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Athena’s Tips On Transitioning to a New Earth Civilization – Step 1: Discovering Your Home Base

by Nancy Robbins

STEP 1:  Discovering Your Home Base

In Meditation Pallas Athena came to me and said she would like to bring me tips on how to transition to a New Earth civilization, that I would share with the world.  I’ll share the steps in the process as I’m given them.

ABOUT ATHENA:  Athena is the Goddess of Truth, Wisdom, Arts and Literature, Reason, and Purity.  She is Lady Master of the 12th divine ray – The Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness. 

Athena was the original keeper of the Emerald Green Flame of Truth, and a high priestess in the Temple of Truth in Atlantis.  She ascended before the Fall of Atlantis, at which time the Flame was transferred to Mount Parnassus in ancient Greece by Hilarion (now master of the 5th Green Ray of Healing, Truth, and Science) in one of his earlier incarnations.  It was here in its new location that it was overseen by Lady Vesta, who directed the Oracles of Delphi who channeled divine and sacred truths.


Athena advises acting on one’s heart wisdom which supports creativity and the flow of ideas in the arts.  She helps you to express your truth and “walk your talk” on your path so that you honor your soul.  As part of the evolutionary shift, she helps humanity and Earth recognize their rightful true divine nature, and connection to Christ Consciousness as Source energy.  She works to bring Divine Feminine energy to the Earth, along with other lady masters of the divine feminine.

THE FIRST STEP – Discovering your home base: 

The first step she would like us to focus on is discovering our home base.  Home base has two meanings here – both of which reflect the other – the heart and the home we live in.  The heart has now become the central hub, the “home base” of our life as it transitions.  The heart is a multi-dimensional space and so is vital for our ascension.  It houses our soul wisdom and soul essence – the divine spark, it is our sanctuary.  To consciously nurture our soul growth and ascension, we must first understand our starting point – who are we?  To understand ourselves leads to self-love and sharing love with others, as well as understanding and utilizing our power- our skills, gifts, and life purpose.  The answer is found in our hearts, and reflected in our homes – both of which are the foundation of our power and success in life.  So, the question is – how well do you know both of your “home bases”? 

Your Heart: When the issue is the heart – do you know what your heart desires?  Have you listened to its voice lately?  Do you distinguish truth with your heart?  Do you nourish your heart and soul?  What are the qualities of your soul essence?  What are your best qualities?  Where does your heart need to be healed and “refurbished”?  Are there old emotional wounds, blocks, suppressed emotions, or stagnation of the flow of your love energy in your heart?  What is your heart’s desire for your highest potential?

Your Home: The second issue is your home – they say your home is a template for you (and your family).  You may think that you know your home well, but it may be time to take a fresh perspective.  Perhaps in our familiarity we have lost sight of some key ingredients.  Your home represents your soul.  It gives you a strong foundation in life and strongly impacts your state of mind and health.  Your home should reflect your dreams, values, and joys and be supportive of who you are and who you want to be.  Your home should feel safe, be a sanctuary, harmoniously reflect nature, support your spiritual growth and evolution, and support the activities in your life.  Here are the steps in the process that will help you take a new look at your home and create any needed transformation:

Steps in your Home Transformation Process

  1.  Examine your heart and the goals of who you are and who you want to be, which will determine the qualities you want your home to reflect as a template. For a family or group of individuals that live in the home, this will be a collective decision, and/or individual rooms may reflect the individuals for their benefit.  I offer a questionnaire that will help you with this inner exploration at the end of this article.
  2. Explore the Elements: We are made up of all the nature elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Ether, and consequently our homes should contain these elements as well. We may have a predominant element or two that reflect our personality and soul qualities.  For further understanding of your energy – what “element” best represents you?  Are you an Air, Fire, Water, or Earth person?  Our ultimate higher potential no doubt brings us to be an Ether person where we are in harmony with all the elements, even though one of them may be predominant in our personality.  (Look for consecutive articles on a more in-depth look at what elements best represent you, and what qualities each element offers, as well as how that element creates different qualities in a home.  For instance – what does an Air element home look like?  What qualities does an Air element person reflect?  How can one add the Air element into a home?)
  3. Explore your home environment: Examine the home by taking a walk-thru as a neutral guest, and later as yourself to see how the current home environment is working for you, and what needs to change.
  4. Declutter, clean, and organize your home. Cleanliness purifies your environment physically and energetically, as well as reducing chaos and stress, and creating a more peaceful environment to live and grow in.
  5. Creating your sacred space. Add missing elements that will support you and balance your environment.
  6. Place intentions and affirmations of your desired qualities for each room of the house.
  7. Create a symbolic representation of your desired goal in the”heart”/center of the home. This symbolic representation may be a quote, a living plant with an affirmation, a crystal that reflects the desired quality, an image, a statue of a person or animal that reflects the desired qualities.
  8. Create physical and energetic protection for your home. Physical protection is created with secure doors and windows and locks, and lighting for interior and exterior areas.  Energetic protection can be created for the home with visualizations and intention.  (Look for a following article on a more in-dept look at creating energetic protection for yourself and your home.)

