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Merging with the 5th dimension

Message for the time of the solar eclipse (Aug. 21, 2017) from:

Sanat Kumara  (ascended master overseeing Earth’s evolutionary shift, from Venus) Sananda ( Jesus Christ)

Melicium (Pleiadian teacher of interdimensional communication)

Adama ( Lemurian from Telos under Mt. Shasta)

The four masters above wanted to make you aware of this information for this very important time period which is now through the solar eclipse of August 21st.  What they tell me is going on, besides the solar eclipse, is a merging of our planet as a 3-d planet with its 5-d aspect.  This planet has been shifting into a higher frequency, as we have been doing, and the 5th dimension has been overlapping the 3rd. (consider the 4th dimension to be an astral level between the 3rd and 5th) These dimensions will be in alignment and coincide (and mimic) with the solar eclipse of Aug. 21st.  They consider this to be a very powerful time where literally the “winds of change” (or maybe a hurricane of change) are coming through over the next 3 weeks.  They have some advice on how to center, ground, and move into your heart for this big change and two meditations that will help you.

In plain terms the effect of this will be a focus shift to 5th dimensional consciousness which very simply means shifting into our heart wisdom.  Our hearts will dictate our heart consciousness which means greater love for our fellow humans, as well as animals and Earth herself.  Love and respect all around – it’s a tall order – but it’s a start.  This means social, environmental reform and basically recreating the systems we live by and updating them to love consciousness.  In order to do this we need to unite in equality and have unity in our diversity.  Release anything that is not of love – fear being on the top of the list.  The time of finding what separates us is over, and the time for finding what unites is the guideline.  Compassion is the guiding compass.  In this shift you will be moving closer to actually being your Higher Self – your fullest and brightest light.


So, here is a brief message from each of what they consider to be important focuses for this period of time:

Sanat Kumara :  “It is very important right now to expand your vertical alignment and anchor into the Crystalline Grid of Earth .  In doing this you not only bridge the higher vibrational energies with the energies of Earth, but you create for yourself a calm and centered foundation.   (See Archangel Sandalphons Crystalline Grid meditation. (he works with the Crystalline grid). You can also add to it by visualizing the green ray of health and balance that is very connected to Earth.) It is also important for you to move into your Solar Plexus Chakra to the ‘inner sun’ there and visualize expanding it until you are fully encompassed in a bubble of golden light – this will help strengthen and protect you.  (Visualize a golden energy for this inner sun expansion.)

 Sananda:  “As the focus shifts towards 5D it is time to shift into higher dimensional frequencies within the heart as well.  This will be your new home base.  See this frequency as a deep rose/magenta.” (See the heart meditation.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Melicium:  “In working with your vertical alignment and anchoring into the Earth you can also connect with the cosmic grid.  The “cosmic grid” is an alliance of energies from the star systems:  Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Apollonia, Vega, Venus, Andromeda, Orion and inner earth Agartha.  The cosmic grid and the earth’s crystalline grid and the heart network (all hearts connecting) have united to form a unified network (within this past year) so that when you connect into it you can connect to the intelligences of Earth and the cosmos.  This will be a source of support and guidance.  You actually are acting like a bridge between Heaven and Earth and a great example and helpful ally in this are trees!  You can connect to a tree and be “at one” with it to help you connect to the earth and cosmos.  They are also expanding their role currently to act as allies and ambassadors to bridge the worlds and download wisdom.  You can visualize the green earth energy rising up from Earth and the golden cosmic energy (like sunlight) coming down from the cosmos to energize and balance you.”


Adama:  “Many Lemurians and inner earth higher dimensional Agarthans are coming to the surface as the frequencies rise.  Be open for new contact, communication, and new solutions to present themselves.  Open your mind and your heart.”


Archangel Sandalphon’s – Travelling Earth’s Crystalline Grid Meditation

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Visualize diamond light – white light containing rainbow colors – descend through the top of your head through your chakras along your vertical alignment through your heart as it flows deep within the Earth.  Imagine the light expanding through the layers of your aura – the physical-etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers until it fills your energy field with light.  Now follow the radiant light as it travels through your feet and Earth Star chakra (below your feet) into the Earth.  The light connects you to the ley lines nearby and into the crystalline grid.  As you are connecting to this vast grid feel the light connect to the major crystals, sacred sites, earth chakras, and power points on Earth.  You are connecting into the light energy system of Mother Earth and her consciousness as well.  Feel the harmony created with this connection.  You are plugging into a powerful source of energy.


Now place the intention that you will be brought anywhere within this grid that you need to be for healing and awareness.  Feel yourself energetically travel to a location within the grid.  Once you feel you have “arrived” take a look at the surrounding geography.  Is it a pyramid, stone formation or circle, temple, standing rocks, mountain, in the ocean, in a forest, by a lake?  Is it a natural formation or man-made?  Is it bringing you information on your soul mission in some way?  Do you need to take any action here?  Is there any relevance to where you are now?  Be aware of any impressions or information you may be receiving now.  When you have completed your stay, give thanks to the place and shift your awareness back to where you are now.  Feel the diamond light of rainbow colors descend upon you through this expanded alignment and connection to this sparkling Crystalline Grid.



 (from the “Higher Love” energy board)


“Place your focus within your heart allowing yourself to deeply connect and feel your soul essence there.  Imagine that your heart has a golden key and you turn the key to unlock the heart and imagine it lifting upwards into the higher dimensions of your heart.   Feel yourself being transported dimensionally as you ride ‘upwards’ into the higher dimensions of the heart as if on an elevator.  Keep your awareness and senses open to any new images, symbols, feelings, or information you may receive as you ascend.  When you feel you have reached the highest dimensional level within your heart, turn the key again to ‘lock-in’ this new ‘home-base’ where you will now live from your heart.  Take note of your impressions of this new level of your heart energy.  With each meditation you gain further enlightenment and awareness of the higher dimensions of your heart and love energy continually expanding your understanding.  Open your awareness to any new synchronicities, information, or healing that takes place from your new ‘home-base.”


Love and light,

Nancy Robbins

Elements Design Collection

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