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Crystals to Connect to your Ancestors

by Nancy Robbins

Many of us during meditation are striving to connect to our Higher Self, ascended masters or angels for comfort and guidance.  But we can also receive comfort, guidance and wisdom from our loved ones that have passed – our ancestral family.  Our ancestral family not only cares about us, but we can learn about family traits, and conduct mutual healing by connecting to our ancestors.  We can supplement our genealogical research, and scrap booking, by connecting to our ancestors with the vibrational help of crystals.  They will help you open up the lines of communication with your loved ones from the past, and exploration of your ancestral lineage and knowledge.

Your Crystal Allies

Crystals are amazing allies from the Earth that not only are connected to Earth intelligence, but have their own unique spirit intelligence within them.  When you hold a crystal in your hands, its particular frequency resonates with you, and attunes you to its vibration as it shares its gifts with you.  You can enhance this connection by communicating to the spirit of the crystal from your heart and open up a dialogue.  You can determine how the crystal heals and expands awareness, if it wants to work with you, and how it can help you.  You can also receive great messages and guidance.  When you connect with a crystal – amazing results can occur!!!

Here are five crystals that can help you connect with your ancestors.
Blue Kyanite – stone of inner bridges

This high vibrational stone serves as a bridge of light energy and connection between two beings, or the self and Higher Self.  It initiates psychic ability and communication with higher beings.  It helps you download information from higher sources.  This stone can serve as a vibratory bridge to your ancestors.

preseli blue stone – stone of earth energy connection

This stone is also known as Stonehenge Bluestone, or Presali Bluestone and was used in the construction of Stonehenge.  It is strongly connected to the energy currents of Earth and can attune you to Earth’s crystalline grid and ley lines.  It facilitates shamanic journeying, and can reconnect you with your ancient knowing, and past lives.  It expands your senses and helps you live in harmony with the Earth.  It carries immense healing energy, especially sound healing, and forms a doorway to other dimensions and time.  This stone is great for exploring your past lives and ancient inner wisdom that may be connected to your ancestors.  The Earth archives all human experience, and connecting to the currents of the Earth will help you explore that knowledge.

Petrified Wood – stone of ancient knowledge

Petrified Wood is fossilized wood or agatized wood, and a member of the Quartz family.  The former wood is replaced with silicon dioxide.  It is a stone of patience and steady spiritual growth, and teaches us to trust the flow of life and evolution with divine timing.  It strengthens the body and assists in past-life recall.  It is a stone of roots, beginnings, and ancient and ancestral knowledge.  It embodies the knowledge of the “Old Ones” – the ancient trees of the Earth.  It allows you to access Akashic Records and the genetic records contained in the vast library of our cells.

merlinite – Stone that parts the veil

Merlinite is a blend of White Quartz and Black Psilomelane.  It helps to enhance your magical abilities, like the great Arthurian wizard, Merlin.  It can part the veils between the visible and invisible worlds, opening the doors to deeper intuitive abilities.  Meditation with this stone can assist spirit communication and contacting souls of the deceased who wish to give messages to the living.  Merlinite is an aid to learning all types of magic.  It opens the psychic channels for intuitive understanding and also attracts teachers from other planes to assist in one’s studies during the dream state and in meditation.  It also connects you to the elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether to call upon them for one’s pursuits and ambitions.

Papagoite – transmuting stone of sorrow

This stone helps to transform sorrow into happiness and be filled with a sense of well-being and harmony, and of being in a state of grace with the universe.  It activates one’s psychic abilities and aids astral travel.  It is excellent for use in exploring past lives.  It draws one into resonance with the Akashic records, allowing access to information about one’s soul journey, and in unlocking ancient knowledge about one’s true origins.


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