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by Nancy Robbins

The Second Divine Ray – the Yellow Ray of Wisdom

This yellow-gold flame is the Ray of Consciousness that concerns sensitivity, intuition, wisdom, education, understanding, and illumination.  It amplifies Christ Consciousness in all three kingdoms – human, angelic, and nature.  It is the light that reveals your inner wisdom by connecting you to your higher self, fires up inspiration, protects you with knowledge, and helps reveal your truth.  It enhances your mental abilities of clarity of mind and intuition, guides education, promotes understanding, and illuminates your path with higher guidance.  Like divine sunlight, the yellow ray shines on our path to show us the way, and reveals our own wisdom, as well as showering us with divine wisdom and protection.  It raises our consciousness so that we can move into our higher potential.

This ray relates to the Crown chakra where we connect to higher divine wisdom – within us and from divine guides who inspire us and bring us knowledge and understanding.

Some of the crystals associated with the Yellow Ray are:  Citrine, Yellow Diamond, Yellow Sapphire, Golden Topaz, Tiger’s Eye, and with the Crown chakra – Amethyst, Sugilite, Lepidolite, Purple Sapphire.

The day you can receive the greatest radiation of this light is Sunday.

The Three-fold Flame

The Yellow Ray is one of the three rays in the Three-Fold Flame, also known as the seventh divine Violet Ray of Freedom.  The Three-fold flame contains the flames of gold, pink, and blue that bring you into divine harmony.

The pure Divine Feminine ray of energy (relating to our right brain and heart) is crystalline pink, with the qualities of pure unconditional Divine Love, nurturance, compassion, and adoration and reverence for all life.

The pure Divine Masculine ray of energy (relating to our left brain, throat and heart) is sapphire blue, and relates to the desire, inner resolve, power, and will to follow Source’s Divine Will.  It also carries our ability to have leadership over ourselves.  

When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rays of energy are merged and balanced within us, our higher centers and Christ Consciousness – which is the gold ray of energy – is awakened.  The Gold Flame embodies wisdom, discrimination, and illumination.  When love, power and wisdom are blended and balanced within us, the Violet Flame of forgiveness and transmutation is activated within us.

Masters of the Three Kingdoms and Their Retreats

There are masters of each of the three kingdoms – Human, Angelic, and Nature kingdom – that direct the use of each of the seven divine rays.  (There are also higher rays now that connect to the spiritual evolvement of mankind).  The masters of the seven divine rays have retreats on the etheric plane that are key focuses for the ray they oversee.  The Lords and Ladies of the Rays represent the human kingdom, the Archangels the angelic kingdom, and the Elohim the nature kingdom. 

You can tune in to the light of these retreats in meditation to connect to the qualities of that light, and connect with the masters, archangels, and Elohim found at those retreats.  The more consistently that you connect to the retreat, or the masters, and the divine rays, you help entrain your own vibration to a higher level.  Even the names of the lords/ladies, archangels, and Elohim found there hold power.  For detailed descriptions of each retreat you can visit http://ascendedmastersspiritualretreats.org/

The masters of the Yellow Ray of Wisdom:

Human Kingdom:  Ascended masters are Lord Lanto and Shoshimi

Angelic Kingdom: Archangels Jophiel and Christine (Lady Clarity)

Nature Kingdom: Elohim Apollo and Lumina

The Ascended Masters:

Lord Lanto is the Lord of the Yellow Ray of Wisdom, Understanding, and Judgment.  He teaches the path of wisdom and knowledge through the Crown chakra energies.  The path to personal enlightenment is found in believing in one’s own inner spark of divinity.  He guides you in discovering your spiritual destiny and soul wisdom.  His twin flame is Shoshimi.

Shoshimi is known as the Lady Master of the Unknown.  She will help you to embrace the unknown with courage as you explore the secrets and fears that lurk in the dark on your quest for knowledge.  She will assist your evolution of what actions to take and with the right amount of energy to be successful in your hunt and exploration.  She will help you to discover more of your inner truth, to face your fears, and provide healing for whatever is revealed.

Lord Lanto and Shoshimi’s retreat is over the Royal Tetons in Wyoming, USA.

Archangels Jophiel and Christine:

Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of Beauty and Wisdom whose name literally means “Beauty of God”.  He is a patron of artists and brings artistic and intellectual inspiration.  His golden ray will help to disperse lower thoughts and emotions, and the dissolution of ignorance, pride, and narrow-mindedness.  The golden ray is often depicted in art as a golden halo around the Crown chakra, showing the mind illuminated with higher wisdom.  Jophiel uses his Golden Sword of Wisdom to cut through illusions and disinformation to the truth.

Jophiel, and his twin flame, Christine, amplify the highest consciousness – Christ Consciousness – to all three kingdoms – human, angelic, and nature kingdoms.  They help cleanse the mind and one’s surroundings with beautiful thoughts that uplift the soul.  Beauty truly is skin deep – it is a glow from the heart that radiates energy.  Beauty is not just a physical appearance – but a reflection of the soul from the heart.  Outer physical beauty, beauty created in the arts, and in one’s environment, are extensions of this energy from the heart.  Purifying emotions and thoughts help this energy be seen – like cleaning a dirty window not only lets the light in to shine on that within, but vision looking out into the world is also enhanced.

