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by Nancy Robbins


From left to right: Ascended masters Quan Yin and Paul the Venetian, Archangel Chamuel, Elohim Heros and Amora, bottom: Archeia Seraphina – Lady Charity.



The Third Divine Ray – the Pink Ray of Love

The third divine ray ranges from soft pink to ruby red, and is soft, supportive, nurturing, nourishing, and yet the strongest force in the universe!  In living with this ray, we learn tolerance, harmony, gratitude, empathy, compassion, and kindness.  With our current chaotic state of affairs in the world, it is apparent that we need to focus our hearts with the power of this pink ray.  This ray of love is our solution to our current woes, and it will enhance light in our hearts and on the planet to protect us from fear and darkness.

The Pink Ray works to heal and develop our hearts, and encourages us to keep our emotions flowing without impeding it so that we can freely express from our heart, and be uplifted by its highest expression of joy.  Our heart is a bridge between our physical and spiritual selves, and it is where our relationships with others is created.  The love in our hearts is a powerful force of healing and creativity.  With the eyes of love, we learn to love and appreciate ourselves gaining self-worth.  As we expand into unconditional love, we live in a world of all-encompassing love with greater understanding for others.  We gain a zest for life, filled with joy, passion, harmony, and beauty.

This ray relates to the Lower Heart chakra, Heart chakra, and Higher Heart chakra.

Some of the crystals associated with the Pink Ray are:  Pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Garnet, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Emerald, Malachite.

The day you can receive the greatest radiation of this light is Monday.

The Three-fold Flame

The Pink Ray is one of the three rays in the Three-Fold Flame, also known as the seventh divine Violet Ray of Freedom.  The Three-fold flame contains the flames of gold, pink, and blue that bring you into divine harmony. 

The pure Divine Feminine ray of energy (relating to our right brain and heart) is crystalline pink, with the qualities of pure unconditional Divine Love, nurturance, compassion, and adoration and reverence for all life. 

The pure Divine Masculine ray of energy (relating to our left brain, throat, and heart) is sapphire blue, and relates to the desire, inner resolve, power, and will, to follow Source’s Divine Will.  It also carries our ability to have leadership over ourselves. 

When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rays of energy are merged and balanced within us, our higher centers and Christ Consciousness – which is the gold ray of energy – is awakened.  The Gold Flame embodies wisdom, discrimination, and illumination.  When love, power, and wisdom are blended and balanced within us, the Violet Flame of forgiveness and transmutation is activated within us.

Masters of the Three Kingdoms and their Retreats

There are masters of each of the three kingdoms – Human, Angelic, and Nature Kingdom – that direct the use of each of the seven divine rays.  (There are also higher rays now that connect to the spiritual evolvement of mankind).  The masters of the seven divine rays have retreats on the etheric plane, that are key focuses for the ray they oversee.  The Lords and Ladies of the Rays represent the human kingdom, the Archangels – the angelic kingdom, and the Elohim – the nature kingdom. 

You can tune in to the light of these retreats in meditation to connect to the qualities of that light, and connect with the ascended masters, archangels, and Elohim found at those retreats.  The more consistently that you connect to the retreat, or the masters, and the divine rays, you help entrain your own vibration to a higher level.  Even the names of the masters, archangels and Elohim found there hold power.  For detailed descriptions of each retreat you can visit http://ascendedmastersspiritualretreats.org/

The masters of the Pink Ray of Love:

Human Kingdom: Ascended masters are Paul the Venetian, and Quan Yin

Angelic Kingdom: Archangels Chamuel and Seraphina (Lady Charity)

Nature Kingdom:  Elohim Heros and Amora

The Ascended Masters:  Quan Yin and Paul the Venetian

Quan Yin:  Quan Yin is a Goddess of Compassion and Mercy and an ascended master.  She works alongside Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Lady Nada, Athena and Isis in bringing Divine Feminine energy to the world to achieve balance and harmony.  She works with the Pink Ray to help establish love, compassion, and an appreciation for beauty, selflessness, balance, and creativity. 

She also transforms with the seventh Violet Ray of Freedom, helping to free the heart with forgiveness, and to enhance the lighter energies of creativity and playfulness.  In forgiving and releasing old hurts you attain inner peace, well-being, and become a being of love and light.  She works with your Heart and Divine Creativity chakras to support your healing with the magical power of love. 

Quan Yin’s Retreat:  The Temple of Mercy in the etheric foothills above Beijing, China.

Paul the Venetian:  He is an ascended master who works with the energies of the heart chakras and is devoted to beauty and the perfection of the soul through compassion, patience, understanding, self-discipline, and artistic expression of the heart.  He loves to work with artists, musicians, architects, designers, and craftsmen in bringing beauty reflecting their truth, soul’s wisdom, and love to their art.  Light and Beauty are key to the new Golden Age.  He also works with sound healing to help restore harmony and balance through the Rainbow frequencies of light.  He also works with the Eighth seafoam-green and violet Ray of Transcendence. 

