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Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star chakra is located approximately one foot below your feet in the Earth.  This chakra has a deep red/black color.  In Sanskrit it is called Vasundhara – “Daughter of the Earth”.  This chakra is an etheric chakra, also known as a sub-personal chakra since it is below the body.  Chakras above the body, such as the Soul Star chakra, are called trans-personal chakras. 




Archangel Sandalphon and Archeia Shekinah:

Archangel Sandalphon and his twin flame, Archeia Shekinah, work with this chakra’s energies, as they work with Earth energy, especially Earth’s crystalline grid.  Their “counterparts” are Archangel Metatron and Archeia Sophia who work with the Soul Star chakra and higher trans-personal chakras.  Metatron works with the cosmic plan, and life plan for each individual.  Sandalphon works with that divinity on Earth, and they both work with the connection of Source energy.  Sandalphon works with the Earth Star chakra in your energetic field, and Metatron works with the Soul Star chakra, which holds your life purpose and soul blueprint.  Similarly, Sophia works with the feminine principle of Divine Love/Wisdom of the cosmos, and Shekinah holds that divine spark within her “womb” on Earth.

Here are some basic attributes of this chakra:

Grounds your energetic system:  This chakra is the grounding point and anchor for your entire chakra system and etheric body, giving you a sense of balance.  It works with the Root chakra to stabilize your energetic system.

“Locks In” Soul & Soul Mission:  Earth energy also grounds and aligns spiritual energy into the body, serving as a locking in for the soul, which must be fully integrated at all levels of the energy body to accomplish its purpose.  In women, this is stored in the Sacral chakra, in men the Solar Plexus chakra.

Ancestral lineage and Past Lives connection:  This chakra holds your genetic patterns and your legacy of family history, past-life issues, and history of the Earth.  Before and during conception, the Earth Star and Soul Star chakras select the physical chromosomes regulating our genetic make-up – the Soul Star bases these decisions on soul requirements, the Earth Star bases it on our ancestral background, choosing genes form our gene pool that will enable us to meet the physical and psychological challenges we will face.  It connects you to your ancestral lineage and to the Earth in order to heal your DNA, and expand your awareness.  Information from our past lives is transported through our feet, and information from our lineage is transported through our legs.  Since this is the closest link to your past lives, karmic issues can be healed through this chakra.

Expels toxins/Receives Higher Energy:  This chakra also helps the body to receive earth energy that nurtures the physical body for daily life, provides “flight or fight” energy to deal with life’s daily occurrences and dangers, and helps us transmute negative energy and cleanses by eliminating waste from the physical and emotional bodies and from the aura.

Connection to Earth intelligence:  This chakra connects you to the consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – the sentient Spirit of Earth and her nature spirits – her high frequency energy workers.  This connection helps you to communicate with the Earth and nature spirits to expand your awareness of yourself, and the world.  It also connects you to the healing frequencies of the Earth.  

The Star Tetrahedron or Merkaba, is the symbol for the Earth Star chakra.  It is the vehicle of ascension and rising kundalini energy up through the chakra system.

Crystals to meditate with:  Crystals that are black or deep red, such as Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, or Red Jasper, will help you connect to the Earth Star chakra energies.

Affirmations:  I am grounded and supported by Mother Earth.                                                                                                                                            The energy of Earth flows through me and recharges me.                                                                                                                         I connect with the healing energy of Mother Earth.

Earth Star Chakra Spray:  I just recently channeled the Earth Star Chakra spray from Spirit, which you can find in my chakra sprays category.  The chakra sprays help you shift and maintain the frequency of that chakra, and help you connect to their energies.

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