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Messages for Summer Solstice – June 21, 2019

Exploring your Power in Your Higher Dimensional Aspects

For this time in June leading up to the Summer Solstice, I just received some information from Sananda (Jesus Christ), Sanat Kumara (a being from Venus who has kept Light on this planet for eons and oversees the evolutionary shift), and Adama (Lemurian spiritual leader of Telos under Mt. Shasta). To preface their words I would like to mention that the Summer Solstice is a time when we are at the height of our power in the sense that it is the longest day of light that we receive from the sun – which reflects the light from the Great Central Sun – a divine energy source. So, we can bathe in golden divine sunlight and be empowered on the Summer Solstice! Here is their message:

Thoughts from Sananda: “As you know a strengthening and activation energy is coming onto the planet – which is why it is important to be in your 5th dimensional aspect of your heart – so that any action taken is with your soul’s highest guidance, and not reactionary which could lead to less desired outcomes. In this way, all can move forward in creating solutions for existing environmental, health, and peace issues. The Summer Solstice on June 21st is a time of empowerment, and a time to take action. It is not just a movement forward, but a movement up – a boost – into higher frequencies, and into your higher consciousness. It’s a matter of recognizing that you are operating from a new and different place, and taking ownership. A bit of vigilance is needed not to descend to your lower consciousness because it is comfortable and easy. We have a meditation that will help. Remember also, that connecting to nature is very important now to help you focus and connect to higher energy, and it’s easily accessible!”

MEDITATION FROM SANANDA: Exploring your 5-D Bubble:  ” You have a small seed of white light in your hand – this is your current consciousness. Let it expand into a bubble large enough to step into. Step inside the white light bubble. What do you see? This informs you and what moving into higher dimensional consciousness means to you. You have a task here. A person approaches you with an item which will signify an action with a message. This will give you information on HOW you “own” your higher dimensional energies. Thank the guide and you can leave the bubble or explore it more. Visit this bubble daily for it will continue to guide you.”

MEDITATION FROM SANAT KUMARA: Visiting your Aspects in Each Dimension:  Moving in different levels or frequencies of dimensions and consciousness is like taking an elevator to different floors. You come to recognize the different qualities of each floor. Allow yourself to imagine you are stepping into a golden elevator in the third dimension. Take it up to the fourth dimension “floor” and let the doors open so that you can see this dimension. What do you see? You can get out and explore or move on up to the next floor, etc. Also, look for your aspect that is on that floor – how do you look? Do you have a message for yourself? You can stop at each floor up to the 12th dimension/floor and familiarize yourself with your aspect in each dimension. You can explore to see if there are any new dimensions above the 12th also. In exploring each floor you get a fuller understanding of who you are – a sum of your dimensional aspects – and a greater understanding of your skills and power, so that you can apply them now.

Thoughts from Adama: “We spoke of new downloads that came last spring and on the Spring Equinox, of looking inside yourself to see what “Seed gift” you specifically received. It is time to look at what further action you need to take right now to manifest with that seed information. Take some time to reflect on what your seed was and how you can move forward on this seed mission. All are being asked to literally “step it up”, and actively participating with the information given to you in that download will do just that. There are more downloads of new consciousness and information coming in the next few months, but it is necessary to assimilate this information first. Staying with the flow in this way will bring greater calm, and bring you great inspiration and wisdom as guidance.” help. Remember also, that connecting to nature is very important now to help you focus and connect to higher energy, and it’s easily accessible!”

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