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Element Personalities, Homes, and Gifts Series – the Ether Element

by Nancy Robbins


THE ETHER ELEMENT – Wholeness Power


 Key Words:  Wholeness, Awareness, Beingness, Divine Connection, Harmony, Focus, Intuition, Unity, Oneness, Wisdom, Vision.

Color:  Violet, Ultra-Violet, Blue-White

Sound:  Om – the beginning vibration of creation.

Plant:  Laurel – an evergreen symbolizing eternity and immortality


            Rose – symbolizes origin, creation, Divine Love, and has sacred geometry within it.  A white rose symbolizes purity and perfection.

            Lotus – symbolizes purity and perfection, creation, rebirth, and spiritual awakening.

Tree:  Pine – because of its needles remaining green year-round the pine tree symbolizes immortality.  It also balances emotions and awakens the divine spark in the heart chakra.


            Peacock – since their feathers renew every year and they always look beautiful they symbolize immortality, resurrection, and                                      renewal

            Butterfly – the butterfly symbolizes transformation and immortality.


            Cedarwood – purifying, opens pineal gland, enhances spiritual communication. 

            Frankincense – holy oil that is stimulating and elevating to the mind, aids in spiritual communication and meditation.

            Juniper – elevates spiritual awareness, brings emotional balance.

            Lavender – calming, soothing, deepens meditation.

            Myrrh – promotes spiritual awareness and uplifting. 

            Rose – highest vibration of all oils, heart healer, brings in Divine Love.

            Sandalwood – calming, peaceful, helps to ground spiritual energy into our physical self.


            Clear Tourmaline – aligns meridians of physical and etheric bodies, and opens the crown chakra.  

            Violet Amethyst – a higher vibration of amethyst that works on a profoundly spiritual level.

            Selenite – brings clarity of mind, accesses angelic consciousness.

            Opal – enhances cosmic consciousness, fosters love, induces visions.

            Purple Sapphire – a “Stone of awakening”, aids meditation and rise of kundalini energy, stimulates Crown chakra.         

            Celestite – brings in higher vibrations & angelic, advances channeling, creativity & clairvoyance.

            Charoite – is the Stone of the Spirit that helps you move beyond the material world and connect with God/Source.  It brings psychic                       and inner development.

            Kyanite – initiates psychic ability and communication with higher beings – a bridge of energy between the self and the higher self (a                      long silver blue chord).

Spirit Guides: 

           Jesus Christ (Sananda) This element is ruled by Jesus Christ, also known as Sananda or Joshua ben Joseph, he was a great spiritual                               teacher of enlightenment and teaching of the immortality of the soul, and his energy is of love and wisdom.

           Isis – She resurrected her husband Osiris, and symbolizes motherhood, magic, and healing.

           Buddha – a great spiritual teacher of enlightenment.

Archangels Metatron and Sophia:  Archangel Metatron is an “Archangel of the Divine Plan” and Multi-Universal Logos, who helps empower you by accessing your spiritual power and higher potential.  He can assist you in discovering your blueprint and life purpose to realize your potential and your part in the Divine Plan, as well las any issues concerning your Akashic Records and any karmic issues.  He works with sacred geometry – the building blocks of creation in the universe, especially “Metatron’s Cube”, that contains the five Platonic solids, and is considered to be the map of creation, that radiates peace, balance, and healing. 

Archeia Sophia is the “Divine Mother of all Creation,” found in the Heart of the Universe (Great Central Sun).  She awakens and activates your heart chakra, and helps you connect with Divine Feminine energy, and Divine Love and Wisdom.

ETHER ENERGY – Wholeness Power

Ether Qualities:  

Ether is formless, immortal, infinite, and indestructible.  Ether is in the center of the medicine wheel and interfaces with and is the sum of the other four elements – Air (East), Fire (South), Water (West), and Earth (North).  It is the heart of harmony and the home of Spirit.  The Center is a place of healing where fragmentation is magically transformed and integrated into unity and wholeness.  It is where you connect to your true self to realize your wholeness – your energy body and your spirit.  The etheric state is a place where all angels and guides abound, a heightened state of awareness.  It is a state where you connect with yourself as a radiant light being and are in a state of beingness.  In this higher awareness you can tap into your higher wisdom and Divine wisdom making all things possible. 

Ether is known to the Chinese as the Cosmic Chi, the Japanese know it as Ki, the Buddhists call it Clear Light, and the Hindu refer to it as Akasha.   Akasha comes from that place on the astral plane where the akashic records are held.  The akashic records are the accounting of all that has happened in the past, present, and future of the universe and beyond.  Ether is a great mix of mystical energies which allows the human being to reach higher levels of consciousness and greater levels of harmony in their lives.  It manifests emotionally as pure Love.  It is the inner space reflecting our belief that the universe is both within and without ourselves.  We are a hologram of the universe.