They are also concerned with raising your consciousness, which is supported by connecting to your Higher Self.  You can also raise your consciousness by holding divine love in your heart, while feeling divine love and wisdom in your mind.  Your heart is like a sun radiating the glow of divine love, as your mind is the golden light that disperses lower thoughts, ignorance, and expands your awareness.  They also help to bring out hidden knowledge that expands the mind with understanding.  They are particularly concerned with education, and with bringing in advanced techniques to evolve education.

Archeia Christine is also known as Lady Clarity because she holds the focus of the Golden Flame is steady illumination so that you can see yourself clearly and your place in the world.  She is stability, patience, clarity, and inspiration.  She is the “shrine” where wisdom lies and is anchored.  She will also help to illuminate your soul to see your inner beauty, as well as the beauty in others and the world.

Jophiel and Christine’s retreat is over the southern area of the Great Wall, near Lanchow in Central China.

The Elohim – Apollo and Lumina

The Elohim are the highest beings in the Nature Kingdom that brought forth the creation of the cosmos.  The Elohim and Archangels might be considered the left and right hands of God/Goddess.  Under the Elohim are the Directors of the five elements, then the devas (who create the blueprint of creation), and then the elementals of the five elements – air, fire, water, earth, ether (the workers that fulfill the blueprint to be manifested).  They are the Creator Gods and Goddesses who create planets and solar systems with the divine rays.

Apollo, and his twin flame, Lumina, infuse elementals with intelligence, understanding of the Divine Plan, and the wisdom to unfold it, that is to be manifested in creations.  This intelligence is found as the essence of the Creator’s Diamond White Light locked in the center of the atom.  They are guardians of the Divine Mind/Christ Consciousness of the Yellow Ray.  

Apollo’s flame is a golden-yellow enveloped in a sheath of blue lightning.  The blue flame acts as a protective forcefield of energy surrounding the divine golden light.  This blue lightning cuts through the illusions and false information, clearing the way for Lumina’s golden flame that manifests the perfection of the divine mind and brings the beauty and wisdom of heaven to earth.

Apollo and Lumina want us to focus on education and raising our consciousness.  They ask us to visualize the golden light pulsating within the brain to burn up all impurities that block the flow of divine light.  Visualize your own golden halo around your head as the light expands.  This will help to bring in the new Golden Age.

Apollo and Lumina’s retreat is located in the etheric plane over Lower Saxony, Germany.  In preparation for the coming golden age, tremendous tides of illumination’s flame are being released from this temple.  The millions of angels and elementals who serve under Apollo and Lumina are ready to go forth to raise the consciousness of the entire earth.

These angels, together with those angels serving at the retreats of Archangels Jophiel and Christine, and ascended masters Lord Lanto and Shoshimi, as well as Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Himalaya, Lord Maitreya, and the world teachers Jesus and Kuthumi, should be called upon on behalf of the enlightenment of all mankind, for they are equal in every respect to the tremendous task at hand.  Ask them to bring about illumined, intelligent action in all situations, especially those that affect the future of earth and her evolutions.

Visualizing the Yellow Flame in Meditation

To begin, sit where you can be undisturbed, relax, and come to a place of stillness.  Anything that we can visualize, or imagine, is real somewhere within the vast realms of form.  The more frequently that we return to a visualization it manifests energetically in our lives – physically, emotionally, and mentally.  You can use this visualization to infuse yourself, your home, or planet Earth with the illumination of divine wisdom. 

As you visualize the yellow Flame, picture it as a huge bonfire wide and high enough to encompass your body and extend three or more feet out all around.  You can imagine the best shade of yellow to gold – that feels best to match your prayerful intention.  If you need inspiration, higher wisdom, illumination to activate your own inner wisdom, or illumination to reveal your true beauty and divine nature, then create a visualization to connect to any of the masters and retreats of the Golden Flame.  As you visualize, state an intention or decree to direct the flame.  Below are some examples of decrees:

“I call upon Lord Lanto to shine the Yellow Ray on me to illuminate my spiritual path, and guide me in discovering my inner wisdom.”

“I call upon Shoshimi to infuse me with the golden flame, that it burns within me to give me the courage to explore the unknown within me.  Guide me to take right action, to heal, to face my fears, and to discover the truth of my divine qualities and gifts.”

“I invoke Archangel Jophiel to use your golden flaming sword to cut through any illusions and dis-information, and reveal truth and wisdom to me.”

“I ask Archangel Jophiel to fill my mind with the Yellow Ray to open my mind, disperse any lower thoughts and untruths, and to inspire me with higher wisdom.  My mind’s light has expanded into a golden halo around my head.”

“I call upon Archeia Christine to hold the Golden Flame of wisdom in steady illumination so that I may clearly see the beauty within me, others, and the world.  I am uplifted with this higher perception of beauty.”

“I ask Apollo to encompass the Earth within the radiance of the Golden Flame to raise all to higher consciousness that we may fulfill our highest potential.”

“I call upon Apollo to cut through any illusions and false information, with his gold-flaming sword encased in blue lightning, so that Lumina my hold her steady golden flame to raise consciousness on the planet with beauty and wisdom.  May Apollo protect and guide this pursuit of higher consciousness.”

“I invoke Lumina to hold the focus of the Golden Flame over the Earth, to inspire and help evolve education in the world, and the pursuit of higher consciousness.”

“I call upon Lumina to illuminate the world with the Golden Ray to manifest the beauty and wisdom of heaven to Earth.”

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