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Meet Cennis – an Agarthan


Cennis from Agartha copy

Diamond white light through the united network of grids:

In the past month or so I have been meeting more beings from Agartha, the higher dimensional civilization within Earth.  They have been collaborating more when energy work is being accomplished in the “Vortex Garden”, as I call my portal in my medicine wheel garden.  One of the Agarthans, Cennis, has particularly been showing up.  As I understand it he is an “environmentalist” in Agartha.  Several weeks ago when three of us were working with the spirit of Gaia he appeared and “took Gaia’s hand” pledging an energy grid to her that felt like one the Agarthans had been working on for ages.  It appeared to me as a high vibrational grid deep within the Earth.  As soon as he pledged this grid to her we all felt that pyramids around the world were activated further.  This inner Earth grid is now connected to Earth’s crystalline grid and the cosmic grid, uniting into one great network that really helps with communication and connection to all Earth and cosmic beings.

Today as I was walking in my yard he came to me and asked me to send Diamond white light into the grid to keep the energy flowing strong and clear.  As I was sending this light through the filaments of this grid I could see it radiating from deep within the earth and then spread into the crystalline grid and the cosmic grid until the planet radiated this diamond light out into the cosmos truly becoming a planet of Love and Light.

This is something that we all can do on a regular basis.  Visualize and intend diamond white light going into the deep inner Earth grid, into the crystalline grid and into the cosmic grid forming one united network of diamond light.  This is a great way to keep the energy flowing for the highest good!



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