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Element Personalities, Homes, and Gifts Series – the Water Element

by Nancy Robbins


THE WATER ELEMENT – Emotional Power

 Water is the Power of the West.  Water is the power of your emotions – energy in motion.  It is your intuition and deep connection to spirituality.  Water is feminine energy, smooth flowing, and healing.  Water is dreams, psychic impressions, and inner knowing. It is renewal and rebirth.  Water cleanses, heals, and rejuvenates, helping you to explore the depths of your soul.  Water makes up the greater part of our bodies and is connected to waters of the entire planet.  The waters within you were once cascading mountain streams to the sea below, were high in a cloud mass above the earth, have fallen as gentle rain, and have seen the bottom of the ocean, and were once glistening snow blanketing the land in pure white.


 Key Words:  Purification, Fluidity, Flow, Compassion, Healing, Surrender, Release, Withdrawal, Cooling, Refreshing, Mysterious, Serenity, Change, Dreams, Emotions, Introspection, Nurturing, Intuition, Completion, Harvest.

Direction:  West

Season:  Autumn

Time:  Dusk

Moon phase:  Full

Planets:  Moon, Neptune, Venus

Gender:  Feminine

Colors:  Blues, Purples, Indigo, Black

Senses:  Taste

Instruments:  Cymbals, bells, chimes, harp

Creatures:  cat, frog, bear (for introspection & healing), water creatures – dolphin, whale, otter, seal, fish.

Natural Symbols:  shells, water, river plants, watercress, wave or flowing forms, caves – a primal womb-like place that is mysterious and contains deep knowing.

Trees:  Willow, Alder, Ash

Herbs/Oils:  Chamomile, Seaweed, Yarrow, Gardenia, Rose, Jasmine,

Incense:  Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood, Lotus, Vanilla, Violet

Metals:  Silver, Copper, Mercury

Minerals:  Amethyst, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Rhodochrosite, Kunzite, Rose Quartz, Chrysocolla,  Moonstone.

Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Spirit Guides:  Poseidon – God of oceanic consciousness

            Neptune – God of freshwater, the sea, and psychic flow

            Isis – goddess of the rivers of life and healing

            Arianrhod – Celtic goddess of the Moon and Earth

            Diana – Goddess of the New Moon

            Selene – Goddess of the Full Moon

            Hecate – Goddess of the Dark Moon

Archangel representing the West:  Archangel Gabriel – is known as the Messenger of God, a communicator and mediator between Heaven and Earth.  Gabriel is an angel of the moon, inner vision, and clairvoyance.  Gabriel is also associated with fertility, childbirth, magic, hope, illumination, and love.  Gabriel can resurrect any blocked areas of your life and fill you with creative ideas and opportunities to help you get moving again, and also to help you remember your divine purpose.

Water Elementals: The Spirits of water are generally termed Undines.  Nixies and Water Sprites purify and energize water in rivers, springs, lakes, and underground sources with their light and joy; Rain and Snow Undines control the quality and energy of atmospheric water; Ocean Undines and The Mer manage the energetic quality of the ocean and help to purify it; Water Nymphs, Water Nymph Queens, and Watermen energize and purify water with light, and balance the yin/yang of water.  They also guard water sources, and help to embody the identity of a stream, or spring, according to the energies of the Nymph Queen, that defines the individuality of that body of water.  Delphinions are beautiful feminine water spirits that are found in wells, natural springs, or pools, that contain healing water. They bring the healing water up from the inner earth, and safeguard its flow and quality


The Water Elemental Within:  Failure to connect with the water elementals within the body on a regular, balanced level can increase toxicity levels of the body, due to our need for flow and cleansing.  Too much connection with water elementals will cause us to be water-logged with emotions.  Water retention in the body is often a physical signal of this symbolizing self-absorption and being overly emotional.  Through our personal undine we can get in touch with and explore our deeper emotions, and find the emotional pool of healing compassion and intuition within us.  Because of its fluid nature, the undine is best controlled through firmness.

Niksa rules the Undines and is a servant of Archangel Gabriel and is a fluid shape-changer of the inner worlds.  Eheieh is the elemental king of Water.  Vida I the elemental Queen of Water.

