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by Nancy Robbins

MUSES OF FIRE – Sparks of Creativity & Inspiration

 In ancient Greek religion and mythology, the Muses are inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts.  They were considered the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry, lyric songs, and myths that were related orally for centuries in ancient Greek culture. 

The number and names of the Muses differed by region, but from the Classical period the number of Muses was standardized to nine, and their names were generally given as:

  • Calliope – muse of epic poetry
  • Clio –muse of history
  • Polyhymnia – muse of mime
  • Euterpe – muse of the flute
  • Terpsichore – muse of light verse and dance
  • Erato – muse of lyric choral poetry
  • Melpomene – muse of tragic literature
  • Thalia – muse of comic literature and the Graces of beauty, charm, and joy.
  • Urania – muse of astronomy

In modern usage, a muse is a literal person or supernatural force that serves as someone’s source of artistic inspiration.  A muse is really a nature spirit – a fire elemental – that brings forth a spark of inspiration and creativity.  Light is a form of fire – sunlight – and within light is encoded information that can be brought forth from a muse to inspire.  This sunlight originates from the divine source of the Great Central Sun in this galaxy.  You know when a Muse is with you – when you suddenly are “lit” with an idea that sparks excitement, and stokes your creativity.

While conducting research during meditation for my Spirits of the Nature Kingdom card deck project, I saw a Muse.  The Muse I met with looked like a ten-foot feminine form made of radiant sunlight, tall and sinuous within a fountain of flame.  Flames seem to be dancing around it giving the Muse active energy. The eyes, and third eye were very prominent in the figure, encased in a blue triangle of light pointing upwards.  She held in her hand a flaming spark – the idea. 

Muses bring the fire of inspiration from the angelic world, cosmic consciousness, and cosmic patterns. They spark the higher mind by connecting you to divine wisdom, imagination, and psychic vision, while their light burns away confusion, and lights the way for clarity and understanding.  This spark is an active impulse that excites and moves you to creativity and manifestation from which works of art are created.

A Muse is the light that enters the pineal gland with new thoughts to inspire you to create.  You are creators on Earth, and the Muse provides fuel for your imagination that also illuminates and awakens your inner wisdom.  A Muse merges the perception of your soul plan with the Divine Plan (as symbolized by the light blue triangle over the head).  A Muse enhances your perspective with higher perception that creates your new vision.  In this way, the Muse also helps humanity evolve and innovate with the new consciousness.

Perhaps this is a time when you need to re-spark your imagination, and be inspired with fresh thoughts from the higher consciousness that will uplift you.  It is fuel for new creations and innovations that are needed to match the ascension movement and contribute to its flow.  You may also need a spark of inspiration or creativity to manifest some creations pertinent to your soul mission.  In the words of the Muse – “Relax, and call upon me to ignite your creative fire – look into my eyes that you may see yourself from a higher perspective that will expand your self-understanding, and give you new insight that will spark your imagination and creativity.”

When you can sit in stillness and quiet, move into a meditation and invite a Muse to bring you the gift of light that will illuminate your vision, and bring new ideas to manifest artistically to create a fulfilled and joyful life, and New Earth.




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