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Hilarion’s Visualization of “Your Symbolic Essence”

by Nancy Robbins

We, and the Earth, are being infused with higher frequency energies as we are shedding old energy – outdated concepts and beliefs, negative energy, and that which does not support and nurture us.  We are moving up in dimension and filling up with Light.  We need to continue to let go of the old, to make room for the new.  To help us with this challenging process we need to know what our core essence is so that we are aware of what is best to release, and what will support and nurture our growth.  We are becoming lighter as we move up in frequency – we are becoming Light.  This visualization from Hilarion will help you to discover more of your divine essence – your truth.  Discover your unique beauty!

About Hilarion

Hilarion is an ascended master who is Lord of the Green Ray of Truth, Healing and Science.  He assists you by helping you to focus your inner vision to attain self-truth and self-knowledge in order to have unconditional love for yourself and others, and greater health and well-being.  He researches new tools and knowledge to help humanity evolve and ascend.

In a previous incarnation, he was a high priest in the Temple of Truth on Atlantis and brought the Flame of Truth to Greece after the sinking of the continent.  This flame became the focal point of the Oracle of Delphi, a place where high temple initiates acted as divine messengers under the sponsorship of Pallas Athena for hundreds of years.  Athena was the original keeper of the Emerald Green Flame of Truth, and a high priestess in the Temple of Truth in Atlantis.

Visualization: “Your Symbolic Essence”

” Gaze briefly into the green and golden glittering Flame of Truth and allow its light to enhance your inner vision – your clairvoyance, lighting the way for you to see more clearly by.  Know that when you are walking your truth, and have self-knowledge, then you are being your authentic self.  It is your pure essence – your unique expression of your divinity as an element of Source energy.  When you are in this authentic alignment, then energy flows, and you are your perfect health and fulfillment of your blueprint.  Merging with your truth, your essence, and your unique blueprint, brings healing and wholeness.  Discovering one’s truth is a process.

“Start by imagining that you are gazing at a blank white canvas before you.  Forming on the white canvas is a likeness of your unique and divine essence.  Imagine this essence is forming as a color onto your white canvas.  What color do you see as your essence?  Is there more than one color?  Fine tune this color to a specific shade within that range of color.  If you have multiple colors – do they form a pattern?  If you are a symbol that represents your essence – what are your immediate thoughts on this?  Imagine this symbol, and place it within your specific color, or colors.  Is there an aroma to go with the image?  Is there a sound vibration to go with this image?  Are there any words or a phrase that goes with this image?  Is there a feeling to go with this image? 

“Design your symbol in detail, and fine tune it until it resonates to you as your truth.  See this image before you taking in all the details – the colors, symbol, sound, smell, words, and feelings.  Use this symbol as a reminder of your essence and gift to the world – your beingness.  When you have trouble prioritizing actions, or you are feeling unbalanced, lost, or out of alignment with your path, resonate again with your symbol.”


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