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Astara’s Journey Trilogy is here!!!


Astara’s Journey Trilogy of Books 

I was asked long ago by one of my guides to create visualizations for the chakras and it turned into a fictional adventure!  Travel along with Astara Atwood on thispowerful transformative journey through imaginary realms (representing the chakras)that will bring you to your higher potential.  Romance, mystery, adventure, and metaphysical information are delightfully combined with 122 meditations channeled from over 70 earthly and celestial guides, along with nature spirits, crystals, and animals that bring you a compendium of tools and information to transform, heal, and thrive in this evolutionary shift.

I found the meditations to be very powerful, each time I used them, and went on my own transformation discovering  more about myself and shifting into my potential more.  The spirit guides that I worked with cover the wide range of nature spirits, angels, archangels, ascended masters, goddesses, star beings – especially the Pleiadians, and spirits of crystals.  The characters in the books were pulled from the qualities of the the chakra archetypes and also astrological signs and planets.  These books ended up being a compendium of metaphysical information that is a great resource for healing and transformation, as well as an entertaining read.  The books ended up being far more than the original intention and moved into exploring different levels of love – for yourself, for family, for friends, loves from past lives, and divine love.

I also created many illustrations and maps for these books.  The book set comes with a 6×9 map of the North Lands and Valadhiel to aid your journey.

I invite you to join Astara and visit the beauty and mystery of the realms of the North Lands and its inhabitants and go on a transformative journey that will surprise and delight you!

Look for these books and the book set under Transformation Tools on my website – www.elementsdesigncollection.com  Enjoy!!

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