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Five New Divine Rays: 22. Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness – the “Mahatma” Ray

Channeled on the Spring Equinox 2023

by Nancy Robbins

My previous blog discussed the Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony, and this blog will discuss the next ray – the 22nd Divine Ray – the Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness – the “Mahatma” Ray.  I’m continuing my deeper connection and understanding of all the rays, and especially these five new rays, but I wanted to share with you what knowledge I have so far!  Here is also a recap of the divine rays.  The new rays will each be discussed in upcoming blogs.  


Since the Harmonic Convergence of August 15-17, 1987, cosmic rays that were withdrawn just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, have been once again increasingly pouring forth onto the Earth plane.  Rays 8-12 finally anchored onto the Earth in April of 1994.  These five rays carry a higher vibration of Source Light and are helping to activate our own Higher Light and our true nature.  Since 1994, rays 13-18 have been streaming onto the planet.  These cosmic rays help us to integrate aspects of our multidimensional selves.

As a review, the first 7 rays are: (See my previous blog articles on these rays)

  1. The Blue Ray of Will (Power)
  2. The Yellow Ray of Wisdom
  3. The Pink Ray of Love
  4. The White Ray of Purity (Harmony)
  5. The Green Ray of Healing, Science & Truth
  6. The Purple Ray of Peace (Idealism & Devotion)
  7. The Violet Ray of Freedom (Transmutation & Transformation)

The first seven rays are considered masculine rays and led predominantly by male ascended masters (along with archangels and the Elohim) and were focused through the seven stars of the Great Bear (Big Dipper).  In order to create balance, the new rays are considered feminine rays and led predominantly by female ascended masters (along with archangels and the Elohim) and are focused through the 7 sisters (stars) of the Pleiades (also known as the 7 sages or Rishis).  The new rays are infused with silver and gold to varying degrees – the silver ray represents the feminine quality and essence of grace, the gold ray represents the masculine quality and spiritual authority.  This yin/yang balance will aid earth’s and humanity’s ascension.

The Higher Rays are:

8. The Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence (Cleansing, Justice, Balance, Opportunity) (100% silver)

9. The Turquoise Ray of Joy & Highest Potentials (75% silver, 25% gold)

10. The Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body  (50% silver, 50% gold)

11. The Peach (Pink-Orange) Ray of Divine Love, Illumined Truth & Service  (75% silver, 25% gold)

12. The Gold Ray of Cosmic/Unity Consciousness  (100% gold)

13. The Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service  (100% gold)

14. The Silver Ray of the New Order & Dawn of Peace  (100% silver)

15. The Silver-Gold Ray of Galactic Service (50% gold, 50% silver)

16. The White-Gold Ray of Intergalactic Service

17. The Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment

18. The Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service


19. The Mint-Green Ray of the New Earth

20. The Aqua Ray of the New Earth Consciousness

21. The Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony

22. The Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness – the “Mahatma Ray”

23. The Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love (Christ Consciousness)

22. The Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness – the “Mahatma” Ray

This ray is a combination of the 2nd Yellow Ray of Wisdom and its higher version – the 12th Gold Ray of Unity Consciousness, the 11th Peach Ray of Divine Love, and the 18th Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service.  It moves you up through the heart to the higher cosmic heart and the divine consciousness of the cosmos and is therefore a combination of divine cosmic wisdom and divine cosmic love.  It is a ray of Cosmic Enlightenment.  I call it the “Mahatma” Ray because it is a combination of Cosmic Wisdom (Melchior) and Cosmic/Divine Love (Adonis).

Mahatma is a group consciousness linked to Source, that is the highest frequency available to Earth.  It is a combination of Melchior and Adonis.  Melchior is the Galactic Logos and chief administrator of our sector of the galaxy that gives spiritual guidance to Earth.  He also oversees the Solar Logos (Helios) and the Planetary Logos (Sanat Kumara).  Adonis is the Cosmic Heart of the galaxy that embodies the heart focus of the universe and is keeper of the Christ Light within each soul in the universe.  He is a teacher of Sanat Kumara (and his higher self – Vywamus) and runs a school on Venus to train planetary logoi.

Rainbow Moonstone is the connecting crystal.  It is a Stone of Light that shines light (like moonlight) upon you to illuminate that which is hidden from you in the darkness so that you may discover it and bring it to conscious awareness.  Its light activates your Rainbow Body of Light (light-body) and enhances your divine energy and luminescence.  It mirrors your own magical divine nature – the essence and qualities of your highest aspects.  Like Rainbow Moonstone, this ray illuminates your understanding of yourself – bringing to light more of your skills and soul qualities.  The more we connect to our essence and achieve understanding of our purpose and the skills to help us attain that purpose, the more fulfilling our life is and the greater contribution we can make to the world.  Our individual enlightenment shines out to illuminate and brighten our world.

Archangels Raziel and this twin flame, Jochara – Lady Victory especially work with this ray and the 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Light-body.  Raziel brings you Light to help you to clear spiritual and psychic blocks, achieve spiritual development, and develop your psychic gifts and spiritual insights.  He brings you Light to expand your awareness with enlightenment and reveal your inner mysteries in order to achieve your higher potential.

Jochara – Lady Victory – helps you anchor Light and manifest through vision and sound.  By embracing the Light, you receive enlightenment and can claim victory in comprehending your divine self and that all is interconnected in Oneness and Love.

Look for the upcoming blog on the next of the Five New Divine Rays: 23. Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Christ Consciousness.

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