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Fairies, Fairy Queens, and Landscape Angels

by Nancy Robbins


  Fairies are Earth’s nature spirits, and more specifically they are air elementals that come in a wide range of sizes according to their evolved task.  Fairies look like small feminine winged forms of pastel colors inside a radiant bubble of light, as small as an inch, and can develop to a more detailed human-like form in a radiance of light up to five-feet tall, as a fairy guardian or more evolved Fairy Queen. 

Fairies are high energy workers that function on many levels to expand and develop life in an area by dancing in concentric circles as they merge and distribute earth wisdom with divine wisdom from the cosmos.  Upper-level fairies receive the divine wisdom, unconditional love, and cosmic energy from the stars and planets (passed down from the Landscape Angels, higher devas, Elohim and the Angelic Kingdom) and pass it on to the middle-level fairies that bring the harmonious balance of cosmic and earth vibrations to their area.  Some fairies work specifically with flowers, supervising their healing qualities and color.

The lower-level fairies bring to the underground spaces of inner earth the higher vibrations of love and joy, and also distribute Earth’s intelligence from the inner earth up to the surface, and to a specific environment.  The more deeply you move into Earth, the higher the dimension and the more spiritual, as the essence of life is found within, and the realization in matter is found on the outside. 

Small fairies also help to manifest from a devic design working with the growth and development of plants.  They magnetize energy into the “blueprint” and their joy creates this magnetism.  For example – they help magnetize and pull out a rose’s petals according to its archetypal pattern as a manifestation in space. 

Fairies can especially be seen slipping through to our world at in-between times: such as dawn, dusk, or midnight, or at the solstices or equinoxes – especially the Autumn Equinox when the veil between dimensions is considered the thinnest; or in-between places: such as watersides, cross-roads, bridges, edges of forests, or seashore.

It is important now to cease our ignorance, and to understand their important work, to commune with them, and to seek their guidance before we disrupt an environment.  We force our egotistical will onto the landscape without consulting the lawful intelligence of the fairies about the effects of our interventions.

Fairies infuse magnetic joy onto their creations to help manifest them to the highest quality.  They help humanity by creating beauty in nature and bringing it to form.  That blissful feeling resonates to you when you spend time in nature.  Fairies can help us reconnect with nature, not only for our healing, but to activate our hearts with joy, and to uplift ourselves with the beauty and magic of nature.  The connection with nature spirits nurtures the soul and brings childlike wonder back into our lives.  We need to play joyfully and let our hearts be healed and uplifted.

The Fairy Queen and Landscape Angels

The fairy queen is in charge of a group of fairies in her domain, and can purposefully influence them with her guidance, and bring them into harmony.  They work under the Landscape Angels who are the spiritual supervisors of a landscape. 

Landscape Angels radiate columns of spiritual light on specific spots on the landscape – called “angelic focuses”, that create an area of sacred geometry – known as a “landscape temple.”  Their function is to connect to and transfer divine will and divine consciousness to the landscape in her domain to nourish and revive it, and weave those energies into a unified energy pattern.  She receives this information from the Angelic Kingdom and distributes it to the devas who take this energy and create a blueprint.  Then the fairies, sylphs, and the elementals of earth, water, and fire create from that blueprint.

They are the spiritual vibration of a landscape, and bring divine consciousness to be unified with Gaia’s consciousness.  They represent the soulful expression between the physical body and Spirit – the wisdom of the “higher self”, the connecting bridge that unifies.

  “Blue Fairies”

Like most fairies, the “blue fairy” is an air elemental that has the appearance of a feminine human-like figure of light, with a bright aura of soft lavender and light blue light.  The wings seem multi-layered and move as fast as a hummingbird’s wings.  The face radiates acute intelligence and the flowing hair acts like energy sensors of intelligence.

This is a “new” fairy whose main mission now is to bring in the new consciousness by radiating the light-blue light of divine Christ consciousness through the dimensions to the Earth plane for sentient beings to use in ascension.  The Blue Fairy also assists with higher communication, especially connecting with one’s Throat Chakra, and higher into the spiritual chakras.  This fairy works with the higher intelligence within the Light, and also with the vibrations of joy and love, and broadcasts and magnetizes one’s energy and vibration to this Light.  This fairy helps to distribute and anchor this divine Light into sentient beings on Earth.  It inspires with new thoughts, emotional bliss, and hope.  The “Blue Fairy” bridges fairies with the Angelic Kingdom as they assist in bringing divine thought to mankind.  The advanced version of the Blue Fairy takes on a more angelic look – a Blue Angel – with missions to assist individuals as a guide.

Now is the time to open your heart and mind to receive the new higher consciousness – new inspiration, new thoughts and ideas, new ways to express and receive love.  Allow yourself new growth and rejuvenation of spirit that will move you forward on your path to realize your higher potential.  Shower in this new Light and evolve with the magic of the fairies and Landscape Angels!

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