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Crystals of Spiritual Light and Soul Illumination

by Nancy Robbins

Crystals are amazing allies from the Earth that not only are connected to Earth intelligence, but have their own unique spirit intelligence within them.  When you hold a crystal in your hands, its particular frequency resonates with you, and attunes you to its vibration as it shares its gifts with you.  You can enhance this connection by communicating to the spirit of the crystal from your heart and open up a dialogue.  You can determine how the crystal heals and expands awareness, if it wants to work with you, and how it can help you.  You can also receive great messages and guidance.  When you connect with a crystal – amazing results can occur!!!

Here are eight crystals that can help you align with the higher frequencies of the divine realms.  These crystals emanate the brightest crystal Light, and they help purify one’s energy field and attune one to the white Light of the Divine essence.  Wearing or meditating with these crystals will help you attune to their higher vibrations which will serve to aid your connection and communication with the angels, ascended masters, the Elohim, and the high dimensional nature spirits.  These crystals help to illuminate the divine nature within you, as well as bring you into a state of purified bliss.  Their Light will illuminate your hidden gifts and light the way on your life path.  They are particularly great to use for dream work and vision work.  They will activate the Brow, Crown and higher transpersonal chakras.  They will assist you in astral travel, interdimensional work, and ascension.  Many of them are Quartz crystals, which means they pick up and magnify the frequencies of other stones near them, as well as hold programmed information.

Here is a brief overview of these eight spiritual companions:

Howlite – Stone of Uplifting Purification

Howlite clears and prepares the mind for higher consciousness and connects you to the higher realms.  It reduces stress and anxiety.  It encourages awareness and emotional expression while calming and soothing emotions and an overactive mind, aiding sleep.

rainbow moonstone – stone of light

Rainbow Moonstone illuminates your truth that may be hidden within you.  It is like a living white light shower that shines on your dreamworld to illuminate your soul’s skills and abilities.  It diffuses energy into your aura to strengthen protection, especially psychic protection.  It activates the Rainbow Body of Light (your light body) bringing you goddess energy, inner peace, and harmony.

Sanda rosA azeztulite – stone of the spiritual heart

“The Rose of the Sand – Quartz of the Heart” expands the spiritual heart and soothes the etheric body, brings Spiritual Light into the body and mind while grounding you.  It attunes the Brow chakra.  It anchors the infusion of Light which spiritualizes the body, enhances your sensing capacity, quiets the mind, stimulates inner vision, and cleanses you etherically.

satyaloka clear azeztulite – stone of enlightenment

This stone is from the Satya Loka Mountains in India and is soaked in the energy of spiritual aspiration.  It opens the Crown chakra and allows a tremendous flow of divine energy to pour downwards.  It carries the currents of the Great Central Sun, the spiritual core of the universe.  It is attuned to the Source of pure White Light radiance that infuses one’s mind, body and chakra system with pure White Light.  It re-centers brain activity and brings one’s awareness to a deep sense of quiet and a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies and streams of consciousness.  It blissfully illuminates the heart.

selenite – stone of living light

This stone opens and activates the Brow, Crown, and higher transpersonal chakras.  It cleanses the auric field and places you in a column of white light that acts like an “express elevator” to higher dimensions.  It helps you connect to higher vibrations and awareness as it energetically aligns you.  It is key to unlocking the door to the etheric higher chakras and their gifts, and assists with ascension.

snowy quartz/White Quartz – stone that links to inner wisdom

White Quartz is an opaque version of Clear Quartz.  It contains collected wisdom in the memories of humanity from past lives and of Mother Gaia.  It also amplifies intention while diffusing an aura of tranquility, calm, and peace – like the quiet hush and peace of gently falling snow.  Its gentle feminine energy supports physical, emotional, and mental balance and inner harmony.  It is a stone of purity that activates the Crown chakra for divine connection.  It purifies you of negativity so that you can see through the eyes of a child at a world of beauty and wonder.

white aventurine – mirror to the soul

White Aventurine illuminates the soul reflecting your truth and bringing clarity to visions.  It helps you express your soul’s truth as well as clearly listen to other expressions of truth.  It brings light, hope, and inspiration to you.  It reflects to us our own divine nature and so encourages us to be our highest version of ourselves.  It has a wise, joyful, and compassionate energy.  It protects and balances empaths.

white azeztulite – stone of enlightenment and ascension

Azeztulite is a key element to vibrational ascension of Earth and humanity.  It aids in expanding awareness by connection with other realms.  Infused with divine white light by high angelic beings known as the “Azez” who have been spiritual caretakers of humanity for thousands of years.  Their soothing energy is also the light that enlightens and expands our awareness, helps us attune to the Great Central Sun – the spiritual core of the Universe.  Its light brings physical and spiritual healing by dissolving patterns of disease and degeneration, and helps support our Light Body activation.



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