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Crystals to help you communicate with the Spiritual Realms

by Nancy Robbins

Amidst the chaos of a rapidly transforming world, we seek to find a calm and centered place within where we can be revitalized and find guidance on how to cope, and how to prosper amidst all the changes.  We need to transform, as our home planet is transforming.  We can find the wise guidance we seek within us, as well as from the higher dimensional guides of the spirit realm.  

One tool that will help us connect to those higher frequencies are crystals.  Crystals contain earth intelligence and their own spirit intelligence as well.  When you hold a crystal its particular frequency resonates with you, sharing its unique gifts.  You can enhance this connection by communicating to the spirit of a crystal from your heart and open up a dialogue.  You can determine how the crystal heals and expands awareness, if it wants to work with you, and how it can help you.  You can also receive great messages and guidance.  When you connect with a crystal – amazing results can occur!!!

Here are twelve crystals that can help you align with spiritual allies by aligning your energy and tuning you in to higher frequencies, enhancing your Brow chakra psychic abilities, and creating a bridge to the higher dimensions of wisdom, love, and helpful guidance for moving forward on your life path.   

amethyst – stone of spiritual purification, protection, healing & enlightenment

Amethyst stimulates psychic skills and spiritual connection.  It is a master healing stone and stone of transformation and spirituality.  It protects you by repelling and transmuting negative energy as it repairs any holes in the aura.  It aligns your chakras, quiets the mind for inner reflection and helps expand awareness.

angel aura quartz – stone of beauty & upliftment

This stone brings upliftment activating brilliance on all levels of the body and energy fields.  It creates a sense of beauty, peace, serenity, and expanded awareness.  It connects you with the angelic realm and higher beings.  It helps you connect with the beauty of Nature and Spirit, and to be a beacon of inner beauty, peace, and spiritual awareness on your journey.  It helps you remember past lives and one’s spiritual purpose.

angelite – spirit guide/angelic representative

Angelite, also known as Blue Anhydrite, aids Spirit/Angelic communication, helps develop psychic attunement and dream work.  It helps you communicate gently and compassionately. 

aqua aura quartz – stone of spiritual elevation and peace

This stone is calming and relaxing, connects you with the spiritual realms, enhances communication and gives you psychic protection.  It stimulates the Throat chakra enhancing communication of one’s inner truth and calms and relaxes the emotional body.  It is a stone of spiritual elevation and peace as it connects you to higher vibrational realms.

blue kyanite – stone of inner bridges

This high vibrational stone serves as a bridge of light energy and connection between two beings, or self and Higher Self.  It initiates psychic ability and communication with higher beings.  It helps you download information from higher sources.

celestite – stone of angelic communication

Celestite aids communication with higher dimensions and brings serenity.  It uplifts and expands awareness into the higher realms serving as a doorway.


danburite – stone of unseen magic and divine joy

Danburite clears and opens the Crown and higher chakras and links them with the heart.  It soothes the heart from worry and anxiety.  It aids communication with the angelic and higher guides with a shared sense of joy with the divine.  Its bubbling joy uplifts awareness to the higher spiritual realms.  It is the radiance of the heart.

herkimer diamond – stone of spiritual light

Herkimer “Diamond” Quartz is pure, solidified spiritual Light that helps to purify your energy and attune you to the Divine Light of Source.  It helps you to communicate with the angelic realm and higher guides.  It is a great aid for dream work, visioning, and astral travel.  It is like a bridge of light to the higher dimensions.  

lapis diopside – stone of attunement to higher guidance

This stone is a combination of Lapis Lazuli with Diopside and Calcite.  It is powerful for attuning to inner guidance, channeling, and mediumship.  It integrates your Higher Self into your daily life.

shattuckite – stone of psychic communication

Shattuckite raises your vibration, helps you understand psychic communication you receive, opens you to higher levels of communication, and develops your psychic abilities.  It removes energy blocks and clears past life issues.  It encourages you to speak from your heart.

tanzanite – stone of integration of the mind and heart

One of the most valuable metaphysical stones integrating the Mind and Heart helping one to remain centered in the heart’s wisdom while evaluating the ideas of the activated mind while keeping one calm and compassionate.  This integration helps you to speak and vision with the truth of your heart.  It also helps link you to the Divine Mind and Divine Heart producing visions, messages, and information from higher-vibrational sources.

z stone – stone of the merkaba

These stones are mineral concretions found in the Sahara desert in northern Africa. This stone stimulates the Brow and Crown chakra and higher chakras aiding in interdimensional travel and exploration of subtle realms of consciousness.  This stone acts like a merkaba – your vehicle of travel.  It also helps you connect with the realms of elementals, and the connection to communicate with all beings of higher vibration.


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