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At the time of the solar eclipse on the August 21st we are also aligning with the Fifth Dimension!   It is of vital importance that we anchor the fifth dimensional energies of this Aquarian Age to the Earth, and consequently ourselves, in order to assist us both in assimilating these new higher energies.  These higher energies are needed for the undergoing transformation of the planet and our bodies as we evolve and ascend into higher consciousness and greater well-being.


A group of Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Ascended Masters that I work with requested that this spray be made and was designed by them, to assist us in assimilating 5th dimensional energy.  It is made with essential oils, crystal essences, flower essences, and the color essence of blue.  Spray yourself and/or your environment and it will work with your energy field and help to elevate your energy so that you can connect and work with 5th dimensional energy.  Now is the time!!!

The kit includes:

  • the Aquarian Light Spray – 4 oz. bottle
  • a booklet on the Aquarian Age that gives helpful information on what it is and how to work with its energies, along with useful meditations.
  • a piece of Selenite which aligns the chakras and acts as a light column to connect you to the higher dimensions.


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