Water Qualities:  

Water is a source of nurturing, healing, physical and spiritual purification, and cleansing.  We have a primal connection to water and the desire to be in the comfort of that fluid form goes back to our birth and beginning of life on earth.  Water is a metaphor for rebirth, the eternal journey of the soul, as it evolves through evaporation, precipitation, flow, and return.  It rules the West, direction of the setting sun.   Water symbolizes the flow of abundance, prosperity, and health. 

Water and Emotions:

The Water element is Emotional Power.  Water is the element of our love and emotions, because it is as fluid as our feelings and relationships.  It flows with our moods and its many forms are the many shades of emotions we experience.  It is changeable and adaptable.  Emotions, like Water, need to flow freely releasing its power and not to be contained that it would become unhealthy and flood, or become stagnant.   In this way emotion and love, like water, can cleanse and revitalize body and spirit.  It is the element of purification and healing, which can often be found with emotional release, washing away stale feelings, and bringing in fresh truth.  Emotion, like Water, can be mysterious and from its depths it can “rise up” unbidden bringing us confusion and trauma.  Exploring its depths can bring us a deeper awareness of our emotions and what we may keep hidden from ourselves.  Our emotions can be as tranquil as a still pool of water, as the uncontrolled fury of a tempest tossed ocean, as wild and unpredictable as rapids in a river, as cold and frozen in emotion as ice, as nurturing love and life-giving as a gentle rain on parched earth, as awesome beauty, and purity of fresh falling snow, as powerful and majestic as a grand waterfall.  It is inspired by the winds of Air, Earth absorbs it and receives nurturance, but too much can drown the Spirit and enthusiasm of Fire.

Water – Divine Feminine Energy:

Throughout history goddess shrines have been associated with sacred springs and wells.  Bringing water in your home brought the Divine Feminine energy.  Water is therefore feminine and receptive and rules the energy of intuition and the subconscious mind which is constantly shifting and active beneath the surface.  Since our lives began in water and that it comprises most of our body – it symbolizes the womb and fertility.  It influences sleep and dreaming, as we sink down into the swirling depths of the subconscious to discover our deepest desires, dreams, imagination, and intuition.  As the moon tugs at the ocean in cycles of ebb and flow, she exerts the same pull on the fluid in our bodies, affecting our cycles – in emotions, menstrual cycles, and health

The Water Personality

A Water person experiences their world through their emotions and feelings.  They are good caretakers and protectors of the young or helpless.  They are naturally empathic and sensitive to the feelings of others.  They are helpful, nurturing, loyal, honest.  Relationships and family are important to them.  The past is important to them because it provides a context for relationships.  They can get too emotional, or overly suppress their emotions, or too involved with the past and have difficulty letting things go. 

The Water Home:  

A Water Home is an emotional home – very homey, with warmth and comfort that promotes feelings of community.  Decorations are often hand-crafted with a sense of what is real, honest, sentimental, and natural.  The feeling is comfortable, flowing, feminine, nurturing, and natural – a romantic feel.   Indoor areas of a home ruled by water are the bathroom and kitchen sinks, and any area of social interaction such as living rooms.  Also, the water element is found in areas of sleep, rest, dreams, cleansing, and healing, such as bedrooms, medical rooms, and hospitals. 

Water Style:  A Water home has warmth and traditional comforts of a home and emotional comfort.  Decorating is real and honest and natural and not pretentious.  Things are hand-crafted and have sentimental value.  Relationships are reflected in photos around the home.  The style consists of floral prints, floral aromas, lace curtains, handmade items, shabby-chic feel, vintage items, fresh flowers, antiques, fabrics that drape and flow, circular, flowing shapes.  Music is melodious and pastoral, New Age and nature sounds. 

Building Style:  Curving and flowing lines are used as found in Victorian ornamentation, bay windows, curved walkways, ivy, climbing roses, rounded corners, curved roof lines, lush vegetation close to the house.  Victorian, Country cottage, Craftsman-style, Art Nouveau.

  • Colors used: Pastel shades of all colors, and white.  Colors of the water – blues, purples,     aquas, black.
  • Metals used: Silver, pewter, hand-cut tin.
  • Surrounding Landscape: Gardens are like English country gardens with enclosed cozy        spaces or secret bowers, with meandering pathways, comfortable benches and places to rest, and full of flowers.  There are plenty of water features: pools, fountains, birdbaths, or ponds.        Statues to honor the feminine and love as with Kwan Yin or Venus.        Landscapes are rolling   hills and softly rounded land forms with streams, ponds, slow-flowing rivers with rounded    top trees such as maples and willows and full leafy bushes.
  • Natural Environment: The water element dominates in ponds, lakes, seas, streams, rivers,       marshes, pools, wells, rain drenched lands, mists, bogs, fog, intense vegetation, and even           swimming pools.  Rounded hills and softly rounded land forms.


