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New Awareness for the New Earth – a message from ADAMA for the Spring Equinox

This is a channeled message from ADAMA for the Spring Equinox:

ADAMA:  “Spring is a time of hope and new beginnings and this is especially true now as the fifth dimensional frequency is strong on this planet now which is forming the New Earth.  this means new ways of thinking and caring are replacing old habits that no longer serve humanity or can continue to exist in the new higher frequencies.  The plan is for Earth and humanity to ascend into the higher frequencies – Ascension.  Therefore, this is a time of taking one or two steps closer to merge with your higher self.  Open your awareness by opening your mind and heart to the new.  Expand your understanding – now is a time of transformation and new growth.  Take a moment to tune into your soul energy in your heart and listen.  

“The color frequency that will support this is the Green Ray of Truth, Healing, and Science.  It is the energy of balance, harmony, the heart, and new growth.  Living in your truth brings health.  Connecting with crystals and stones that are green will help support you at this time as you connect to your heart, the heart of Earth, and the fifth dimensional frequencies.  Here are a few:”

Green Prehnite – for supportive love that nourishes growth and communication with higher beings.  It links the heart with the will so you take action from the promptings of your heart.  It’s spring green color is a combination of the divine golden light mixing with the green Earth energy – a blend of heaven and earth.

Emerald – the wellspring of love for compassion, healing, and abundance.

Green Aventurine – for rejuvenation – vitality, growth, confidence, optimism, and connection with Earth.

Green Calcite – for heart balance – emotional balance and stress relief.

Peridot – cleanses negative patterns in the heart to make space for new growth, clarity and well-being.

Chrysoprase – expands compassion in the heart and deeper connection with nature.

Moldavite – serves as a vehicle of transformation that uplifts you into higher vibrations and accelerates your spiritual evolution.

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