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Beltane Meditation & Activities

by Nancy Robbins

Beltane – May 1 – May Day

Beltane (Bell-tane) is the Wiccan sabbat also known as May Day.  It is a joyous openhearted celebration of life.  It focuses on the union of masculine and feminine forces as found in physical sexual union and the sacred marriage.  Like a wedding celebration, it is a festival of fertility, fire, passion, love, flowers, and a time when new life will be created from the death of winter.  A time of new beginnings born of abundant love.

It is a time to honor the divine masculine and feminine within us that creates harmony, unconditional love, beauty, and a connection to nature and the divine.  One of the primary symbolic spiritual acts is that of the sacred marriage known in the world mythology as the “heiros gamos”.  The symbolic union between polar opposites of male and female bodies represents universal opposite elements coming together in harmony, where love triumphs over evil.  It begins with the blending of two souls in love and acts of pleasure.  It ends with the outpouring of divine love for all in a consciousness of compassion.  It is the sacred union of the masculine energy of the sun uniting with the feminine energy of earth.  In this sacred marriage of the goddess – the land – and the young god, as the force of life (from the sun), a new growth is birthed from the land celebrating the fulfillment of their passion and union.

Beltane is the anglicized version of the Irish Gaelic word “Bealtaine”, which is the name of the month of May.  It is also related to the Scottish “Bealtuinn” which means “May Day.”  The original word was derived from the “Bel-fire” which was the fire lit on the first day of May in honor of the Celtic God Bel (who was a sun/light god known as Beli and Balor).  In order to symbolically announce the return of light and life to the world the ancient Celts lit belfires with wood found in the local oak groves. 

Cernunnos (ker-noo-nos) is a Celtic god of active male energy, the horned god of the animals.  He brings you energy of physical agility, full strength, assertiveness, sexuality, and knowledge of wild animals and earthly things. 

Creiddylad (Cree-THIL-ahd) is a Welsh goddess of flowers and love.  She is the eternal May Queen always seeking peace and stability.  She is the consistent promise of love enduring through all hardship and despair.  She also shows us the necessity of self-love so that we can love others. 

The May Queen, honored on May Day, is represented by the Ivy plant, symbolizing the power of life and love.  She is the ever-fertile maiden, whose power births new life. She is the fertility goddess energy of Earth in the ongoing cycle of death and rebirth.  She represents eternal love that crosses all boundaries of time and space.  She is a beautiful reminder to trust in ourselves, the universe, and the power of love to provide.

The Maypole – is a symbol of fertility that represents the phallus (masculine) and was planted deep in the Earth (feminine) to initiate the new season of growth and fertility.  Celebrants would decorate the pole with ribbons, bells and flower garlands and dance around the pole to invigorate the earth.  It celebrates the union of male and female energies.


Beltane Meditation: Spark of Joy

 Imagine a golden-pink-orange light within your heart.  It has a sparkle to it of many glittering lights within it – like champagne bubbles or glitter.  It is the energy of joy – a tingling, sparkling, uplifting, celebration within the light.  It has a warming effect – like a fire that brings protection, warmth, and illumination.  Feel this warmth expand its light to encompass the heart.  Feel the heart relax in this comfortable joy.  Its energy brings a sigh and smile with its cheering energy.  Allow this light to grow and expand encompassing your entire being.  Feel this light relax your body with its warmth.  It soothes your emotions and gently uplifts your mood.  This light captures the life-giving warmth of golden sunlight as it transforms your being with its rays.  Feel how the sparkles of joy within the light affect your entire body.  Allow this golden-pink-orange glow to radiate outwards to touch others.  Know that you can recharge your joy by focusing on your inner joyful spark and expanding it.

Beltane Activities:

  1. Wash your face and hands in morning dew for positive effects and beauty.
  2. Dance and celebrate. Dance around a maypole.   
  3. Make spring flower crowns. Be your own May Queen/King.
  4. Give flowers to loved ones or May Day baskets made of flowers and small gifts.
  5. Decorate your home/altar with wildflowers.
  6. Plant flowers in your garden.
  7. Mediate with Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz is a stone of Love.  Infuse yourself with its Pink Ray of Love energy to nourish your soul, and fill your heart with unconditional love and joy.

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