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Meditation to Connect to the New Earth with the Mint-Green and Aqua Light Rays

by Nancy Robbins

To beginAllow yourself to sit quietly and calm your mind and emotions and close your eyes.  Imagine that you have a volume knob on your mental chatter and you are turning it down to zero.  Imagine that you also have a volume knob on your emotional noise, and you turn that down to zero.  Relax your muscles and feel all your tension draining away.  Feel that everything is settling down and draining out your feet.  You can imagine that your body turns into light particles and fizzes up into the air.  Allow yourself to settle into stillness and feel deep relaxation and peace. 

Imagine that you are at your favorite location – whether it is an outside or inside space.  Sit or lie down there and relax as you move into stillness.  Place focus on your heart and see/sense the light of your heart and its color.  Expand this heart light until your body is within a bubble of your heart light.

 Invite your Higher Self into this space and connect with your Higher Self.  Feel the connection between you.  Ask your Higher Self to raise your vibration higher to what is needed now to strengthen you and your connection.

 Imagine that you are both receiving a beautiful Mint-Green Ray of Light.  It is the 20th divine ray – the Mint-Green Ray of the New Earth.   The Mint-Green Ray is a light formation of sacred geometry, heart powered from Source.  It is the power of the heart connecting all together.  It is the foundational structure that has “veins” of filaments of light that create a grid (like veins in a leaf).  This ray energizes the heart connection of the New Earth and all heart connections.  Feel this Mint-Green Ray infuse all of you in its beautiful light and see it merge with your heart light.

 Now imagine that you are both receiving the 21st divine ray – the Aqua Light Ray of New Earth Consciousness.  The Aqua Light Ray is like a “river” of energy that is like heart energy that flows through the “veins” of the New Earth grid.  This energy brings higher truth and peace, and enhances communication from the heart.  It stimulates the heart and magnifies your dreams and desires.  It helps to clarify your intentions and to manifest it with the spoken word.  This energy brings strength, courage, confidence, and healing with its heart-centered truth.  Imagine yourself infused in this Aqua Light and see it running like a river through the grid formation created by the Mint-Green Ray and merge with your heart light.  Your Higher Heart also takes in this light and its energy connects with the grid of flowing light created by both the Mint-Green and Aqua Light rays.  You are receiving higher consciousness that is helping to form the New Earth and the Golden Age.

 As you and your Higher Self have been receiving these rays, so has the New Earth.  You are connected to the New Earth.  You are “plugged in” to this network.  If you have not felt that connection yet, place your intention to now connect with the energies of the New Earth.  Open your awareness to this connection with the New Earth grid.  What do you feel? See?  Hear?  Know?  What is your relationship with the New Earth?  How do you affect the New Earth?  Ask your Higher Self for any messages or guidance concerning your connection to the New Earth?  As you focus on this connection it adds creative energy.  Energy follows intention.  You are in harmony with the New Earth and you gain higher wisdom, healing energy, and a galactic connection with this link.

 Thank your Higher Self for their guidance and come back to your present awareness and open your eyes.


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