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Gaia-Sophia and the Sisterhood of the Rose

Divine Feminine energy is re-awakening to bring humanity and the planet into healing and harmony during our troubled times.  It  is with Divine Feminine energy – the creative nurturing force in the universe – that humanity will find the power and compassion necessary to overcome the darkness.  The Aquarian Age that we are moving into holds the ideals of equality, freedom, sister/brotherhood, innovation, and harmony.  Harmony is created when we move into balance of our masculine and feminine aspects found within, irrespective of gender.  Since we contain divine essence in our hearts – it is the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within us that needs to harmonize.  This divine harmony must happen internally before we can create harmony and peace in the world.  So, in order to heal and transform we must merge our earthly (divine feminine) and heavenly (divine masculine) aspects.  Let’s look at those aspects now.

Divine Feminine energy is the life force associated with heart-soul wisdom, harmony, nurturance, love, compassion, intuition, patience, creativity, and respect for all of life.  It is associated with the earth and the moon, with flowing energy, receptiveness, inward reflection, and intuitive wisdom.  “Her” power is fueled by emotions, and the wisdom of the heart.  Her nature is to love, guide, honor, and nurture you.  You just need to be open to receive it.  We connect to our inner goddess/divine feminine aspects by connecting to earth energy and the elements of air, fire, water, and earth, and their harmony – ether, and your divine feminine within.

Divine Masculine energy is an outward, active force of growth that is associated with the sun and its power that fuels growth.  It is responsibility, strength, “walking and talking” your truth with focus and clarity, generosity, and being supportive and protective.  “He” is our guardian protector who is fearless, courageous and loyal.  It is his responsibility to logically organize a plan and take action based on divine feminine wisdom.  He also connects with the divine, and balances inner divine feminine intuitive wisdom, with outer divine masculine logic.  When in balance, the masculine protector does not harm, and can act wisely.  His gentle strength brings harmony and peace, where there was conflict and separation.  He knows his power but does not abuse or misuse it.  He is a leader who is courageous to speak his truth, and stand up for what is right.  He is confident and manifests with clear intention and aligned action with the inner intuitive wisdom.  We connect to our inner god/divine masculine aspects by connecting to solar-heaven-cosmic energy – the solar light encoded with wisdom, the light of power, strength, active growth, and your divine masculine within.

We find today’s world is a result of repressed divine feminine energy.  The Great Central Sun has been infusing the planet with high vibrational energy, especially since 2012, to raise the frequencies on the planet to aid evolution, and Venus as well.  Every eight years Venus dances with the Earth around the sun forming a perfect geometric pattern that portrays a five-petalled rose.  The pattern is made up of five Venus cycles which take approximately eighteen months each.  The designs of the rose (heart) reveals Venus’ role as celestial guardian of love and beauty.  The cycles between 2004-2012 have particularly infused Divine Feminine energy onto the planet from this pattern.  Many beings from Venus are members of the Sisterhood of the Rose.  They, along with angels and other star beings and ascended masters, have been assisting the mission of the Sisterhood of the Rose in bringing the feminine aspect of the Divine to the earth, and into our collective consciousness, to bring balance, harmony, and healing, so that humanity and the Earth move into their higher potential.

The harmony and higher potential we achieve within, is reflected without.  We as Creators, create the New Earth with this divine harmony.  The main source of Divine Feminine energy is Gaia-Sophia.  To me, Gaia is our Mother Earth, and Sophia is the Great Mother, or oversoul, to Gaia.  Let’s take a closer look at both aspects.

GAIA – is the ancient name of our beloved Earth Mother also known as Tara or Terra.  She is the consciousness and personification of all Nature.  She is a living being and is not separate from us – we are a part of each other.  She is a sacred temple and our home.  She oversees Earth evolution, fertility, agriculture, healing, abundance, the elements and elementals, the seasons and cycles of nature.  The awareness of her intelligence is reawakening in our hearts as we face global environmental change, and the evolutionary shift in consciousness.  Humanity is truly at a crossroads, and we are wise to summon our free will now to make the changes necessary to bring things back into sacred balance once more upon Earth, which will require love and healing.

As we begin to love, heal and respect ourselves, we will begin to love, heal and respect Mother Earth, and bring all back into harmony.  We need to be in sacred loving relationship with all of nature – the elementals and nature spirits and devas, and the plant and animal kingdoms.

SOPHIA – is the feminine consciousness of God, the Great Mother of Mother/Father God.  She is the Light that contains divine wisdom.  Holy Mother Sophia has been cherished for thousands of years by many cultures as the “Holy Spirit”, the “Black Madonna”, the “Goddess of Heaven”, “Mother of the Stars”, the “Bride of God”, and the “Feminine Face of God.”  She has been considered one of the “Aeons” who created all things.  In the ancient Kabbalah, Aine “Soph” Aur, means the “unlimited Light of Spirit.”  It is said she created the angels and Elohim/Eloha (gods/goddesses of nature).  The Greek word “Sophia” means “wisdom” in English.  She represents the Divine Feminine Great Mother energy of our universe that permeates all of creation and brings to life all the other goddesses.  Her Light infuses Gaia with higher wisdom.  Her Light shines in our darkest inner nights and shows us the way “home”.  Her Light is a guiding force of divine wisdom, love, and healing that is carried forth by the Sisterhood of the Rose.  Her Light is found in Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, Lady Nada, and many more.  Her Light is found in the Black Madonna – the goddess of wisdom who guides us on our spiritual journeys that lie within the depths of our soul, and guides us with her light.  The Divine Feminine energy of Sophia is upheld in the mission of the Sisterhood of the Rose.

