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Meditations for Exploring your Heart Sanctuary

by Nancy Robbins

This meditation has multiple options that will help you explore your Heart Sanctuary for self-discovery, guidance, and healing.  You can establish a stronger link of communication with you Higher Self or any other guides you wish to invite into your sanctuary.  It will be your personal sanctuary and a new home base.

You can visit your Heart Sanctuary for self-discovery, guidance and healing.  You can learn about the qualities of your soul essence – your inner beauty, skills and gifts, and your life purpose.  This is your sacred space where you can gain information on yourself from your soul.  You can also ask to have your Higher Self, ascended masters, angels, star beings or loved ones that have passed on, to meet you here to communicate with, or bring you healing, guidance and awareness.  This sacred space may serve as a workshop space for you to manifest creations from, or serve as a restorative sanctuary.  You can also just BE in your space for the pleasure of serenity and peace.  You can connect to all hearts everywhere from this space as well.  It is also a protected space and no guide can enter unless invited by you!  This is your new home base!  Know that you can return here at any time. 

Here are some options to your meditation within your Heart Sanctuary:

  • Discover the qualities of your Soul Essence on the “main floor”.
  • Discover higher levels of your Heart Sanctuary
  • Meet with your Higher Self for guidance/healing
  • Have your Higher Self guide you to your next highest aspect
  • Meet with a Spirit Guide – angel, star being, ascended master, nature spirit, ancestor.
  • Just radiate your energy and BE in a state of peace, harmony, and serenity.

To beginAllow yourself to sit quietly and calm your mind and emotions and close your eyes.  Imagine that you have a volume knob on your mental chatter and you are turning it down to zero.  Imagine that you also have a volume knob on your emotional noise, and you turn that down to zero.  Relax your muscles and feel all your tension draining away.  Feel that everything is settling down and draining out your feet.  You can imagine that your body turns into light particles and fizzes up into the air.  Allow yourself to settle into stillness and feel deep relaxation and peace. 

Entering Your Heart Sanctuary and explore:

Place your focus on your heart with the intention of connecting to the sacred space within your heart.  You may have a sensation of moving deep within, and know that your intention will connect you to this sacred space.  A trail of white light appears before you – you follow that trail of light until you come to a stop at a door of light.  You step through this door into a room. 

This room may be an outdoor room or an indoor room.  This is your sacred space that no other guide can enter unless invited.  If you need more light in the room to see it by just ask for light to increase within the space.  This is your sacred space that holds your soul’s deepest desires and your soul’s divine essence, that will inform you on your life purpose and bring you important information for your healing and transformative development.  Be a neutral witness as you take a look around and witness the details and qualities of the space, as if you walked into another person’s home, and you took a look at the space to gain clues on its occupant.

What colors do you see?  Are there any particular sounds?  What is the style or architecture of the space?  If is an outdoor space, what type of landscape is it?  What feelings do you sense here?  Are there any specific aromas?  Are there any people, animals, or other beings here?  Do they have any messages or gifts for you?  Are there windows and other doors? How are the elements of earth, fire, water, air, and ether represented here?  Does this room denote any specific function or multiple functions?  How do the details of this room inform you of your essence – the core of your nature?  How does this inform you of your heart’s passions?  How does this describe your inner divine spiritual skills?  How does this describe your beauty?  When you see this essence of you, what particular color or colors symbolize it?

 Now slowly take your focus and with your lens of vision ‘pan-out’ pulling your awareness out to where you are looking at your physical outer self.  How do you see this essence expressed in your physical appearance?  This is what reflects your ‘beauty’ – a reflection of your essence found in your heart.  Wearing the color or colors you found within, and understanding your beauty, will help to emphasize your own expression of your unique self.  Value this special uniqueness and beauty.  Do not try to compare your beauty to others, or follow some prescribed form of beauty that society dictates.  Beauty is a unique expression of each individual’s essence and truth, which is why beauty is so highly valued and sought after.  Therefore, beauty is different with each individual and can be appreciated in that way.  Know and appreciate your own particular beauty as an expression of your soul.

 You can return your awareness to your present state of being now and open your eyes, OR you can extend your visit to include any of the following options:

  • Invite your Higher Self in this space and to ask for guidance
  • Invite your Higher Self to elevate you to the next aspect of your Higher Self that you are ready to become
  • Invite a spirit guide (ascended master, angel, nature spirit, ancestor, star being, loved ones that have passed) to give you a message/gift that will provide you guidance/healing
  • Explore the upstairs of your Heart Sanctuary.
 Invite your Higher Self for guidance: 

Ask your Higher Self to join you in your Heart Sanctuary.  Your Higher Self knows all of your past life experiences, your skills, gifts, and your life purpose for this lifetime, and has your best interest in mind.  You can ask your Higher Self for any messages of guidance that are important for you now, or any questions that you are seeking guidance for.  Ask your Higher Self to help you create a strong connection with clear communication between you.  Create a close connection, and receive impressions with any of these clair-senses. 

  • clairvoyance (clear seeing)
  • clairaudience (clear hearing)
  • clairsentience (clear feeling)
  • claircognizance (clear knowing)
  • clairalience (clear smelling)
  • clairgustance (clear tasting)

 When you have finished communicating with your Higher Self – give thanks.

Invite your Higher Self to elevate you to your higher potential:

Ask your Higher Self to join you in your Heart Sanctuary and they will elevate you – as if you were in an elevator – up to the level of your Higher Self that you are now ready to BE – that is physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually compatible for you.  Imagine you are going up in the “elevator” that your guide is controlling.  The elevator will stop at the appropriate floor.  When the elevator stops – exit and on this platform the aspect of your Higher Self that you are ready to become is waiting for you there.  How do they look or feel different from your current self?  Do they have a message for you?  See yourself stepping closer to this aspect.  Do you notice anything else?  Now merge with this aspect and you are both now one.  You now have accessed their qualities.  What have you received?  Thank your Higher Self.

Invite a Spirit Guide into your Heart Sanctuary:

Ask a Spirit Guide to enter your Heart Sanctuary – they can be an ascended master, angel, nature spirit, star being, or ancestor.  This spirit guide approaches you now and stands before you.  You can ask the guide to identify itself to you.  The guide has a gift to give you along with a message that will support you in the best way for this moment.  Receive the gift and message and take in its meaning with your impressions.  You can ask further questions and receive guidance.  Thank your guide.

 Explore Higher Levels of your Heart Sanctuary:

You can invite a spirit guide into your Heart Sanctuary to explore higher floors or go by yourself.  Ask the guide to now lead you up to the higher level of your heart sanctuary.  You and your guide now do so – it is up to your imagination how both of you do that.  See the two of you moving up to this higher level – which is a higher dimension within your heart.  Notice what this place looks like – take in the details.  Notice what opportunities immediately are discovered here – the potential of this higher level.  Take a few moments to look around.  There are many explorations and discoveries to be made on this new higher level.  Converse with your guide about this higher level and thank your guide when you are finished exploring.



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