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Earth Consciousness Energy Board

2020 is beginning with a mega download of new light energy from the Great Central Sun that will be shifting and reconnecting our DNA and raising our consciousness.  My guides inform me that the best way to work with this new energy is to connect to nature and nature spirits.  This is the reason why I created this board and the new Spirits of the Nature Kingdom card deck and guidebook.  When we connect to nature, nature spirits, and the higher beings of the inner earth civilizations – such as the Agarthans, Lemurians, and the Sidhe, we will be able to “ride the wave” of this new downloaded energy and ascend with it.  When we connect to nature, we reconnect back to our heart and soul, and heal.  Nature’s frequencies can heal us on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and it is vital that we connect to it for our own transformation.  This board will help you to align with the heart of Earth/Gaia through your heart, and the divine 5D energies that are saturating the planet and the crystalline grid.  

This hand-painted board is a collaboration with my guides and the Pleiadians, who especially wished to place four of their healing symbols on the board that represent – the Balanced Eternal Flow, the Golden Seed of Divinity, Elemental Consciousness, and the Pleiadian Portal.  These symbols along with the sacred geometry of the merkaba, and the frequencies of the stones, create a powerful energy field that exists on multiple dimensions.  There is a designated location for each of the 13 stones assigned to this board.  (The stones are provided in the kit “Earth Consciousness Board Stone Kit”).  Each stone has a channeled visualization to be used with it that will connect you to either the Pleiadians, the Sidhe, Gaia, the Agarthans, Lemurians, or the elementals of air, fire, water, and earth.  Also, your energetic alignment, connection to the crystalline grid, and abundance and health are also enhanced.  When you use a pendulum with the board it will guide you to which group to connect and communicate with.

In the design of the board I wanted to create a sacred center within the “stonehenge-like” circle that represented the higher civilizations within the earth – Gaia – the spirit and consciousness of Earth, the Sidhe, the Agarthans, and the Lemurians.  The center of this circle glows like a campfire or inner sun and contains the golden energy of the Great Central Sun – represented by the Golden Healer Quartz and the two Pleiadian symbols – the Balanced Eternal Flow (the figure 8 of Divine Masculine and Feminine energies) and the Golden Seed of Divinity swirl.  The energy merkaba also represents the vehicle of traveling dimensions that consists of the divine masculine (triangle pointing up) and divine feminine (triangle pointing down) energies.  In the “east” quadrants of this star you can channel (as represented by a tree, that like us, channels energy between heaven and earth) the Sidhe or Gaia.  The “west” quadrants of the star you can channel the Lemurians or Agarthans.  The “north” quadrant of the star you can channel the cosmic Pleiadians, and it also contains their symbol for the Pleiadian Portal.  The “south” quadrant of the star contains the Pleiadian symbol for Elemental Consciousness.  In the outer quadrants you can connect to the air elementals (represented by the sylph), the fire elementals (represented by the dragon), the water elementals (represented by the mermaid), or the earth elementals (represented by the gnome).  You can travel to the inner earth realms, enhance your energy alignment with earth and the universe, connect to Earth’s crystalline grid, and connect to abundance and health.  This powerful board will provide you the energy field to discover and explore the magical realms of nature.

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