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May 1st – St. Germain’s Ascension Day

May 1st is known as St. Germain’s Ascension Day. He is the keeper of the St. Germainof transmutation and freedom, and a sponsor of the U.S. Each year on this day he and the other ascended masters and angelic realm that utilizes the Violet flame bless the Earth with an influx of this powerful transmuting flame. Due to the urgent need of the hour he will do so for the entire month of May. We can powerfully assist and use the violet flame daily by visualizing it transmuting the Earth and humanity. The Violet Flame is powerful in clearing away toxic and dark energy. This flame is predominant during the transition and evolutionary shift of the Aquarian Age. We can assist by visualizing and channeling this energy into the Earth (and ourselves) as we literally serve as bridges between Heaven and Earth. The Violet Flame is a great tool to make the changes we are desiring now and rise up to the innovation and creativity of our times.

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