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by Nancy Robbins

The Sixth Divine Ray – The Purple Ray of Peace

This ray is purple with golden radiations, a union of feminine and masculine energies in harmony.  It is a ray of peace, idealism, devotion, and spiritual development.  Peace is a quality of living that you create in order to serve yourself and others at your best.  When in pursuit of peace you call upon this ray to quiet your body, mind, and emotions.  When in quiet stillness you can hear the voice of your heart and soul, and the voices of your higher guides.  Allow yourself to relax and develop moments of serenity and calmness when you can connect to your own divine essence and just BE your light.  Radiate your light to the world like a lighthouse.  In this way you can create peace in the world and be of service as your highest self for the benefit of all.

This ray relates to the Solar Plexus chakra, your power center where you define your self-worth and personal power.  The understanding of your worth and divinity is what contributes to inner peace, and it’s the inner power of goodness that you radiate out to the world.  You hold a divine spark within that is a microcosm of the Great Central Sun – the divine Source of God/Goddess energy in this universe.  When you shine your light with peace, you help to create peace in the world.

Some of the crystals associated with this ray are Amethyst, Charoite, and with the Solar Plexus chakra – Citrine, Golden Calcite, Golden Topaz, Yellow Tourmaline.

The day you can receive the greatest radiation of this light is Thursday.

Masters of the Three Kingdoms and their Retreats

There are masters of each of the three kingdoms – Human, Angelic, and Nature kingdom – that direct the use of each of the seven divine rays.  (There are also higher rays now that connect to the spiritual evolvement of mankind).  The masters of the seven divine rays have retreats on the etheric plane that are key focuses for the ray they oversee.  The Lords and Ladies of the Rays represent the human kingdom, the Archangels the angelic kingdom, and the Elohim the nature kingdom.  You can tune in to the light of these retreats in meditation to connect to the qualities of that light, and connect with the lords, archangels, and Elohim found at those retreats.  The more consistently that you connect to the retreat or the masters, and the divine rays, you help entrain your own vibration to a higher level.  Even the names of the lords/ladies, archangels, and Elohim found there hold power.  For detailed descriptions of each retreat you can visit http://ascendedmastersspiritualretreats.org/

The masters of the Purple Ray of Peace:

Human Kingdom: Ascended masters are Gautama Buddha and Isis

Angelic Kingdom: Archangels Uriel and Rainbow Aurora – Lady Grace

Nature Kingdom: Elohim Peace and Aloha

The Ascended Masters:

The Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama and the Enlightened One, lived in ancient India in 5th-4th century BCE, and was a philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader.  He is revered as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism, and is worshiped as the Enlightened One who has transcended Karma and escaped the cycle of birth -death-rebirth.  He is Lord of the Sixth Purple Ray of Peace and helps to bring inner strength, centered calm, tranquility, and harmony.  He also works with the 9th Aqua ray of Highest Potentials working with the heart to help integrate soul purpose and the higher mind.  He promotes creating a balanced life with simplicity and inner peace to bring about transcendence, joy, and loving acceptance of all living creatures.

Buddha’s retreat is Shamballa over the Gobi Desert, China

Isis was an Egyptian Goddess of Divine Magic and Alchemy who represents the Creator Mother – the nurturing and loving Divine Feminine energies infused with creativity.  She now works with the Purple Ray of Peace and is devoted to helping others find their inner divinity, inner strength, and peace.  Her passion is to empower all of humanity with the Divine Feminine energy to create balance and harmony.

Archangels Uriel and Rainbow Aurora, Lady Grace

Archangel Uriel, also known as “Prince of Light”, and his twin flame, Rainbow Aurora, also known as Lady Grace, bring the divine light to illuminate your mind and ignite the creative force within.  Uriel is a patron of literature, music, and transformation.  His light dispels darkness and ignorance, and brings wisdom, insight, inspiration, and inner peace.  He will help you to develop your psychic abilities, heal, and raise your consciousness, and follow your life purpose to achieve your higher potential.

He holds the Resurrection Flame of mother-of-pearl, to bring renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation so that you, like a phoenix, can rise out of the ashes of your former self.  This flame helps to conquer fear so that you can find peace.

Rainbow Aurora – Lady Grace works with the complete spectrum of Light – the Rainbow Rays.  These rays unite heaven and earth in beauty and love.  Many different colored rays are now flooding the planet to bring down higher streams of consciousness in order to prepare the planet and humanity for our transition into the fifth dimension.  She works with many masters to help anchor these rays onto Earth’s plane.

