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Archangels Chamuel and Seraphina

by Nancy Robbins

Archangel Chamuel & Archeia Seraphina – Lady Charity

The Pink Ray of Love

 During this time of great transformation I am learning that our heart is the key to our ascension – it is our new home base from which we live our life.  It is important for us to explore the undiscovered territory of our heart where we are surely to find hidden gems of our soul – skills and wisdom that only need to be energized by our awareness, but that activate more of our growth and self-understanding.  Our heart needs attention to clear the clutter of old energy, to heal from past wounds, to be nurtured and filled to the brim with unconditional love.  Then we can radiate this out to the world and share our unique loving energy to help others to heal and transform… and be loved and appreciated.

Archangel Chamuel and his twin flame, Seraphina, are magnificent archangels working with the Pink Ray of Love, and the higher forms of the Pink Ray as well – the Peach (Pink-Orange Ray of Divine Love), and the Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love.  Invite these archangels into your life to assist you in healing and expanding your heart energy.


Archangel Chamuel is an Angel of Loving Relationship.  Relationships are formed when you extend love from your heart to connect to others.  It is an exchange of love, beauty, understanding, and intelligence between the two involved in the relationship.  Trust is the bridge that supports love to flow.  Divine Love from Source flows through your heart to form relationships to help you heal and grow through sharing.  Chamuel observes your balance of self-love and love for others.

Seraphina – Lady Charity, is Chamuel’s twin flame and the feminine aspect of the Pink Ray that radiates compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and creativity.  She encourages the flow of emotions in expression of the heart, and to not allow them to be blocked.  She advises a balanced flow of giving love with a generous heart showing charity, and receiving with gratitude.  Connecting to the heart of the Earth with this balanced flow also creates abundance.  When emotions flow freely you can be uplifted to the highest expression of love.




“Chamuel – fill my heart with the Pink Flame of Love to bring all my relationships into loving harmony.”

“Lady Charity – fill my heart to overflowing with the Pink Ray so I may radiate love to others and receive love with gratitude.”

 Their retreat: above Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Chamuel & Seraphina come to you now to improve your relationships.  Imagine the sparkling Pink Ray of Love fills your heart to overflowing.  Feel this energy flow down your arms and through your hands to create a physical touch of flowing love energy.  Through this energy exchange you are also receiving their heart energy.  What information is revealed in the exchange?  Is this exchange balanced?  Does it bring healing?  This perspective can help bring a relationship into a healthy balance.




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