 More on each step of your home transformation:

Step 1:  Here is a questionnaire to help your inner exploration:

Self-Exploration Questionnaire
  1. Describe your essential qualities and who you are.
  2. What makes you feel inspired?
  3. What makes you feel safe?
  4. What makes you feel comfortable?
  5. What makes you feel pampered?
  6. What is the color you are most drawn to?
  7. What are the fragrances/smells you are most drawn to?
  8. What are the sounds that you love to hear?
  9. What are the textures that you love to touch?
  10. What do you find beautiful?
  11. What brings you joy?
  12. What is your personal style?
  13. What is your life purpose/mission?
  14. What qualities would you like to have?
  15. What is the landscape that you are most drawn to? (such as: deep northern forest, tropical beach, garden, mountaintop, woodland stream/waterfall, desert, rolling plains/prairie, snowscape, rainforest jungle, cave, valley, northern ocean shore, river wetlands, red rock canyons).
  16. What are your favorite hobbies/pastimes?

Step 2: Look at consecutive in-depth articles on each Element.  You will discover what element best represents your qualities, what each element home looks like, and how to bring the different elements into your home to support and balance your energy.

 Step 3: Explore Your Home Environment: Once you have done some soul searching and answered the questions about your heart’s desires and your goal of who you would like to be – your higher potential, you can then see if these qualities are reflected in your home to support you.  Your home is a mirror of your energy.  It reflects your interests, your beliefs, your hesitations, your spirit, and your passions.  By observing your energy reflection in your home, you can come to a better understanding of yourself.  When you want to make a change in yourself, change the environment of your home.  Change the template to reach your goal.

Imagine that you are a guest walking into your home for the first time.  How does the home reflect those that live there?  What can you learn about them by the energetic quality of the home and the objects found there?  After your initial walk-thru as a guest, switch back to yourself and take a walk through the house and ask yourself these questions:  Are your heart and soul reflected in your home?  Does your home support who you want to be?  Is there stagnant energy in your home that drains you, or is it causing a feeling of heaviness or illness?  Be a neutral witness and walk around the interior of your home (and later the exterior).  Where does your energy feel pulled down?  Are there areas of your home that you love?  Why?  Does energy flow throughout your home?  Do you feel rested and rejuvenated in your home?  Is a makeover needed to better reflect and support your path on attaining your higher potential? 

 Step 4:  Declutter, Clean, Organize:  Your makeover does not need to be a big expense, you may just need to do a decluttering and cleaning to release old or heavy negative energy that holds feelings of depression, anger, resentment, disappointment, doubt, confusion, hate, etc.  Once cleared, you leave your space open for new unimagined goodness to enter your life which can be assisted with energetic intentions and affirmations of what you desire your home (and you) to reflect.  Your space can be supported in this way with the different elements – air, fire, water, earth, and etheric – your energetic affirmations.  “Where intention goes, energy flows.”  You can invite your Higher Self into your home and listen for their advice intuitively.  Give yourself time to make these adjustments, and allow your creativity to flow.  Let yourself bask in the good energy of your home that you have established – it is your sanctuary!  Let your heart express its joy in your home.  When you have re-established the energy in your home template, it is recommended to set up energetic protection around your home to keep it safe from negative influences.  More on that later.

Step 5: Creating Your Sacred Space.  Ideally your home is a sanctuary within which you can retreat and recharge during these changing times, an oasis of peace amidst turmoil – a place of healing, regeneration, and support.  Not only can your home help to strengthen and heal you, but your home can be a template of harmony within which you and all who enter can be invited to step up to a higher level of spiritual frequency.  If you wish to make changes in your life, you need to make changes in your home environment, and your office and car too.  Your environment can collect a lot of negative energy, whether it is from energy you have picked up from others, the environment, or heavy and lower vibrational energy from worry, anger, depression, jealousy, shame, or any beliefs that keep you from being your fully empowered self.  You need to have the freedom of being able to change and grow – to evolve.  Negative energy in your environment can lock you in and prevent growth.  In order to get rid of the old to make way for the new – you need to purify your environment of any negativity to give you a more supportive, harmonious and healing environment.  You can change your template to support who you want to be and the direction of your growth.

Step 8:  Energetic Protection: “Negative Energies” are lower vibrational energies that often come in the form of negative thoughts and emotions such as fear, hatred, jealousy, doubt, worry, resentment, depression, low self-esteem, etc.  We can produce these ourselves as well as pick them up from other people, objects, and locations (stores, hospitals, jails, outdoor locations) or a home we move into.  These lower energies can also be generated from external devices such as cables and electronic devices such as televisions, computers, tablets, cell phones, and 5G.  These devices generate electromagnetic fields that create fatigue and irritability and even illnesses such as cancer and leukemia. 

Geopathic stress is caused by disruption of the natural energy lines of the earth’s grid systems.  These lines can be disturbed by any human activity, such as erecting buildings, damming rivers, or lowering water tables.  Geopathic stress can induce fatigue, depression, immune disorders, headaches, behavioral problems, and insomnia.  These lower thoughts and emotions hold us back from reaching our higher potential, diminish our health, higher purpose, and disempower us. 

We can also be attacked by lower vibrational entities from on or off planet sources that are attracted to our vulnerabilities and lower energies.  So keeping your frequency high is a protection in itself.

Look at the following article for a list of protection techniques that you can use to protect yourself and your home.  The cloaking and mirrors will also help against invading entities.





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