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Archangels Barachiel and Joy – Blessings, Joy & Gratitude

by Nancy Robbins

Thanksgiving in the month of November is a time to reflect on the blessings that exist in our life and to acknowledge our gratitude for them all.  It is looking at the positive in our life, which attracts more positive flow into our life.  Gratitude is a power of attraction.  This time of reflection is honored on Thanksgiving, but really, we should honor it daily to keep the healthy cycle of giving and receiving love energy in our hearts.  As we think on our many blessings with gratitude, we can also send blessings to others.  To assist with this we can infuse ourselves, others, and the planet and its many living beings with Love – with the Pink Ray of Love, the Peach Ray of Divine Love, and the Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love.  For further assistance we can call upon Archangel Barachiel and his twin flame Archeia Joy. 

Let’s take a closer look at the Peach Ray of Divine Love and Archangels Barachiel and Joy.

About the Peach Ray – Acknowledging our blessings with gratitude keeps the flow of giving and receiving love energy circulating in the heart.  The next higher aspect of the Pink Ray of Love is the Pink-Orange Ray that I call the Peach Ray.  The Peach Ray is the 11th divine ray of Divine Love – Illumined Truth, Compassion and Self-less Service.  It concerns new structures created from the Divine Love of our hearts.  The next highest aspect is the Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love.  For now, let’s look at the Peach Ray.


Color: The Peach Ray is an orange-pink luminosity that I call peach.  It is the combination of the 3rd Pink Ray of Love that embodies compassion, comfort, and love with the qualities of orange light – joy, creativity, re-creation, and celebration.  Within the orange light can be found the 2nd Yellow Ray of Wisdom.

Keywords:  Compassion, Mercy, Balance, Unconditional Love, Honesty, Fulfillment, Inner Peace, Joy of Life, Enthusiasm, Illumination, Divine Purpose, and Selfless Service.

Description:  This orange-pink ray promotes the understanding that everything in the universe is a manifestation of love.  It bridges energies from the old Earth to the new Golden Age of the New Earth.  It contains a high quotient of Source Light, and connects you to Illumined Truth/Divine Love through the heart.  It helps to activate the pattern of divinity encoded within the body that reflects your soul purpose, your life mission, service to humanity, and higher potential.  It helps you to integrate with your Higher Self, as well as merge your masculine and feminine qualities into inner harmony.  It lifts the veils of illusion to reveal hidden knowledge.  It helps you to remove all present and past life trauma stored in the Solar Plexus chakra, and helps you move to higher levels.  This ray helps you to release limiting beliefs and expand to your Higher Self.  It supports you in making new choices from a more joyful outlook and with higher meaning.  It helps release depression, anger, and sadness, so that you can live in joy, with a vision of peace and love.  It honors your inner vision and sense of knowing.

 This ray continues to assist soul discovery and integration that was established with the previous ray – the Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body.  This ray completes the soul merge process and promotes an understanding that everything in the universe is a manifestation of love.

About Archangels Barachiel and Joy –

Archangel Barachiel’s name means “divine blessings,” and he helps you achieve your dreams by showering his blessings onto all areas of your life.  He radiates a warm, joyful energy.  He encourages you to open your heart and fully receive the gifts of love and abundance from the universe.  He inspires you to develop a positive outlook on life and a higher perspective to overcome limiting beliefs so that you may experience abundance, and the best possible outcomes in your life.  He encourages you to be your authentic self and express your unique Light in your own way.  To help with this, he also connects you to your guardian angels.


Archeia Joy represents the golden aspect of the Peach ray – golden illuminations, blessings, truth, and joy.  Joy is a pure expression of Love.  She reminds us to take ourselves lightly and make our spiritual path fun.  She uplifts our soul and refuels our energy so that we can be our best self.  Archeia Joy will inspire you to sing, move, create, and share love with joy in your life and so assist you to evolve, grow, unite, and appreciate the beauty and highest heart expression in each moment.

Affirmations: “I call upon Archangel Barachiel to shower me with blessings and connect me to my guardian angels.”

 “I ask Archeia Joy to fill me with the Peach ray so that joy, fun, and play are awakened within me.”

 Call upon Archangels Barachiel and Joy to shower you with blessings.  It is time to open your heart and receive the joy-filled gifts from the universe.  Receive the blessings they have to offer you – whether it is healing, inspiration, a loving embrace, playfulness, a message to guide you, or abundance, and fill your heart with joy and gratitude.  Let your renewed heart uplift you and inspire you on your journey.






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