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Connecting to the Sacred Feminine with Lemurian Quartz crystals

by Nancy Robbins

Sacred Feminine and the Aquarian Age

We have moved into the Aquarian Age with a New Earth which is moving into 5th dimensional energy.  The Aquarian Age is following the Piscean Age and will last for the next 2000 years.  It is an Age about information being key (so discernment is necessary), about taking responsibility for one’s life and actions, for uniting in fellowship, and for freedom and innovation and of striving for heaven on earth.  In order to go with the evolutionary flow, we need to focus on these elements within, which will create them in the outer world.  In order to achieve all this, we need to go within and discover our power, inner wisdom and creativity to manifest.  We need to be our fullest self – balanced with the best of our masculine and feminine aspects.

The qualities needed to move forward into the Aquarian Age are found in the Sacred Feminine.  We are currently “overly masculine” in our way of living, and in order to gain equilibrium with our masculine and feminine aspects, we need to re-awaken our feminine qualities.  We need to emphasize “motherly” love, wisdom, compassion, creativity, and intuition, as well as respect sexuality as natural and sacred.  We need to respect women and their contributions as we awaken the female principles within each of us – male or female.  On a planetary level, it means respecting and healing our Mother Earth.  It means honoring the inner goddess and priestess as we utilize these feminine values to achieve our soul mission.

What is Sacred Feminine?

One of the most potent ways to help our planet rise to its full divinity is to awaken the Sacred Feminine, our inner divine female.  But, what is the Sacred Feminine?  It is a new paradigm of honoring the feminine principles within all beings – male, female, and Earth and her inhabitants.  What makes it sacred or divine, is the connection through the heart.  The heart is the key to ascension.  The Sacred Feminine brings us the yin qualities of receptivity, openness, stillness, restfulness, reflection, intuition, nurturing, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, harmony, sensual awareness, earth connection, and inner power.  Combined with the yang (Sacred Masculine) qualities of giving, action, and accomplishment, a balance of give-and-take emerges and creates harmony within and without.

How to Connect to the Sacred Feminine

* Feel your feelings – fully feel and release your feelings without judgment.  Do not stifle emotions as they will turn toxic.  Let your emotions flow freely like circulating water that is healthy and refreshing.

*Open your six senses – open your senses to increase your sensual awareness and empathy.  They are your antennae for receiving information.

*Trust your intuition – Intuitive impulses come from the heart, not the mind.  They are often accompanied by signs and synchronicities in the outside world.  Keep your senses alive and aware to receive.

*Listen to your body and inner voice – The body knows before the mind what and who is toxic for you, and what is truth.  Listen to your heart’s voice that speaks of your soul’s wisdom as well.

*Let your creativity flow – Your creativity reflects the beauty of your soul and desires of your heart.  Manifest from your heart with your creative energy and nurture the growth of your creation with love.

*Go within – Explore your inner self in meditation and listen to the guidance of your Higher Self.  You will gain a greater understanding of who you are and all your abilities, which might be hidden from you and just needs to be re-awakened.  As your understanding of yourself grows you become more empowered and understand more of the “bigger picture” of which you are a vital part.

*Be ruled by your heart – Your heart is the bridge between heaven and earth and the point of harmony.  Your heart’s wisdom is vital to your daily steps on your mission.  Your heart is a multi-dimensional space that serves as an “elevator” to your ascension.

* the Sacred Rose geometry – in meditation, connect to the geometry of the rose, which is the flower of love.  It represents the sacred place in the heart that holds your divine essence.  This geometry contains the basic energy of the Flower of Life which holds the sacred patterns of music, our cellular structure and patterns in the universe.  The Sacred Rose Geometry is the Seed of Life pattern combined with the merkabah.  A spiraling vortex in the center circle carries the divine essence in the heart through all levels of the heart and through all dimensions spiraling upwards – it is a stargate for the soul journey.  (I have a hand-painted energy mandala board of the Sacred Rose Geometry to purchase if you’d like on my website – www.elementsdesigncollection.com.)

*Connect to the Sisterhood of the Rose – The Sisterhood of the Rose was originally created in Lemuria and was dedicated to the essence of the Divine Feminine.  It was later brought to Atlantis and led by Queen Ashtar (Ishtar) of Atlantis in the Temple of Love.  With the sinking of Atlantis, it was brought to Egypt under the guidance of Isis and carried on with Mary Magdalene and the Grail mysteries and the Avalon tradition.  You can connect with many guides of the Sisterhood of the Rose to connect to divine feminine energy such as – Mary Magdalene (Lady Magda), Isis, Mother Mary (Archeia Mareia), Lady Nada, Quan Yin, Lady Sarah, Lady Venus Kumara, Lady Portia, Lakshmi, Lilith, and Lady Ashtar.

*Connect to Venus – the planet Venus sends us her pink-white rays of Divine Feminine energy.  She is seen as a bright star that constantly guides us.  As Venus orbits the Earth, her rotation culminating in an 8-year cycle, creates the image of a five-petaled rose.  As Venus weaves through the astrological signs, we are guided by her varied frequencies of love and wisdom.  Bring your focus on Venus in meditation.

*Connect to Moon energy – The moon represents yin energy (as the sun represents yang energy).  Moonlight symbolically reflects light that reveals our hidden gems within.  A lunar cycle with its varied moon phases physically affects women in particular (with the menstrual cycle), and the “inner ocean” within us all, as well as affecting us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Sit in the moonlight in meditation.

* Connect to these three divine rays:  Pink Ray, Silver Ray, and the Platinum Ray – Connect in meditation to these divine rays that especially connect you to Sacred Feminine energy and in creating harmony.

