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Nature’s Devas

by Nancy Robbins



     The Sanskit word “Deva” means “Shining Ones,”as the devas are related to the Angelic Kingdom.  Devas are the architects and intelligences that create and maintain the blueprints and architectural patterns for all forms, and processes in the solar, planetary, and interplanetary realms in accordance with the natural law of this physical dimension. Nothing can exist in this world of form without the direct supervision of a Deva and their plan behind it. 


     However, devas, and consequently elementals, are under obligation to “materialize” whatever they pick up from the thoughts and feelings of mankind, and are often tortured by this.  The goal of mankind was to create “heaven on earth”, but as humanity’s thoughts and feelings fell to lower consciousness, they were compelled to manifest against their preference, often resulting in the extreme weather and environmental conditions we are experiencing.  The devas and elementals, by the will of Gaia, are working to purify the air, water and land to restore the health of the planet, although they are overwhelmed with the task.  We can work with them to solve Earth’s pollution and imbalances due to human abuse, ignorance, and arrogance, as well as improving human health in the body itself. 


     Devas are beautiful and magnificent beings that, like the Angelic realm, have an hierarchical system.  A deva that oversees a “team” of devas is known as the Over-lighting Deva.  The evolution of Devas is speeding up in synchronization with the evolution of the human family.  As humans learn to work more closely with devas, they will learn how to heal, manifest, and enhance their etheric bodies, as the devas hold the patterns that underlie all living and growing things on the planet.


     Devas are great supportive mentors and can also help “rewire” our energetic bodies for higher frequencies and for better communication.  Devas, along with humanity, are assisting Mother Earth in her ascension process to another level of consciousness.  The more we connect into a unified network of Christ consciousness, human hearts, and the energies of Earth’s crystalline grid, we assist devas to perform their tasks with greater efficiency, and all progress in ascension.  The devas are the feminine aspect that is receptive, passive, and waits for instruction.  Humanity is the masculine aspect that is responsible for providing the thought forms which the devas embody.  Before anything exists on the physical plane, it must first be created as a thought, whether we are conscious of it or not.  This thought, energized by desire is picked up by the devas and is then materialized into form.  So, anything that we can see on this physical plane is a result of a thought energized by desire which the devas have brought into form – everything contains devic life.  Now is the time to bring into our reality the fifth dimensional consciousness.


Here are two examples of devas – Plant Devas and Over-Lighting Devas:



Architect of a Plant

 Devas have a human-like form within a brilliant radiance of light, that especially radiates from the head and chest.  A plant deva is an air elemental, and is nature’s architect that creates a blueprint for a plant to be manifested from.  A plant deva receives rhythmic cosmic vibrations from a Landscape Angel and translates it into a concrete patterning.  The deva also takes information from fairies that carry forth the Earth’s consciousness and weaves the two patterns into a unique quality – a unified energy pattern. They are living energy forms that magnetically attract physical matter to an energetic blueprint.  Fairies and other elementals will work from that blueprint plan to manifest the perfection of the pattern into form.


PLANT DEVA’S MESSAGE: “I organize and create the energetic blueprint for the look, smell, and healing qualities of a plant in accordance with the over-lighting deva, and the higher angels and devas.  This blueprint is the pattern from which elementals will create the plant, for the well-being of Earth and humanity.”


REFLECTION:  It is time for you to be creative and explore your imaginative skills.  Imagine that you are creating a plant.  As you design your plant, engage all your senses – what will it look like?  How does it smell? Does it have a taste?  What is its texture like, and how does it feel to the touch?  Does it make a sound?  How does it make you feel?  What healing qualities does your plant possess?  Do you have a name for your plant?  Does it have a sacred geometric pattern in its blueprint?  What divine qualities does it possess?  Create your plant in colorful detail, as if you were a deva of a new and exquisite plant. 



Energy Field Supervisor

Over-Lighting Devas are considered a high air elemental.  They look like human-like forms within radiant light, like an angel with wings that are more of a field of light.  The Over-lighting Deva reigns from the air and takes impulses from the Landscape and Earth Angels, and Fairy Queens in that environment, and weaves the energy patterns into a unique quality that resonates in that environment.  They supervise that energy field and its energetic form and structure, and work with a host of devas that create the blueprints for the various plants and trees in that environment, and the fairies that help fulfill those patterns. 


OVER-LIGHTING DEVA MESSAGE: “I help to create and maintain the energy field of a specific place in a landscape.  I can work with your intent in this creation along with the higher divine plan of Gaia.  Your energy affects this energy field and either you live harmoniously within it and support it, or you hinder the well-being of this energetic pattern.  This is a reflection of your energy field in this way – serving as a mirror.  You have the opportunity of moving into harmony energetically – which will support your own energy field and expanded awareness.  My task serves to ultimately help you flow with the evolutionary shift in harmony with the Earth.”


REFLECTION:  It is time to think about the environment that you create around you energetically and emotionally.  How do your frequencies based on your emotions, attitudes, intent, and beliefs define the quality of your home and work environments, or even your auric field that affects everywhere you go?  You choose and create the effect of your energy field.  You also choose how to receive outside influences and keep yourself balanced and empowered.







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