 There are many ways to use the water element to purify, and balance your space, bringing a greater flow of energy, here are a few:

  • Be by Water: Walk along the seashore, swim in a pool of water, walk in the rain
  • Go with the Flow: Observe flowing water and visualize it bringing more flow into your      Imagine you are floating on a raft down a river, you are trusting the flow to take you             exactly where you need to be and are not clinging to the banks in fear.  Trust and enjoy the    flow of your journey.
  • Home fountains & Aquariums – Bring water into your space with fountains, aquariums,                      and bowls of water, to remind you of low and purification.  According to traditional feng shui you can activate abundance and prosperity in your home by placing these items in the prosperity area (northwestern quadrant).  Gathering around a waterhole for refreshment and revitalization is as primal as gathering around the fire.  The sound of water is a powerful source of healing.  Fountains also give off negative ions, and will neutralize pollutants in your air and help one to feel revitalized.
  • Cleansing with Water – the quickest way to purify yourself is with a cleansing and serene shower or bath, and to clean your space with water also.
  • Shower Visualization – When you take a shower visualize the water flowing through your Crown chakra all the way through your Root chakra and through the chakras of your feet cleansing you of any negativity or toxins to be washed away, and allowing all your inner fluids to flow unobstructed to create greater health.
  • Balance with Fire and Air: If you are feeling like you are drowning in emotion, especially grief, light a candle or sit before a fire and allow it’s energy to renew your hope and absorb your flooded emotions bringing you hope and to re-energize you.  You can also open a window or walk outside and let Air energy bring you inspiration and new perspective, as well as any spirit messages to uplift you. 
  • Drink Water: Drink a lot of water to aid purification and hydration within your body.
  • Create spiraled water: Experiments have shown that when water spirals as it does in nature, it develops an electrical potential that is naturally resistant to bacterial growth.  When  water travels in a straight path, such as through the supply pipes into our homes, it is devoid of this electrical charge.  You can swirl a figure eight pattern into your bathwater, or water that you drink, or give to your plants and animals to add this beneficial effect.
  •  Holy Water, Solar-charged Water, Lunar-charged Water, Essences – You can use these waters by misting with a spray or flicking the water around the room.  Holy Water is water that has been blessed.  Solar-charged water can be made by taking a ceramic or glass bowl filled water and leaving it outside in the sunlight for at least 3 hours.  It will soak up the healing properties of the sun.  This water has an outgoing, exuberant yang energy and is great to use in dark rooms or rooms that feel as if they have a dark or heavy energy, or where someone was ill.  Lunar-charged water:  You make Lunar-charged water similarly, but placed  outdoors where it will be infiltrated by moonbeams.  Moon water has a wonderful feminine healing aspect and contributes to softening energy in a room.  This water is good for calming a room where intense emotions such as anger or sadness have been felt, or in a bedroom contributing to an atmosphere that is good for sleep and conducive to dreams.
  • Crystal and Flower Essences – You can charge water with the healing vibrations of crystals, flowers or adding essential oils.  Take a clear glass container with water and place a crystal or flower in the water and place on a windowsill where sunlight can            penetrate it. Let it stand at least 24 hours to be charged with the crystal/flower’s vibrations.
  • Vision Quest: Go on a vision quest.
  • Dream Journal: Keep a journal of your dreams.
  • Symbolic Color – use colors you associate with water, some typically symbolic are varying shades of blue, lavender, turquoise, aqua, and black.
  • Energize your Water with Positive Words: Masaru Emoto has shown the power of words (written or spoken) on water.   Water is a medium that receives and understands even the subtlest vibration.  When positive words were written or even intended on a bottle of water the molecules showed crystalline design, when negative words were written or intended the molecules showed a chaotic formation.  Since our bodies are 70% water, this shows how we take on the vibrations of words and intentions and other energetic vibrations.  We need to monitor what we receive and send out vibrationally.  You can intentionally energize your water with positive and harmonious vibrations by placing such a thought written on a piece of paper under your glass of water for several hours before drinking.

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