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Creating a Bridge to the Nature Kingdom

by Nancy Robbins

As we freeze this moment in time on our planet, we take a look around us and find that we have created a fine mess!  We hear the ticking of a clock in our minds and know that earth’s welfare, and our own, are hanging in the balance.  I believe we have arrived at this moment because we have simply become disconnected – from our hearts, our soul wisdom, our divine spark, and the powerful healing force of love that resides there.  Our heart serves as a bridge that connects us to other living beings and multidimensional spirits.  It creates a heartfelt relationship of connection to the wisdom of our Higher Self, plants, animals, other human beings, star beings, ancestral loved ones, and higher dimensional spirits of the Angelic and Nature kingdoms.

This disconnect has caused us to not understand ourselves and become disempowered to be our higher potential.  Because we are “children of the Earth“, we are a holographic fragment of the Earth heart which is incorporated in us during the incarnation process.  We need to acknowledge this heart connection with our Mother Earth, and realize the importance of being in harmony with Earth.  A lack of this harmony causes disharmony within ourselves because we are made of the elements of Earth.  The Earth resonates the divine Green Ray of Truth and Healing.  When we are in harmony with Earth and connected to her heart, we receive the gifts of truth and healing.

The awareness of the Nature kingdom – the world of devas and elementals – has sunk into the unconscious mind of humanity, and with this forgetfulness we think earth is just non-intelligent matter.  The beings of the Nature Kingdom have been labeled as myth or folklore.  We cling to our intellect without using the higher wisdom of our heart and intuition which connects us to the flow of higher consciousness.  We have added further injury to this prideful ignorance by bulldozing, detonating, fracking, and dumping toxins and garbage into their space.  In our ego-centric actions we are actually trying to replace the work of the devas and elementals with our aggressive scientific research, and nanotechnology with which we invade the life and consciousness of the elemental realm.  The intelligence of these elementals is dismissed, and the result is disastrously destructive to humanity and the planet.  Rather, we need to harmoniously connect to the intelligence of the elemental realm, and to the intentions of Gaia – our Mother Earth.  We need to develop technology that is in alignment with the highest wisdom that would promote well-being for all beings.

Despite the many disasters, elementals love humanity and respect our ways of learning, and try to follow us in our ways of creative activity.  They are joyfully optimistic with positive attitudes and intuitive understanding, even with our self-centeredness and abuse to nature, and continue to evolve and develop as we do.

With the new higher frequencies coming onto the planet, and the thinning of the veil, we are better able to now perceive what lives within higher dimensional realities.  It’s time now to displace our ignorance and take a good look at the Nature Kingdom, and some of its diverse beings, and how they serve humanity and the planet.  Surprisingly, we’ll enter a world of magic and wonder, a great cure for our current despair!  We will discover a working relationship between the Human Kingdom, and the Nature and Angelic Kingdoms that brings us healing and transformation. 

This transformation develops our consciousness where we discern more of our truth that makes up our reality – within and without.  Elemental beings are not only in our world – they are within our bodies, and they help us to thrive.  As we move into the Aquarian Age, the key focus is re-connection to our hearts, and the soul wisdom there.  These three kingdoms are meant to help each other, and the path to harmony and well-being will be found in re-establishing the bridge of connection, so that love can flow.

The Connecting Bridge

The first step on the bridge must be connecting to our heart, and the soul wisdom and love there that will fuel us on our journey.  Next, connecting to your Higher Self and your higher potential – living your truth.  Higher guidance can also be obtained by connecting to the wise ascended masters within the Human Kingdom.  Next then, is from the heart making connections with the devas and elementals of the Nature Kingdom, and the spiritual beings of the Angelic Kingdom.  Such connections will enlighten, uplift, bring guidance, and healing, expand your awareness with inspiration, and expand your heart with wonder and joy. 

The most important thing we need to practice is to FEEL the love and gratitude for these beings in our lives.  We need to create a relationship with them by learning about them.  This is how a relationship grows and becomes meaningful, and it’s a relationship that benefits all parties.  Elementals were created to serve mankind through divine love.  They mimic or out-picture that which they see, and manifest these human thought forms, as they are primarily mental beings (el-e-mental meaning “mind of God”).  Yet, they communicate through emotion.

The Angelic Kingdom emotionally supports and uplifts the Human and Nature Kingdoms.  So, the Nature Kingdom gives us manifested form, and the Angelic Kingdom gives us Divine Love, and in return, we need to give them appreciation, gratitude, love, and respect, and with this mankind creates inner balance and harmony.  It is the feelings of the heart and its projection of love, peace, harmony, faith, kindness, beauty and gentleness that will bring us closer to these kingdoms, and attract them to crossing the bridge to our heart.

It is time to bridge these kingdoms together – spend time in nature, call upon angels and nature spirits to communicate with you, send love to and talk to a tree in your yard, a favorite crystal, or flowers in your garden.  My new card deck – Spirits of the Nature Kingdom – is also a great tool for connecting and developing your relationship with the beings of the Nature Kingdom.  Explore this earthly realm of beauty and wonder, and allow yourself to be transformed.  As you transform, so will the world. 

Connect into your heart, open your mind, and allow your awareness and understanding to expand with new inspiration.  You will elevate your consciousness as you move into the etheric world of the magical Nature Kingdom where you will meet the Elohim, devas, and beings of the elements – sylphs of the air, fiery salamanders, watery undines, gnomes of the earth, and new inner earth and etheric beings that are arriving with the higher frequencies.

Elements Design Collection – www.elementsdesigncollection.com


2 thoughts on “Creating a Bridge to the Nature Kingdom”

  1. Wow beautiful! This is spot on. The call ha sheen put out for those who hear, to get back to land and the Earth. And the more of us that help Heal her, the faster she cleanses and brings in the New 💖

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