Paul the Venetian’s retreat: the etheric plane of Le Chateau de Liberte, in southern France.

Archangels Chamuel and Seraphina (Lady Charity):

Archangel Chamuel is an Angel of Loving Relationship.  Relationships are formed when you extend love from your heart to connect to others.  A relationship is an exchange of love, beauty, understanding, and intelligence between the two involved in the relationship.  Trust is the bridge that supports love to flow.  Divine Love from Source flows through your heart to form relationships to help you heal and grow through sharing.  He also watches our heart chakras’ development as our heart expands with compassion.  He observes our balance of self-love and love for others.

Seraphina (Lady Charity) is the feminine aspect of the Pink Ray that radiates compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and creativity.  She encourages the flow of emotions in expression of the heart, and to not allow them to be blocked.  She encourages the balanced flow of giving and receiving – giving love with a generous heart showing charity and receiving with gratitude.  Connecting to the heart of earth with this balanced flow also creates abundance.  When emotions flow freely you can be uplifted to the highest expression of love and joy.

Chamuel and Charity’s retreat:  is in the Temple of Crystal Pink above St. Louis, Missouri, USA

The Elohim – Heros and Amora:

The Elohim are the highest beings in the Nature Kingdom that brought forth the creation of the cosmos.  The Elohim and Archangels might be considered the left and right hands of God/Goddess.  Under the Elohim are the Directors of the five elements, then the devas (who create the blueprint of creation), and then the elementals of the five elements – air, fire, water, earth, ether (the workers that fulfill the blueprint to be manifested).  They are the Creator Gods and Goddesses who create planets and solar systems with the divine rays.

Heros (also known as Orion, and known by the Greeks as Eros, and the Romans as Cupid) brings harmony to chaos.  He and his twin flame, Amora (also known as Angelica), bring Divine Love to all creations on Earth by infusing the elementals with this divine love from the Great Central Sun.  They help maintain love and light on the planet in order to defend it against darkness and fear.  They stabilize the earth and curtail the power of those with evil intent, lightening the load of darkness on the planet.

Heros and Amora’s Retreat: is above Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  It brings the focus of Divine Love into the western hemisphere, which guides the destiny of North and South America and Canada.

Visualizing the Pink Flame in Meditation:

To begin, sit where you can be undisturbed, relax, and come to a place of stillness.  Anything that we can visualize, or imagine, is real somewhere within the vast realms of form.  The more frequently that we return to a visualization it manifests energetically in our lives – physically, emotionally, and mentally.  You can use this visualization to infuse yourself, your home, or planet Earth with the healing power of divine love. 

As you visualize the Pink Flame, picture it as a huge bonfire wide and high enough to encompass your body and extend three or more feet out all around.  You can imagine the best shade of pink – from pale pink to ruby red – that feels best to match your prayerful intention.  Feel it infuse any place within that needs love and forgiveness, or at any blocks where negative lower vibrational energy needs to be released.  Feel the healing power of love move into every cell of your body.  As you visualize state an intention or decree to direct the flame.  Below are some examples of decrees:

“I call upon Quan Yin to infuse me with the soft Pink Ray of Love and Forgiveness, to heal my heart and bring me comfort and peace.”

“I ask Quan Yin to fill my heart with love energy that I may forgive myself and others of any wrongs or hurts and be free to heal.”

“I call upon Paul the Venetian to infuse me with the Ruby Flame of Love to bring my passions into creative expression reflecting the beauty of my soul.”

“I invoke Archangel Chamuel to fill my heart with the light of the Pink Flame of Love so that all my relationships are in loving harmony.”

“I call upon Archangel Chamuel and Seraphina to infuse me with the Pink Ray of Love so that I see myself with the eyes of love and appreciation.  I am Love.”

“I call upon Lady Charity to fill my heart with the Pink Ray to overflowing with love, that I may radiate love to others and receive love with gratitude.”

“I ask Lady Charity to touch me with her loving grace, that fills my heart with love, so that all I touch will feel loved.”

“I call upon Heros and his elementals to aid me in sending the powerful Pink Ray of Love to planet Earth to bring it into healing and balance.”

“I call upon Amora to encompass the Earth with the Ruby Flame of Love to help create a planet of love and light that diminishes fear and darkness.  May the Ruby Flame saturate the core and expand to contain the Earth in a bubble of Love energy.”



  1. Much Pink LOVE and appreciation here for you. We allow the pink flame to broadcast from our sacred heart unto all Creations seeing and unseen down to the tiniest bit of matter and no matter. Peace and Divine Love Light abide.

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