     The 3rd divine ray – the Pink Ray of Love –The Pink Ray of Love ranges from soft pink to ruby red and is soft, supportive, nurturing, nourishing, and yet the strongest force in the universe!  In living with this ray, we learn tolerance, harmony, gratitude, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and kindness.

     The 14th divine ray – the Silver Ray of the Dawn of Peace and the New Order – This ray assists us in holding the vision of the Golden Age to come, and in looking at a new way of living with truth, harmony, love, and abundance, in the Aquarian Age on the New Earth.

     The 17th divine ray – the Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment – This silver ray with hints of blue is a powerful ray that resonates to the feminine principle in all beings.  This energy is associated with the Divine Mother, Sacred Feminine, and Goddess essence.  Mutuhu, an ancient Lemurian Earth Mother, is guardian of this ray.  This ray is a cosmic gift from the Goddess Light of Purity/Divine Mother for purification on every level so that self-mastery can be attained as a fully empowered being – wholly healed – for us personally or for Gaia’s empowerment and healing.  Mary Magdalene (Lady Magda) is the Lady Master of this ray.  She represents the Divine Feminine to Sananda Kumara’s (Jesus) Divine Masculine to create divine harmony in Christ consciousness.

* Connect to a Lemurian Quartz Crystal (and other Sacred Feminine crystals) – Lemurian Quartz crystal points connect you into the Lemurian Sacred Feminine energies (see below).  These other crystals, when used in meditation, will also connect you to Sacred Feminine energies:  Rose Quartz, Rosophia, Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Danburite, Gaia Stone, Kunzite.

About Lemuria and Atlantis – and the Lemurian Quartz Crystal

I recently was connecting to a Lemurian Quartz crystal and was amazed at the beautiful, soothing, uplifting mood I was placed in – it felt like “returning to the Garden of Eden”, a blissful state like feeling heaven on Earth.  It was a balm to the heart and re-empowered me.  I really recommend connecting to this crystal to awaken your Sacred Feminine.  To understand the Lemurian energy present in the crystal – let me recap the significance of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Lemuria, or Mu, was an ancient civilization located in the Pacific Ocean (the Hawaiian Islands were part of this civilization) that was more centered upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions than our mentally based modern world.  The Lemurians are thought of as a peaceful, highly intelligent race of people that existed millions of years ago.  In Lemuria, life worked in harmony, all beings were seen as equal and they were deeply reverent to Mother Earth.  It was more of a matriarchal society that correlated with the Divine and the idea of the Garden of Eden where one communed with each other and nature respectfully and lovingly.  A catastrophe, occurring on both inner and outer levels, befell the Lemurian people and their level of consciousness, and humanity “fell from grace”.  Some of these Lemurians went underground under Mt. Shasta to seek refuge when the Lemurian continent sank, and live there still.

The Atlantean world, which was thought to be based in the Atlantic Ocean, attempted once more to ascend to the level of the Divine, this time using the powers of the mind and invention.  What Atlantean awareness lacked was the heart connection with Spirit and the deep emotional centering and inner wisdom it evoked.  Though psychic and paranormal abilities in Atlantis were strong, without the inner knowing of the heart’s truth, the Atlanteans are said to have brought about their own doom.  Their continent sank as well.

Our time and culture offer us a unique choice.  Although we, like the Atlanteans, tend to rely too heavily upon the mind and technology, there are many who have learned to connect with and trust the intuitive, emotional knowledge of our souls and Spirit.  In order to not “fall from grace” again, and to move with the evolutionary flow, we must learn to connect to our hearts and integrate both the emotional/intuitive and the rational/mental aspects of ourselves and with intention connect to Spirit.

The Lemurian Quartz Crystal and its Message

Lemurian Quartz crystal points are coded with the Lemurian consciousness vibrations.  When one works with them in meditation, or with self-healing modalities, the crystals can infuse one with the pure emotional/intuitive/spiritual awareness of the Lemurians and the Sacred Feminine.  One can experience the heart opening and the healing of the emotional body and feel a soul elation of “returning to paradise”.  It can help you attain once again that balancing, nurturing, loving, spiritual and sensuous consciousness that has been long lost by much of humanity.  When integrated with the rational and mental attributes it creates a harmony – a transcendence of both the efforts of connecting to the Divine with the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations.  The Lemurian Quartz crystals can also connect you to the divine within (your inner divine spark) and without – with the angelic and cosmic realms.

These stones are powerful meditation tools which assist one in connecting with the sacred feminine energies of the Goddess, the Great Mother, Earth Mother, and the Priestess.  They are powerful balancers of duality and assist one in finding the point of harmony within, which goes beyond polarity and joins one with the Divine energy of the Creator.  They help you create “heaven on earth.”

As I mentioned earlier, when I made a heart connection to my Lemurian Quartz crystal I was amazed at the incredibly blissful mood it placed me in that lasted throughout the day.  I saw the spirit of the crystal as a feminine form cloaked in brilliant white light, with a slight golden radiance, like a golden veil.  Here is her message…

Message from my Lemurian Quartz crystal:

“I am the Sacred Feminine energy of the Earth that was prominent in Lemuria.  I connect you to Mother Earth.  I awaken inner power and enhance Divine Feminine energy in the world to bring forth inner wisdom.  I am like a soft moonlight beam tinged with golden wisdom.  I have nurturing magic that awakens the heart and one’s intuitive abilities.  I guide you to your hidden gifts and to see the beauty within.  I soothe, heal, and empower the heart – the ‘guidance system’ for your incarnation.  I am the motherly love that nurtures, uplifts, and strengthens your inner self – a reminder of the power of love, compassion, and wisdom in the heart.”

Affirmation:  I reconnect with my own soul and the Sacred Feminine, and I call forth knowledge, wisdom, and power from the ancient realm of Lemuria.

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