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Awakening Heart Power with Venus Light

by Nancy Robbins


Notes from Nancy on Feb. 10, 2023

About Conversations with Lady Magda and Venus Kumara –

I’m finding the subject of Divine Feminine energy and Venus Light connecting to Earth, and earth’s crystalline grid, to be of importance lately.  In meditation yesterday, I was conversing with Lady Magda (who was the incarnated Mary Magdalene), and then later with Venus Kumara – the wife of Sanat Kumara from Venus.  Sanat Kumara has kept Light on the planet for eons, saving the planet from being consumed by total darkness.  Venus Kumara has been diligently bringing Divine Feminine energy onto the planet to bring harmony and balance, as has Mary Magdalene.  They, among many others, are part of the Sisterhood of the Rose that was begun during the time of Atlantis to bring Divine Feminine energy onto the planet.  In fact, both Lady Magda and Sananda are the Divine Feminine and Masculine principles – the harmony of Divine Love.  They are devoted to bringing Divine Love to Earth as they did in their incarnations as Mary Magdalene and Jesus.

I consider Lady Magda/Mary Magdalene to be the partner to Sananda (who was Yeshua/Jesus).  She is now the lady master of the 14th Silver Ray of the Dawn of Peace (along with Sananda).  The Silver Ray assists us in holding the vision of the Golden Age, and of looking at a new way of living – with truth, harmony, love and abundance – in the Aquarian Age on the New Earth.  (for more information look for my blog on the 14th Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace).

About bringing Venus Light to the Earth –

Also recently, I have been guided to bring Venus Light down to infuse the planet, especially at Glastonbury  (Earth’s Heart & Brow chakra in England) and Lake Titicaca (Earth’s Sacral chakra in Peru).  I perceive Venus Light to visually be a mix of pink and sparkling white light.  It feels to me that it particularly carries Divine Feminine energy and has the power to awaken hearts with Divine Love.  It acts as a source of pure love that creates peace, harmony, and enhances unconditional love.  To me it seems to be a blend of the 3rd Pink Ray of Love, the 4th White Ray of Purity, the 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body, the 11th Peach Ray of Divine Love, the 14th Silver Ray of the Dawn of Peace, and the 18th Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service.

And since we are near to Valentine’s Day –

As it is so near Valentine’s Day, I thought it was befitting to share this conversation and a meditation they gave me since the subjects of late have been Divine Feminine energy and Venus Light.  Valentine’s Day to me has always been a time to explore love – not just romantic love, but love among friends and our fellow Earth beings…and those of the plant and animal kingdoms too.  From this conversation I found the opportunity to share with you that this is also a great time to explore the deep pool of Love energy in our hearts from which we gain much power.  We are only beginning to understand it … and here is an opportunity to expand our awareness of our own source of love power in our hearts.  To explore this heart power I am including a visualization given to me by Lady Magda and Venus Kumara.

Here are words from Mary Magdalene:

“Celebrate the goddess energy, prize all your feminine skills, especially the power of the heart which nurtures your soul.  It is a source of love that is the power behind intention – the fuel to manifestation.  The feminine principle births the seed that will blossom.  The masculine principle of action is the unfolding of the blossom.  Love is the source of healing and contains the inner soul wisdom that blends with divine wisdom and divine love.  It is a reservoir to tap into for greater awareness and empowerment.  Each individual can tap into their heart through their feminine aspect.  Each person needs to understand and respect their feminine and masculine aspects that help them develop their soul.”

Visualization to Awaken Your Heart Power

Venus Kumara and Venus Light

Venus Kumara is sending Venus Light to the Earth.  Allow yourself to sit in stillness and quiet tuning out any distractions.  Open your senses to see and hear what is within.  Use your imagination to help you tune in.

Feel the Venus Light shining down upon you and infusing you with its loving light.  Feel the illumination of Divine Love within you moving into your heart and awakening your heart power within.  Allow your feminine aspect to help you receive its beauty and nurturing qualities.  Its light reveals more of your inner skills and wisdom to you that have been hidden from you, awaiting your awareness and activation.

Now use your imagination to take this journey…

Imagine there is a white light trail before you that leads to your heart source.  Follow this white light trail.  It leads into a lush leafy green forest.  As you follow the trail you find this forest is peaceful, full of bird song, with a vibrant quality.  The sunlight and shade are comfortably balanced leaving leafy designs on the white light trail.  It is calming within the forest and refreshing.  You notice the trail leads to a natural spring of pink water.  The sunlight creates sparkles on the water as it softly fountains into the pool.  You place your hand into the water and feel a slight effervescent quality that gently tingles on the skin.  You decide to step into the pool and feel its awakening energy rise up your legs filling your entire body with its refreshment.

Your focus sinks deep into your heart to discover it is also like a natural spring.  Your heart contains divine energy and holds your soul’s wisdom, and knowledge of your skills and purpose.  Open your senses to its power.  When you understand and are aware of your heart’s power – you can utilize these skills in your life, manifest your dreams and purpose, and appreciate the worth of your uniqueness.  Listen to your heart’s voice now and receive impressions of the answers to these questions:

What does my heart want to say to me?

What is my heart power?

What of my skills are powered by my heart?

How do I access and understand more of the power of my heart?

How may I be of service to the world now?

Take time to reflect on these answers and feel the power in your heart.  Know that you can return here at any time to learn more and to fill yourself with more Divine Love and awareness.


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