by Nancy Robbins
Identifying Description: Merlinite is a marbled combination of white Quartz (silicon dioxide) and black Psilomelane (manganese oxide). It is found in New Mexico, USA.
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Brow
Elements: Ether
Divine Rays: 1st Blue Ray of Power, 25th Silver-Aqua Ray of the Divine Masculine
Key Words: Magic, Intuition, Connection with Elemental Energies, Past Life Recall, Psychic abilities
About Merlinite: Merlinite is named after the wizard of inner divine alchemy and magic – Merlin. The black and white of Merlinite shows the Light that reveals hidden gifts in the darkness. When I connected to the Spirit of Merlinite the image that came to me was of Merlin standing in the darkness parting the veil to other dimensions, and within yourself, to discover your own inner gifts. He guides your own divine alchemy to transform and helps you connect to other spirit guides and nature spirits as teachers. Merlinite reveals your hidden inner gifts and helps you magically transform and move into your higher potential. It creates divine alchemy in this way transforming you into being your own inner wizard that can magically move you into your highest good. It parts the veil between the visible and invisible worlds, and opens the doors to deeper insight, enhanced psychic abilities, and spiritual communication. It attracts guides and teachers from other dimensions of the cosmic and nature realms to assist you in your pursuits. It can help you with past-life recall and help you understand experiences that are relevant to your needs today.
Working with Merlinite: When holding Merlinite in meditation move into your Brow chakra’s intuitive and psychic abilities. Merlinite is a stone of magic, shadows and descent into the darkest, deepest places within one’s being. It takes the heart-centered energy of Manganese to its deepest level, descending into the depths of the heart and the darkest places of shadow within oneself. It reveals inner motivations and enhances shamanic work, magical practices, and healing. It helps you access, utilize and master the lower frequencies and become whole and enlightened. In this way it becomes a stone of self-mastery.
Merlinite can part the veils between the visible and invisible worlds, opening the doors to deeper intuitive abilities. One of the foremost of these is spirit communication. Meditation with Merlinite can assist one in contacting souls of the deceased who wish to give messages to the living, as well as enhance communication with higher dimensional beings.
Merlinite is an aid to learning all types of magic. It opens the psychic channels for intuitive understanding and also attracts teachers from other planes to assist in one’s studies during the dream state and in meditation. It helps one grasp the interrelations between astrology, tarot, minerology and other occult sciences.
Merlinite can help with past-life recall. It evokes the realm of dreams and imagination and enhances the recollections of past lives, especially of Arthurian times. It activates the “inner radar” that makes certain that one’s past life experiences are the ones most relevant to one’s current needs for healing and growth. In a past-life regression session, place the intention to be shown information that will assist you to heal and successfully move you into your higher potential now. If you need further assistance, call upon a spirit guide of the highest light from the angelic, cosmic, or nature realms to assist you, or Merlin! Utilize your magical abilities to explore and transform yourself with Merlinite.
Affirmation: “I enter the realm of magic and divine alchemy for the sole purpose of furthering my spiritual growth and highest good.”