SISTERHOOD OF THE ROSE – Tens of thousands of years ago, beginning of Atlantis, priestesses of the goddess (the feminine aspect of the Divine), were gathering in circles of 12 groups, and each group was composed of 12 women, creating 144, to anchor the energy of peace, love, and harmony to the Earth.  The rose is the sacred symbol of the goddess, and so they were called the Sisterhood of the Rose.  This work was later transmitted to the mystery schools in Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome and with the Templars, Cathars, and many secret societies.

Today, the Sisterhood of the Rose is reactivating to enable the evolutionary shift.  We are receiving cosmic support with the constant galactic waves of Love – divine energy – from the Great Central Sun (the “higher self” of the sun) which is a source of divine energy and divine intelligence that is encoded in the light.  Many star beings are assisting, such as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and Venusians.  Not surprisingly, many beings from Venus are active in the Sisterhood of the Rose, and they also desire to have Eaerth be a sister planet to Venus of love and light.

We participate by actively connecting to our inner Divine Feminine energies to create balance that empowers us to achieve our higher potential.  Here are a few helpful tips, followed by a visualization to help you identify and harmonize your own inner feminine and masculine aspects.


  1. Honor your feelings:  Experience your feelings and let them flow without suppression or judgment.  Emotions are a source of Goddess Wisdom, let them flow and empower you.
  2. Open your intuitive awareness and sensuality:  Intuition is “knowing without knowing how you know”, which are often messages from your heart and soul.  It is sometimes called your “sixth sense”, because it transcends the physical five senses.  Expand your feeling body awareness to receive intuitive impulses, and trust in your spiritual, healing, and psychic abilities.  Make sure that you also allow yourself to sit in stillness to hear your inner voice and intuition.
  3. Listen to your body: Nurture and honor your body by listening to your body’s impulses and innate wisdom.  Your body will signal you when you are out of balance, or have dis-ease.
  4. Be positive, active, and creative: What we focus on grows.  Focus on the positive aspects of your life – our words manifest so think and speak positively.  Joy and playfulness are healing and empower the heart energy.  What we do internally, affects the outer world and those around us.
  5. Create beauty and sacred ritual: Be creative and create a beautiful living space, and sacred rituals.  Your home is a template for your soul.  A sacred ritual is an intentional statement to your Higher Self that you are connecting to your divine feminine energy.  Put the beauty of your soul in all you do.
  6. Connect to Mother Earth: Connect into the intelligence and nurturing energy of Earth, and Earth’s crystalline grid that contains ley lines, sacred sites, and crystal energy.
  7. Nurture: “Mothering” is responsibly nurturing, loving, and caring – a goddess quality.  Be a mother to yourself and others.  The source for this is found in your heart, as well as the heart of Earth and nature.  Be an earth mother goddess.  Also, nurture community and unity.
  8. Use Affirmations and Visualizations: Positively state your intentions you wish to manifest with affirmations.  Visualizations, like the one following, will help you connect to the divine energies and transform to your higher potential.

VISUALIZATION:  Meet your Feminine and Masculine Aspects

In this visualization you will meet your feminine and masculine aspects and bring them into harmony.

Imagine that you are walking down a long hallway.  At the end of the hallway are two doors.  Open the door on the left and walk inside.  You discover a large room with a beautiful ornate mirror in the center, and you stand before it.  The reflection looking back at you is one you see every day.  Now, consciously change the reflection in the mirror to one of feminine energy.  Whether  you are male or female you will see your feminine aspect.  Examine and take note of all the details of your feminine self – the inner and outer beauty, skills, and personal qualities.  Now reach your hand into the mirror and take the hand of the feminine image in yours.  Pull this feminine self out of the mirror so that she stands in front of you.  Know that she is a friend, and give her a name.  Imagine that a beam of green energy connects your heart with her heart.  You embrace her sensing she is gradually merging with you blending your energies together in your heart.  She is now a part of you.  The qualities she possesses, you now possess.  Now, turn and walk out of the room the way you came, back into the hallway, and close the door.

Now, open the door on the right, and walk into this room, again finding an ornate mirror.  Walk up to the mirror and stand looking at your usual reflection.  Now, consciously being to change that reflection into one of masculine energy.  Whether you are male or female you will see your masculine aspect.  Examine and take note of all the details of your masculine self – the inner and outer beauty, skills, and personal qualities.  Now reach your hand into the mirror and take the hand of the masculine image in yours.  Pull this masculine self out of the mirror so that he stands in front of you.  Know that he is a friend, and give him a name.  Imagine that a beam of green energy connects your heart with his heart.  You embrace him sensing he is gradually merging with you blending your energies together in your heart.  He is now a part of you.  The qualities he possesses, you now possess.  Now, turn and walk out of the room the way you came, back into the hallway, and close the door.

Take a moment to reflect on the harmony you feel in your heart with your feminine and masculine aspects together peacefully and beautifully supporting you with their best qualities.  Sense the love and inner peace that presides over you.

NOTE:  You can also learn more with my new Sisterhood of the Rose mini-card deck kit with companion book and crystal rose geometry grid.  You can purchase it at www.elementsdesigncollection.com.

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