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Archangels of Light, Joy, and Beauty

by Nancy Robbins


 Archangels Raziel & Jochara – Lady Victory

 Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body

Archangel Raziel illuminates the inner mysteries by opening your mind and heart and illuminating them with Light.  He can assist the enhancement of your psychic powers, and extrasensory gifts so that you receive insights and greater understanding in your spiritual development.  His illumination will also help you see what you need to release that may be holding you back in your spiritual development, so that you are free to receive new higher information. 

Archeia Jochara – Lady Victory, illuminates the heart to reveal your inner qualities and mission.  She helps you manifest your soul purpose with visioning and sound frequencies.  She infuses the heart with Light, wisdom, and greater joy.  By embracing the Light, you receive enlightenment and can claim victory in comprehending that all is connected in Oneness and Love. 

Archangels Raziel and Jochara work with the Throat, Brow, Crown, and higher chakras.

Affirmation: “My heart and mind are illuminated with Light so that I may see what I need to release to heal.  The Light also enhances my psychic powers, reveals my inner gifts, and fills with heart with joy.”

 Visualization:  The pearlescent rainbow glow of Archangels Raziel and Jochara shimmer before you now.  They have come to illuminate your heart and mind with Light.  Their activation expands your psychic sensory abilities and brings you insights with higher wisdom.  The light in your heart expands, as your Light Body expands with enhanced divine Light.  Your Light lifts you up into the higher realms of Divine Love and Oneness.  Feel your radiant Light Body shine its Light into the world.

Archangels Haniel & Maryllisa – Lady Radiance

Turquoise Ray of Joy & Highest Potentials

Archangel Haniel and his twin flame – Maryllisa – Lady Radiance, are Archangels of Joy.  They originally came from Venus and accompanied Sanat and Venus Kumara when they came to Earth.  Both archangels have a gentle, calm, serene energy, which reflects the full moon.  The moon shines its divine light into the darkness to show you the way.  They shine divine light into your heart to reveal your inner goodness.  They encourage you to release illusions and any negativity so that you may shine the light of your true self.  They can help you develop your intuition and clairvoyance, and open your eyes to see beauty, love, happiness, pleasure, your talents, and passions.  They support relationships, rule matters of peace, beauty, grace, harmony, and inspiration in our lives.  They are associated with universal love, sacred union, and Divine Feminine energy. 


Archangel Haniel once incarnated as the Aztec ruler, Quetzalcoatl, and also as one of Buddha’s first pupils.  He works closely with Sanat Kumara, the Mahachohan, Hilarion, Archangels Uriel and Metatron.  He helps you to use star energies, especially when charging healing remedies or crystals.  He also works with the White Ray of Purity, and the Green Ray of Truth, Healing and Science.  He helps to bring out your inner goodness and beauty, bubbling it up from the heart, like joy.  He encourages new ways of thinking, to move beyond illusions, to see the greater possibilities.  This guidance helps you to recognize and identify feelings and patterns of behavior more clearly, so that you can know your truth and stand up for it.  He helps you to live in the present without wasting time and energy over the past, or worrying about the future.  Living in the present helps you to flow through life, with faith, trust, and joy.  He strengthens your perception of your true Light, your talents, and higher abilities, so that you can value yourself and have the courage to walk your path in the light of Truth.

 Archeia Maryllisa – Lady Radiance, is the Light of the star of Venus.  She helps you to discover the inner beauty of your soul in your heart.  Your inner beauty will grow brighter as you become more loving, compassionate, and generous.  As with the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” – outer beauty is not as important as inner beauty. 


Archangels Haniel & Maryllisa’s etheric retreat is over the high mountain range of Puno, north of Lake Titicaca in Peru.

 Affirmation: “I am joy, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.  I know my truth and soul purpose.”

 Visualization:  The glowing presence of Archangels Haniel and Lady Radiance appear to you now to shine light into your heart, so that you may discover the beauty and treasures within and to examine your beliefs.  It is time to be in the present and reflect on your soul’s unique qualities, skills, and gifts.  Appreciate the truth of your uniqueness and your own radiant light within.  Let the love in your heart expand and allow yourself to celebrate your soul’s qualities.  Let joy uplift and heal you as you radiate your beautiful divine light!




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