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by Nancy Robbins

I love oracle card decks, and I find them to be great tools to build and enhance your intuitive and psychic abilities.  For me, the images on the cards help me retain and understand the messages being brought forth.  I always get great guidance from them that brings clarity to my path.  Not only do I love such cards, I love to make them!   

I’d like to talk to you now about my creative process in channeling information and putting together my latest card deck – Spirits of the Crystal Kingdom II. 

I have been working with crystals for some time now, and when I discovered how to connect to the spirit of the crystal and gain information on how it heals – my relationship with crystals deepened dramatically.  I am continually astonished with the breadth of knowledge the crystals share with me, and especially personal information on my own path.  For this reason, I highly advocate connecting to the spirits of crystals and working with them on your own spiritual path.  They make astonishing allies!  I wanted to share more of these crystal spirits with you and so decided to make another Spirits of the Crystal Kingdom card deck, where you can meet another 54 crystal friends!  Because I channeled information from each crystal, and hand-painted the illustrations, these cards are energized with the crystal energy and my own. 


I began by selecting 54 crystals that I felt covered a spectrum of healing abilities, and that were not in my previous deck!  Then I sat down to get acquainted with each crystal.  I examined their physical details, and then connected heart to heart with them.  I asked them to tell me about themselves and how they work in the world.  In my channeling I get a telepathic message with a visual image, both of which help me to understand the message they are conveying.  I write this all down in my notes.  I then tuned in to what the spirit of the crystal looked like, which I find is often a variation on a star-like formation that is very symbolic of its qualities and mission.  I put all of these images on a note page, which you will see in the photo below.  I later incorporated this image into the image from the message.

As an example, I will use the Lemurian Golden Opal card that you see here.

Lemurian Golden Opal is a Stone of Lemurian Consciousness.

Below, is a piece of my note page with some crystal spirit images, one of which is the Lemurian Golden Opal crystal spirit, and a close-up of that image.








The image I saw when I connected to the spirit of the crystal was a woman with dark hair, that was in a wrapped white gown that had a Lemurian/Hawaiian aspect to her and radiated golden light around her head, that was standing in a verdant forest.  She represented Divine Feminine energy, like a mother goddess.  The golden halo effect around her head I fashioned in what seemed to me as a Lemurian style.  I learned that she raises you up with her blessings and nurturing energy.  She radiates Love and her heart and mind are connected and raised in conscious awareness of the loving interconnectedness of all.  She achieves this by dissolving all sense of division and separation from other beings – people, plants, and animals – to the understanding that all are one.  She radiated Lemurian consciousness that enhances clairvoyance, telepathy, psychic abilities, and empathy that were prevalent in Lemuria (and so the focus was on her “third eye”).

I then painted the illustration – often with a combination of acrylics, watercolors, and colored pencils, adding the image of the crystal spirit into the illustration.  For this card, the spirit was placed like a jewel on her forehead.  The white star of the crystal spirit radiated golden light, just as the female figure did.  Yellow and golden light, like the Yellow Ray of Wisdom, and the Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness, represent the mind and higher consciousness.  Here is the painted image.

In formatting the cards, I added this image to a colored background, with the title of the crystal and an image of the crystal at the top, so that you would know what the crystal looked like. 

I did this process for all 54 crystals, and combined all this information into a book, and added the card layouts, key descriptive words, card meanings, affirmations, locations the crystals originate from, and listed the chakras and divine rays that they are associated with. 

My guides felt it was important to add the locations of where these crystals can be found in the world.  I feel the importance of this is that when we connect to a crystal, we connect to the land it originated from.  One can travel virtually to a location on the planet by connecting to a crystal.  For instance, I can use Stonehenge Bluestone crystal to connect to Stonehenge.  With the Lemurian Golden Opal, it is only found in Madagascar.  So, by connecting to this opal, you can connect to the energies of Madagascar.

Finally, I got the completed book and cards printed in December 2024. 

I hope you found my process interesting.  I was enthralled to step into the crystal kingdom once again, and I hope the energies of these crystals open the door and invite you into their kingdom as well.  It is a fascinating and rewarding journey!





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