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Negativity Purifier Spray Kits


Negativity Purifier Kit

At this time on Earth we are going through one of the biggest changes in human history.  For the first time ever the planet is moving from 3D to 5D and taking us along for the ride!  Needless to say we are transforming at a blinding speed.  Just before 2012 I was aware that we were processing and transforming a great deal.  It occurred to me that we and our home environment needed to constantly clear the old energy we were releasing to make way for the new so that we wouldn’t be stuck in all our old patterns.  Our home serves as a template for us reflecting who we are, so changing the home environment helps us to change.  I asked Archangels Michael and Raphael to help this situation with a spray that would help transmute the old energy and raise our vibration – thus the Negativity Purifier spray was born!  This spray is my top seller and is having spectacular results for people.  It is most powerful in clearing depression and stress.  When used in a household it will shift the entire household into harmony.  People report feeling more centered and calm and can operate at their highest potential.  Perfect!  It’s doing what it was designed to do and more!  Even pets benefit, especially if they are having emotional issues.

This 4 oz. spray contains essential oils, crystal essences and flower essences, and the energies of Archangels Michael and Raphael.  You can buy the spray alone, but for first time users I recommend the Negativity Purifier Kit which comes with a booklet that explains how to clear your environment and set an intention in each room of your house.  You can spray yourself and I recommend you spray your home and work environment as well.

Deluxe Negativity Purifier Kit

This spray also comes in a Deluxe Negativity Purifier Kit which comes with an expanded version of the booklet that includes information on how to work with Archangel Michael for deeper clearings where you want to cut the cords on issues that are inhibiting your growth.  It also comes with an Archangel Michael glycerin soap with frankincense and tangerine essential oils.


mini Neg Pur - Aqua kit picgood

This spray is also comes in a Mini 1 oz. size in a “mini double” kit which includes a 1 oz. Negativity Purifier spray and a 1 oz. Aquarian Light spray.  The Aquarian Light spray was requested by the Pleiadians to be made to help us assimilate 5th dimensional energy.  So it is a “step 2” in raising our vibration from the “step 1” of the Negativity Purifier spray.  Both of these sprays come with a small booklet in an organza bag.

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