She is connected with Neptune, the Rainbow planet, which is the gatherer of the energies of the rays, and the “transmitting station” that relays these rays to planets in our solar system, including Earth.  The key words of Neptune in astrology are “spiritual wisdom, inspiration, creative arts, compassion, sacrifice and universal love”, all of which are attributes supported by Lady Grace.  Just as the basic function of Neptune is to slowly dissolve away old patterns and create new and better ones, her task is to help us shift our focus on our search for truth and divine wisdom to not just do so for ourselves, but compassionately for humanitarian reasons.  Her task is to inspire what Uriel creates, and imbue it with grace and beauty, making it unique and attractive and especially evoke a sense of wonder, awe, joy, or happiness.

She is the feminine presence that helps you connect into the state of grace when you connect the flow of your intelligence with the divine, such as with your Higher Self.  She nurtures peace and love to all mankind.  Her uplifting love is constant.  Like her name Rainbow Aurora, she uplifts with the promise of a new dawn empowered by all the divine rays.  She works with Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, and other sisters of the Divine Feminine energy.

Archangel Uriel and Rainbow Aurora’s retreat is over the Tatra Mountains, Cracow, Poland.

Elohim Peace and Aloha

Peace and Aloha minister to the needs of the moment and strive to maintain peace and harmony on Earth.  In peace you can connect with the wisdom of your soul and hear your heart’s voice.  To create peace within, keep strong with faith, create freedom with forgiveness, purify and release anything that blocks you from achieving your higher potential, stay compassionate rather than judgmental with yourself and others.  To turn back war in the world, we must first create peace within.

Peace carries a Great Sun Disc which is a shield of dazzling white fire that may be placed over the Solar Plexus to deflect the discord of others and promote peace.

The spirit of Aloha is honored in the Hawaiian greeting – Aloha, which is the Hawaiian word for love, affection, peace, compassion, and mercy, that is commonly used as a simple greeting but has a deeper cultural and spiritual significance to native Hawaiians, in which the term is used to define a force that holds together existence.

Peace and Aloha’s Retreat is the Pavilion of Peace and the Temple of Peace over the Hawaiian Islands.

Visualizing the Purple Flame in Meditation

To begin, sit where you can be undisturbed, relax, and come to a place of stillness.  Anything that we can visualize, or imagine, is real somewhere within the vast realms of form.  The more frequently that we return to a visualization it manifests energetically in our lives – physically, emotionally, and mentally.  You can use this visualization to infuse yourself, your home, or planet Earth with serenity, peace, and harmony.  As you visualize the Purple Flame, picture it as a huge bonfire wide and high enough to encompass your body and extend three or more feet out all around.  You can imagine the brilliant purple and gold light infusing you with calm as it uplifts your spirit.  As you visualize state an intention or decree to direct the flame.  Below are some examples of decrees:

“I call upon Buddha to fill me with the Purple ray of Peace to purify and enlighten me that I may be my highest self in service to others.”

“I ask Buddha to guide me in finding serenity, simplicity, and harmony in my life so that I can move into my higher self and live a life of love and joy.”

“Goddess Isis I call upon you to guide me with your feminine strength and wisdom to transform my life and create it anew.”

“I call upon the magic of Isis’ divine feminine energy to heal and transform me.”

“I invoke Archangel Uriel and rainbow Aurora to fill me with their light of peace and illuminate my path to enlightenment.”

“I call upon Archangel Uriel to hold the Resurrection Flame over me and fill me with its light to conquer my fears and renew me to a higher version of my former self.  May I be filled with love, light, harmony, and peace.”

“Rainbow Aurora, shine your rainbow rays upon me and uplift my spirit with the awe, joy and wonder of your beauty and grace.  A new day of love, light, and peace begins.”

“O Elohim Peace, what beauty your name, consuming within me duality’s shame.  It was through the vibration of your Flame, that Christ the illusion of death overcame.”

“O Elohim Peace, you bring now to Earth, the unstoppable flame of cosmic rebirth.  I give up the sense that something is mine, allowing your Light through my being to shine.”

“I call upon Elohim Peace to place the Great Sun Disc over my solar plexus to dispel any negative energy or dark intent that may block my inner radiance so that I may shine my light in peace.”

“I call upon Elohim Peace and Aloha to grace the Earth with your Light so that it may be a planet of love and light that radiates peace and harmony.”


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