Etheric Personality

You are a loner, and you have never really felt you fit in.  You are shy, reflective, deep thinking and have a different sense of humor.  You tend to be abused, but once you discover your worth and connect with the spiritual aspect of life you finally see how you “fit in.”  You are a natural psychic and healer and have a deep sense of right and wrong and are very helpful to others and you blossom on this path and you have a responsibility to share your gifts on this path.

The Ether Home:

Your home reflects you as a centered, spiritual person with your awareness of the energy flow in your home.  You are aware of the Sacred Center of your home and have placed intention with “altars” to balance or enhance energy in the rooms as well as to energize your desired intentions.  An Ether home is any one of the four elements homes that uses that element with greater intention and focus to create a deeper connection spiritually and enhance harmony with all the elements.

Direction:  Center – the Sacred Center.  The center point is also known as the “axis mundi”- a cosmic axis passing through heaven, human, and earth.  The axis mundi creates a link of communication and connection with spirits and energy above and below – an energy connection that brings nurturing earth and cosmic energy and important alignment to the human.  The human acts as a channel or bridge between heaven and earth where energy and information can be exchanged.  This center point also provides a reference point of how you are connected within yourself, and with the land your home sits on, as well as the larger frame of reference of where you connect with the universe.

Finding the Center of your Home:  The Center point of your home is symbolic of your Sacred Center.  Finding the Center point in your home will bring you deeper connection and balance.  There are two methods to finding the Center.

  1. Geographical Center:  There is the geographic physical center of your home.  Map out the outline of your house dimensions and calculate the center, or place the outline on a piece of cardboard cut out to the same outline and balance it on a pencil tip eraser to see where it balances on the center.
  2. Dynamic Energy Center:  The dynamic energy center is where people gather the most or where it feels like energy gravitates to.  Preferably it fits the geographical center also.  This dynamic center is then the heart of the home.  If the energy does not feel balanced there, you can move the Dynamic Energy Center to the Geographical Center so that you have an equal amount of energy entering from all four directions.  You can also balance it with symbolic objects – for example:  if you Dynamic Energy Center is North of center and you have too much frenetic activity in the house which means to much active energy from the South.  To remedy this you can add pictures or objects that symbolize or carry the North energy, such as a picture of a snow covered mountain, a large crystal, a statue of a turtle.

Honoring the Center of your Home:   Honoring the Center point of your home is symbolic of honoring your personal Axis Mundi, your own Sacred Center.  It is the Heart of the Home, which should reflect your heart’s desires.  Ancient homes were usually built in a symmetrical design surrounding an easily identifiable center point – whether the overall shape was round, square, or rectangular.  Often in this center point was found a fire or hearth serving as a marker that increased that energy.  Because of the symmetrical design of ancient homes energy entered equally from each of the four directions and balanced in the center.  Consequently, the stable energy of the North was in balance with the vital energy of the South, the initiating energy of the East equaled the transformational energy of the West.  This balance brought harmony into the home. 

Omphalos:  In ancient Greece, and later in other civilizations worldwide, an omphalos was used to honor the center of a home.  An omphalos is a stone that symbolizes the connection between Earth and the gods.  The word omphalos means “navel”.  It was the link between the visible and invisible realms and connection to the concept of creation, and connection to the sacred source of life that anchored that Source connection to the earthly realm.  To create your own Omphalos you can place a large stone as a marker in the Center Point.  Stones contain highly concentrated energy from the Earth.  By placing a specially designated stone at the Heart of your home in the Center Point you literally anchor the Center Point energy of your home.  Often the best stones are large, heavy ones of oval shape.  In ancient tradition, an omphalos was either carved or decorated with sacred designs, which you can also do if you choose.

Creating an Altar:  You can anchor the Center Point energy and energize your home in a special way by creating an altar in the center.  An altar is a place where objects have been placed with intent.  You can dedicate your altar with the intention you have set for the quality you wish to resonate the most in your home.  You can set an intent for health, creativity, joyous social interaction, a peaceful sanctuary, a place for spiritual development, or to support exploration and new ideas, to name just a few.  You can choose flowers, potted plants, crystals, candles, artwork, photos, colors, chimes, etc. to symbolize and energize your intent.  Be sure to periodically clean or rearrange your altar so that the energy remains charged and pertinent to your intent.


  • Meditation – It is best to connect with the Etheric element, Christ consciousness through   When you are relaxed and can quiet your mind and emotions you can move into stillness and hear your inner voice.  Imagine that you are light particles lifting floating in the air, and you will find that blissful state of peace.  Allow yourself to be in this deep quiet state and be receptive to any  images or messages you may receive.  You can use color, music, sound or crystals to help you center and connect with higher consciousness and your higher self.
  • Listening to harmonious music will help you resonate with harmony.
  • Chanting OM will help you connect to that divine vibration.
  • Taking a walk or sitting out in Nature will help you to connect with all the elements. Allow    yourself to connect deeply and allow nature to revitalize you.  Observe colors, scents, sounds, and textures that help you to connect more deeply.

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