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Crystals to Enhance your Divine Masculine Energy

by Nancy Robbins

The world transformation currently underway is aided by our own healing and balance.   For thousands of years, we have lived in a society controlled by the masculine energy based on ego, arrogance, control, and the idea that males are superior to females in every way.  This has not only created devastating results for civilization, but for the planet, and also for each of us personally.   

We need to equally embrace the gifts and strengths of each divine quality of our soul – our divine masculine and our divine feminine.  Whether you are male or female, we each benefit from the gifts of the divine mother and divine father within us.  It’s time to honor what both offer us and create harmony and greater well-being from their union.  

Crystals contain earth intelligence and their own spirit intelligence as well.  When you hold a crystal its particular frequency resonates with you, sharing its unique gifts.  You can enhance this connection by communicating to the spirit of a crystal from your heart, and open up a dialogue.  You can determine how the crystal heals and expands awareness, if it wants to work with you, and how it can help you.  You can also receive great messages and guidance.  When you connect with a crystal – amazing results can occur!!!

Here are twelve crystals that will help us connect to the strengths of Divine Masculine energy:

Agate – Deep balancing connection to the earth

Agate comes in many forms and in general grounds you to the Earth, helping to bring calm and stability, which gives you a solid platform to aid introspection.  It balances the physical with the emotional, raises consciousness, brings prosperity, and builds self-confidence.

Apache tear – grounding & protection from negative energy

Apache Tear is a form of Obsidian that helps to release emotional patterns and blockages, and removes self-limitations by bringing to light that which is hidden in the conscious mind.  It raises the level of psychic attunement as it strengthens the grounding cord through the Root and Earth Star chakras to the heart of the Earth.  In this way it helps to build your strength and protection, as well as clear the way for balancing with Divine Feminine energies.

black obsidian – stone of protection & cleansing

This stone eliminates negative energies in oneself or one’s environment, and wards off evil energies.  It cleanses the auric field of negative attachments and emotional patterns, and seals the aura.  It uncovers unconscious thoughts and patterns that block personal growth that lead to addiction, negativity, and abusive behavior.  In this way it helps to build your inner strength and anchor your energy as it protects.

bloodstone – stone of revitalizing energy

Bloodstone fills you with a surge of courage, self-esteem, energy and protection so that you can enjoy living in the now.  It is a stone of physical and creative movement.  It stimulates the Root chakra helping to get the energy flowing in your mind, body, and spirit.  This stone fuels you with the energy you need so that you can take action on your goals.

carnelian – stone of courageous action & vitality

Carnelian infuses you with solar energy life force that builds confidence, courage, passion and empowerment.  It helps you to move forward in life with courage and confidence.  

charoite – stone that reveals your path of service

Charoite’s purple ray helps you cleanse and purify your etheric body releasing disharmonies and dispelling negativity.  It protects you from psychic attack.  It can help you access past life memories and integrate the lessons from past lives.  It activates the latent inner knowledge that can lead to your path of service to the world by opening and clearing the Brow and higher chakras.  It helps you heal so that you can move onto your life path.

citrine – stone of manifestation

Citrine illuminates the mind like sunlight.  It enhances clarity of thought, awakens creative imagination, and magnifies the power of will. It helps us manifest our thoughts and desires into physical reality.  Its golden solar power attracts prosperity and success.

jet – stone of protection

Jet acts like an energy filter that grounds, purifies, and protects, as it dissolves negative behavioral patterns.  It empowers you with strength when you feel weak and relieves stress that drains you.

malachite – earth power and stone of leadership

Malachite has a green fire energy that strengthens one’s action taken in the world to manifest one’s ideas.  It stimulates the Solar Plexus chakra in aligning personal and Divine will and helps one to become the enlightened leader.  It is a powerful healer releasing old trauma from past lives, deep anxieties and any negativity to help strengthen your well-being.  It connects the Solar Plexus with the Heart – the will and heart’s desire and wisdom.  It connects you to the deep intelligence and power of the Earth.

rainbow hematite – stone of electromagnetic strengthening & alignment

Rainbow Hematite enhances the liquid crystalline and iron in the blood bringing harmony to physical and energetic systems and repairing one’s magnetic field.  One’s electromagnetic field is generated primarily from the heart.  This electromagnetic strengthening and realignment help you to feel more grounded, clear-headed, and in tune with the Earth – all of which empowers you.  

RED jasper – stone of stability

Red Jasper increases and strengthens your life force enhancing endurance and stamina.  It strengthens your Root chakra and connection to Earth energy.  It stabilizes and invigorates your energies promoting health, balanced emotions, and truthful expression and actions.  It awakens kundalini energy in the Root chakra to empower you.

sunstone – stone of empowerment

This is a stone of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness.  It has the qualities of Solar Light – openness, warmth, strength, mental clarity, and the fire of leadership.  It carries the frequency of the golden solar ray representing enlightened leadership and the ability to use knowledge and wisdom for the highest good of all.  It helps you find inner conviction and self-discipline to move forward rather than being held back by fear and self-doubt.  This stone also stimulates creativity and sexuality.  The male energy of this stone balances well with the feminine energy of Moonstone.



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