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Moving into the Fifth Dimension and your Crystalline Body


(This article is based on information from Archangel Michael)

We are on the path of ascension – we are raising our vibrations to reach the frequencies of the higher dimensions.  We, and the planet, are shifting through the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension.  This is the evolutionary flow that is transforming the Earth into the New Earth, and transforming our carbon-based bodies into crystalline light bodies.  When we resist this flow, we shift out of alignment with the current energies, and find ourselves in pain, chaos, and confusion.  When we ride the wave and “go with the flow” of ascension energies, we feel calm and centered, with greater health and well-being.  We discover synchronicities and new skills open to us.  So here are some thoughts on “going with the flow”, and a visualization to help us create our fifth dimensional bodies.

Riding the Ascension Wave

To ride the ascension wave, we are required to shift from an outer-focus on the material world, to an inner focus on Spirit and our inner world of intuitive soul wisdom, and gain self-awareness.  You will hear the voice of intuition, and sense many new waves of vibration.  This reveals the importance of accessing our Divine Feminine skills of going within, connecting to our intuitive voice and our body intelligence.

Let go of the past, and what doesn’t fit into your current life.  You may feel discomfort, or lurking chaos, as you open your mind and move out of the confines of limiting beliefs.  Allow yourself to experience new energies as the earth is receiving great downloads of higher frequencies.  These frequencies will activate latent skills and inner wisdom that have been waiting to be awakened.  Allow yourself the freedom to expand your understanding of yourself, the world, and your cosmic role.  You will find that you are uplifted into the higher frequencies of harmony, as your aura is filled with radiant light that clears blocks in your energy system and enhances your chakras.

Open your heart to access hope, inspiration, trust, compassion, and your soul’s truths.  Tune in to your soul’s wisdom and love within your heart.  The power of love in your heart generates the blueprint for the mind to build from adamantine particles of Creator Light, which are crystalline particles which contain stored potential to manifest anything, and are only powered by the magnetism of the energy of Love.  To do this, be in your heart and let your love energy activate these adamantine particles to manifest creations that are in divine order and the highest good of all.

Earth’s elemental energies

Mother Earth is a sentient being, whose intelligence is connected to Divine Intelligence, and the Divine evolutionary plan.  Since we are made of the elements of Earth – Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Ether – and live on this planet, it is imperative that we align our energies with Mother Earth, and live in harmony with her.  In this way we both ascend in unity.  At this time there is a great download of Divine Feminine energy, especially from Venus, to help guide us and aid our transformation as we move into the Aquarian Age and create the New Earth.  Nature provides a great “study buddy” and method of connecting into the flow of higher frequencies.  Spending time outdoors, communing with a tree, a flower, or an animal, will help you connect into the magical loving spirit of nature.

Open your experience to nature spirits – the sylphs, fairies, and plant devas of the Air element; the salamanders, dragons, muses, and solar devas of the Fire element; the nixies, water sprites, undines, water nymphs, delphinions, and mermaids of the Water element; the gnomes, brownies, elves, pixies, dwarves, dryads, mountain and tree devas of the Earth element; and the sacred-weavers, tijas, and Elohim of the Ether element.  They are all energy workers with specific tasks in bringing higher dimensional energy to the Earth and anchoring it there.  Explore their reality.

Earth’s Crystalline Grid

Another great way to connect into the higher frequencies, and with the planet, is to connect into the Earth’s crystalline grid.  The crystalline grid is an energetic lattice covering the planet that reflects and amplifies ascending levels of consciousness.  It links crystals in the Earth, and keeps harmony within the Earth plane, and between Earth and the cosmos.  It contains dimensional doorways, ley lines, and sacred sites.  To connect to the crystalline grid, imagine that your vertical alignment of energy through your chakras extends down into this crystalline grid.  It feels like standing in a stream of cool flowing water.  Feel the intelligent energy current flowing past you.  In this way you connect with higher dimensional energies that will attune you to fifth dimensional energy.  You will then be in a “state of grace” and connected to the divine energy, and the Divine Plan.

Visualization:  Co-creating My Fifth Dimensional Light Body

Allow yourself to sit relaxed, in quiet stillness, and open your sensory awareness.

