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Connecting to Nature and the State of Grace

NEW!!! Mythical Nature Collection
NEW!!!  Angelic Grace

Here are two NEW soap collections to help connect us to nature and our state of grace! In this rapidly transforming world we need to re-connect to our authentic self in order to be calm and centered and raise our vibration to be our highest and best self. Two things that help are connecting to nature – as we are made part of the natural world, and connecting to our divinity.

The Mythical Nature collection will bring your awareness to the nature spirits that seem mythical as they are invisible to our physical eyes, but are very real, and can be seen by our inner vision. The companion booklet will help you to learn about these nature spirits that represent each of the elements – Fairy for the Air element, Dragon for the Fire element, Mermaid for the Water element, Gnome for the Earth element, and Dryad – the spirit of a tree, for the Ether element, and also how they can help us.

The Angelic Grace collection will bring your awareness to four angels of Divine Feminine energy that will help you move into your state of grace as you expand your understanding of your own beauty reflected from your soul, your heartfelt connection to all beings of Nature, and connect with divine illumination and higher guidance and communication. The angels here to help are: Archangel Gabrielle who brings divine communication and illumination, Angel Ananchel – Angel of Grace, Angel Iofiel – Angel of Beauty, and Angel Ariel – Angel of Nature. The companion booklet will bring you information and affirmations for each angel as well as an excellent meditation to connect into the flow of your state of grace! All of this in a beautiful hand-painted box!

Enjoy these collections that will delight and be great tools for connecting from your heart and transforming with a state of grace!

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