and gratitude.  Feel yourself floating in this field – as if floating on a raft in a river, and allow it to take you where you need to go for your highest and best good.  Remember this feeling of your state of grace

Allow yourself to now float down to the main chamber of your heart sanctuary, and settle into your body in calm confidence, and joy.  When you are ready, open your eyes to your present state of grace.  You can return at any time to your heart sanctuary and move up into the state of grace.


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