As you sit in stillness, bring your focus to your heart.  There is a light that radiates from deep within the sanctuary of your heart.  Observe its color and qualities.  It is unique to your heart and soul.  Expand this light until it encompasses you in a bubble of light.  Sense your beingness within this bubble.  Expand this light until this bubble encompasses the room you are residing in, the state, the country, the planet, the galaxy, until it connects to the divine Source of Father-Mother divine energy.  within this grand bubble you are at one with every being on this planet, within the galaxy, with all divine beings of the angelic and elemental kingdoms, and with Source energy.  You are one with not only the grand cosmos without, but with the tiniest atomic particle within you – that comprises your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and etheric levels of your body, and your inner elements of air, fire, water, earth, and ether.

You now sense the fifth dimensional crystalline solar light energy that is descending upon the Earth and transforming all life into its higher potential to create the New Earth.  You call upon the divine plan created from Source – of Father-Mother divine energy – and of the fifth dimensional Directors of the Elements, to take their strategic positions in preparation for this powerful light activation.  The Divine Directors of the Five Rays of Nature are: Zeus and Tara of the 1st White Ray of Ether; Thor and Aries of the 2nd Peach Ray of Air; Oromasis and Diana of the 3rd Ruby Ray of Fire; Neptune and Luara of the 4th Aquamarine Ray of Water; Pelleur and Virgo of the 5th Turquoise Ray of Earth.

The Directors of the Elements sound a cosmic tone signaling to humanity’s body elementals, and the divine intelligence within every cell, that the time has come to reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace – the descent from higher dimensional frequencies.  It is time to reclaim the original Divine Plan and infuse your light body with fifth dimensional crystalline solar light energy.  The Directors ask the Elohim, who are the Creator Gods and Goddesses that are the highest evolution of the Nature Kingdom, to help you assimilate this fifth dimensional light to create a transformational healing of your light body.  As each newly enhanced light body radiates its divine blueprint and Light, they are co-creating the divine blueprint of the New Earth.

The Violet Flame of Freedom that guides the Aquarian Age through transmutation and transformation, is now dissolving old karmic patterns within its light.  Observe now your new elemental bodies.

Your Air element is associated with your breath and your mental body and intellect.  It is the circulation of ideas – intaking the new inspiration, and releasing old beliefs.  You breathe in fresh air and inspiring ideas within the higher scope of your air element.

Your Fire element is associated with your energy levels, power and strength, and with how strongly Spirit flows within you.  The fifth dimensional Light raises the frequency of your light that empowers you, and guides your way on your transformational path.  Divine Light communicates its wisdom encoded in the Light, and rejuvenates your body.  The sacred Fire from Source radiates through the Great Central Sun, and the Sun to warm you with life-giving energy to power you as you ascend.

Your Water element is associated with your emotions and your blood that courses through your body.  Your e-motions are energy in motion that empower you.  Your emotional world is filled with unconditional love.  The Divine Masculine energy of Father God, and the Divine Feminine energy of Mother Goddess unite in harmony to radiate Divine Love and Harmony.  You express Divine Love through your watery element which comprises so much of your being.  You radiate this Divine Love from your heart to encompass the world.  This force field of Divine Love flows within all other beings on Earth, and expands out into the universe.  Love reigns supreme and is the most powerful force in the universe.  This Divine Love nurtures reality as it moves into its highest divine potential.

Your Earth element is associated with your physical substance – of bones and muscle.  Every cell in your body is absorbing the cosmic river of crystalline light that infuses each cell.  Each cell becomes crystalline and swirls with multicolored dazzling solar light that brings you into vibrant health, radiant beauty, and manifests abundance and joy in your life.

Your Ether element is associated with your spirit.  Your spirit is your divine aspect of Source.  As your etheric element is enhanced with crystalline light, you sense great unity and oneness with Source.  You live supported by Source energy and you’re your divine value.  You are a radiant being of Love and Light.

Each of your elemental bodies is functioning in its full crystalline solar light body of perfection.  As you maintain focus on your Light and continue to empower this transformation, the divine alchemy within will expand daily.  Eventually, all life on Earth will ascend into the fifth dimension of Love and Light, with the New Earth, and the rest of your solar system.  See yourself now as a beacon of radiant crystalline light.

Maintain this new version of your light body as you return to your sitting wakefulness.


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